Smoking cigarettes is final stage of redpill

Smoking cigarettes is final stage of redpill

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

so you are so bored that you posted something that someone else wrote, hoping that people would respond to that other persons words and you could get the attention for it? id prob kill myself if i were that much of a faggot

>finding pleasure sucking a phallic object that throws a white substance in your mouth
>using the cancer jew
>using an adult pacifier

I thought prostate milking was the final redpill? (((They))) want us to deny ourselves this wonderful pleasure, increasing our risk of contracting ass cancer. Really makes ya think.

Shoo, shoo, Philip Morris shill
Smoking new world plants is degenerate af

Who is this faggot and why does he want me to smoke so much?

To me, life is in fact a contest about who lives the longest.

Based Dana ciggie poster.

Even though this is a botpost I will always chuckle at this shit.

>b-but it kills you

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

I'll never forget the first time my mom coughed up a piece of lung when she was dying.

Everyday this is posted and the worthless mods allow it.

I love smokeing but it makes me want to die, every time i smoke i cannot get hard. i am pretty young person too. What a dumb thread

take the dried ginger pill
fancy hard ons and fresh mouth without giving up on our lungs and oral fixation
win - win

You sound like you tried to quit 50 times

nice reddit spacing

my favourite shitpost
I even smoked a couple of cigarettes in moderation to no ill effect

only people with a low self control are getting addicted to cigarettes. I love smoking, but I dont do it every day and can go days without it

say that again in a few years time.. that's how everyone starts with smoking dude,,

20 years ago I smoked 1 package per week... Now it's almost 1 per day.

Thanks asshole, ive only just put one out and now i want another one.

Oh, and op is a shill for a tobacco company. Sooner or later a brand will be mentioned ITT, theres your guy

Start smoking cigarettes

Has the tobacco industry seriously dropped to the low point where they've taken to advertising in Sup Forums shitposts? Sad

no they're making good money.

they just shill their shit to overseas thirdworlders instead of in Western nations now



Honesty I just wish there was a way to smoke a pipe without looking like a fucking hipster. Normally I'm not particularly self-conscious about how I dress or whatever but it's just a really bad look.

But pipe smoking smells better, tastes better, leaves less of a disgusting stale odor on your hair and clothes, is usually cheaper, is easier to do in moderation, and doesn't leave you with cigarette butts that you have to chuck on the ground like a douchebag. It's just an objectively better alternative.

There are cigars, of course, but it's not like you're going to light up a cigar just walking around the city or during a smoke break at work, it's just not practical.

Did, did she swallow it back down?

god this place is dogshit

Just smoke the pipe. Who gives a shit what people think.

emphysema is one of the worst common ways to die

>I don't smoke
Hahahahahah what are you a fucking faggot lmao numale retard you probably love to choke on dick haha
>why should I smoke?
Uhm, its cool? Fucking idiot!

Fuck off and die, you Phillip Morris shill scumbag.

I forget the exact context but just last night i was getting on my buddy's shit for drinking too much and how he must always feel like shit, and he was like hur dur you smoke a pack a day and I was like yeah, and I feel fucking awesome while youre sleeping one off like a nigger. He agreed that cigarettes were the white mans drug so hopefully he'll change course soon and get off the booze and onto some butts

I do, and so do you, even if you pretend otherwise online. Everybody who isn't autistic or a shut-in does (and I'm talking literal autistic people, not "t. autist" insult memes). Like I said, mostly I dress the way I want to dress, but there are exceptions. A few months ago I was looking for a hat, not for fashion but to keep the rain off my head, and astoundingly enough I did not pick a fedora.

I smoke a pipe and in no way shape or form project being a fucking hipster. It's a classic way to smoke tobacco. Get a classic design like a derby and you're fine.

>smoke break at work
I hate you lazy bastards so much.
>There are cigars
That are super gay.

>cigarettes were the white mans drug
No, they're gays and poor scum easily sold shit by jew advertising.
>I feel fucking awesome
Yeah, sure.
If you acre what people think why do you smoke? Because people think scum like you are filth and should die.
>It's a classic way to smoke tobacco
It's a classic way to look like a piece of shit.

You've never smoked a pipe and clearly lack the constitution to do so successfully.

>You've never smoked a pipe
Yeah, because I'm not vermin like you.
>lack the constitution to do so successfully.
The fuck is this supposed to mean? "You don't do self-harm? What a weak scrub!"? You smokers are stupid as fuck.

It means that you have piss poor genes that increase your susceptibility to carcinogens you fucking mutt. You can't even appreciate an aromatic blend with your scotch.

>appreciate an aromatic blend
Yeah, no, I can't appreciate breathing smoke because it's a bad thing. If you like things like breathing smoke or cutting yourself there is something seriously wrong with you.

Oh wow, so you clearly have no experience with men smoking pipes... You don't "breathe" the smoke, you puff on it for taste.

idk about you guys but here in dc the only people who smoke fags are fags. smoking literally means you're gay, so if you light up here, you are literally advertising for another man to stick it up the pooper. not that there's amything wrong with that though, gay sex is the ultimate blackpill.


Slide thread, move on everyone

You seem retarded

Huh, maybe Bill Hicks IS still alive...
But seriously though, smoke joints not cigarettes