Reminder to Christians Jews are not God's chosen

Jews feel diabolic revulsion towards Jesus because they are children of Satan. There is no path to God but through his Son Jesus. The defining characteristic of all Jews regardless of their ideologies, is the rejection of this sacrifice for their sins. They control this material world and have corrupted the very fabric of humanity with their power. Do not be deceived in this time of the strong delusion.

"I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life,
Nobody Comes To The Father Except Through Me"

God doesn't choose people.
People choose God.

What are you fucking gay?


A reminder that all desert religions are mind control bullshit.

the Abrahamic religions are a brain cancer holding humanity back from reaching its potential.

>the Abrahamic religions are a brain cancer holding humanity back from reaching its potential.

>presenting a false choice and portraying both sides through fallacious hyperbolic misrepresentations

that only works on the ignorant and cowards.

Keep telling that to yourself.

What's hyperbolic about that? I live in a very progressive liberal city and that shit is part and parcel here.

The picture represents the ignorant and cowards on the right. A picture of you would fit nicely there AMIRITE?

>They control this material world and have corrupted the very fabric of humanity with their power.
How do you take that power away from them?


Fuck off faggot, without universal morals degeneracy breaks out and there is no universal morals without a religion or something resembling it. Humans participated in various religions throughout the entire history of humanity, so do you really think a human society can properly function of it's made of retarded egoistic hedonist fedorafags?

The jews are God's chosen people. He has used them to spread the Word of God. God also uses what is weak in the world to shame the strong. It is no coincidence God lowered himself into humanity and into a jew...the lowest of humanity. Convert a jew, Jesus loves it.

>How do you take that power away from them?
That is the 6 Gorillion dollar question

You are absolutly correct.

Abraham haggled with God.

Jacob fought God.

Moses argued with God.

Those led into the desert perished because of disobedience.

The entire history of Israel is the history of stubborn kikes doing stubborn kike things, killing the prophets and murdering those sent to them, and then finally offering up the Son as though He was a man of no repute. All this is the undeniable history of the Israelites.

And yet some Christians still made stupid-ass posts like the OP pretending modern days Jews are some devil-people or Khazar clones vastly different from the Chosen People of Ye Olden Golden Times. They were shit then too, and Supersessionism is heresy.

We will not suffer communists in our country much longer. Make your choice soon

You have a problem with billions of people basing their life choices on following an insane fuck who was convinced God wanted him to kill his son?

Wait, no - that's what God did with Jesus. Sorry. (Happy child cannibalism ritual of Eucharist, though.)

> There is no path to God but through his Son Jesus

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>And yet some Christians still made stupid-ass posts like the OP pretending modern days Jews are some devil-people or Khazar clones vastly different from the Chosen People of Ye Olden Golden Times. They were shit then too, and Supersessionism is heresy.
Spoken like a forked tongue kike. We know who you are Shlomo. Jesus can save even you tho.