Can we talk about cultural Marxism in the new Star Wars trilogy?


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>In worlds where that's idealized People like me are exterminated

Ideal indeed


Kylo Ren did nothing wrong.

I want people like her shipped to Congo.
Where there are no evil why peepoh.

These people frighten me. They are already the type of people who will be in power. They are already saying how black/Muslim people were a vital part of ancient societies in Europe. This is a lie. They were marginal at best. But it will soon be racist to say that

Her entire post was nonsense.

Umh, sweetie... I think you're talking about jewish supremacy in soviet Russia.


>maintaining your tribe is white supremacy
Fuck off bitch.

Leftist thought has been rooted in their complex of inferiority for a long time, but it used to be more subtle

pseudointellectual garbage. unfortunately the big words fool kids into thinking there's something to it.

>Starting sentences with "So"
>immediately creating the impression that you're talking down to the reader

just infuriating

Imagine needing a fictional space fantasy to validate your world view.

Is there a comprehensive list of all the virtue signalling the new Star Wars film has done somewhere in the ether?


>we wuz Kangz
>blood lines are why peepō shiz

What did Zir mean by this?

Hm... let's try this out...

>So, I'm gonna have to disagree with you.

...Well you are definitely not wrong...



