Why are there only 2 genders

We have this gender class in my highschool and we were asked to do an assignment about gender, hit me up with some reasons why are there onlt 2 genders. (bonus points for sources/other places to read)

Because x chromosome and y chromosome
End of story

you are a kike faggot, so you aren't capable of understanding nature. kys plz.

Because men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Everything else is not even a planet.

burger edcuation at its finest
>if you dont agree with me your s poopy insult kys

Jews jewed themselves


if anyone in your class points out that other cultures have more than one gender please counter with that is only a thing because those cultures don't accept transexuals and/or homosexuals (e.g. ladyboys in southeast asia are considered a third gender because they are not culturally accepted as women, native american tribes have separate genders for gay men and gay women because they don't accept that they are just homosexual, they impose on them that there must be something wrong with them and the gods accidentally put in the soul of another person too or something retarded, ect) this throws libshits for a real loop

yea, you potatos have been living with jews since 1200. I hope they didnt rub off too much on you.

I was just about to make this edit. Bravo.

You need to fix your retarded handwriting or use your keyboard next time.

It's either there are 2 genders based on your biology, or ZERO genders and the term simply means fashion because the social construct of gender is meaningless.
2 or nothing. You should be able to understand why pretty easily if you logic it out. Non-binary genders extremely don't exist.

The way the English language understands "gender". Gender in the English language is used to describe the sex of a person, much like an adjective. This is why, to many non English speakers the idea of many genders seems absurd.
At least that's the way I have come to know it.

For fucks sake you moron this literally says pnopcntx

>dumb mutts can't read handwriting

you just proved my point again burger you have the silmplistic mentality of just name calling people for little to no reasoning. But whats even worse is that it means no fucking sense at all what do you mean by jews being in irealnd where did you even get that bullshit from anyway

Because only 2 genders are needed for reproduction. One either carries eggs, or sperm.

You have the handwriting of an autistic first grader.

>mfw they had to add even more fucking unknown variations to Pokemon

Better Example

No, I have the handwriting of someone who is writing with his finger on a screen

Well Pierre, it's as I said, do better or use a keyboard next time. There's enough shit-tier OC floating around as it is

Because gender is a term that refers to all cultural understanding of sexual characteristics
There are two opposing sexes (see chromosomes)
Therefore, as malleable as gender can be, it is a reflection of a binary, and is likewise a binary

>See's flag

You have a lot of liberals of that callibur in Israel?

Anyways, the Laws of Physics, the Laws of Nature, and the Laws of Human Anatomy don't allow anything outside male and female. That's it. Anything outside that is a mutation or a mental disorder.

What your opponents will tell you is semantics. They will say that you are talking about biological sex and not gender. This is semantics. Semantics?


>I"m not fat, I'm chubby
>I'm not ugly, I'm exotic-looking
>I'm not short, I'm height-challenged

That is semantics. It's the same thing, they will play dumb and pretend changing the word changes the reality it doesn't.

They will tell it it's a spectrum. It is not. That's as illogical as saying people with 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 fingers on one hand is a spectrum and "diversity." It is not, it is a mutation. The Laws of physics and the laws of human anatomy demand only 5 fingers on each hand. Nothing more nothing less. Another good example is blind people. Blind is not a social construct, it is not a "visual spectrum." It is a mutation and a deformity. It is not diversity.

Tell them immediately they are playing semantics when they try to push the gender vs biological sex nonsense. Force them to stay on the biological topic and dismiss "culture" and "social constructs." The "culture" and "social" arguments are strawmen. Constantly tell them "we are not talking about society and culture." We are talking about nature and the laws of physics. Force them to live up to their rules no matter what.

the word for a person's sex is sex. English speakers, because of the lack of gender in the language and therefore not knowing what it actually means, confused it with the word sex. This is why many are surprised when they see masculine and feminine nouns in other European languages. Those have nothing to do with biology, they are simply different declension types.
It got popular during the 50s, when transgenderism, sexual relativism, started to kick in. Psychologists started the idea that male and female are interchangeable, and they required a word, or a certain category, to make that thesis.

The others carries diseases.

As a burger, I would like to say that any whites that believe "the jews are keeping me down" are the niggers of the white race.
We now return you to the previously scheduled stupidity

>Those have nothing to do with biology
referring to masculine and feminine
men and women
boy and girl
women's names and men's names
nothing to do with biology
>special snowflake detected
After you suicide, I hope your parents put your birth name and reference you by your birth sex, on your headstone

I'm talking about nouns, language. Not living beings.

Trans is a mental illness
What you are attracted to/fetishes do not constitute as a different gender or sexuality.

you're already partially androgynous according to judaism

The idea of gender itself is false. Sex is all there is. The scientist who developed the idea of gender based his ideas off a twin study wherein one of the twins suffered a botched circumcision and had his penis lopped off. The other male twin was raised traditionally as a male but the one who suffered the botched operation was taken under the care of this quack psychologist who theorized that he could be raised as a female to resolve his trauma. Long story short the male without a penis who was raised as a girl committed suicide. I forget the name of the psychologist, hopefully some user will supply it - but that's where the idea of gender as distinct from sex first arose in scientific literature, and leftists completely ignore that it was a complete failure.

What is there to read? Pnopenty?



Me on the bottom

So what does the apche helicopter gender do in bed asking the real questions now

John Money is the psychologist, he was Jewish too iirc.

we need to make a .io game with all these faggotty icons