Why does Sup Forums have no compassion for refugees/immigrants...

Why does Sup Forums have no compassion for refugees/immigrants? Imagine if it were your family that were undergoing such hardship. These people have undergone terrible conditions of strife and poverty while you sit in your suburbs make your bigoted comments, but you wouldn't survive an hour in their shoes. It makes me wonder if you are all serious are just being edgy to fit in.

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Ok. Return them to their family at their shit hole.


Well according to leftist ideology every race and culture are equal so why would it matter if she lived in Mexico or the US.

Use your bagel oven to feed Mexicans? Look at this kindhearted Sup Forumsack over here.

My country is just that, mine. I will stay, endure it's hardships, and rebuild on the rubble. My Family name is on fucking Monticello. We're bound to this country. To run from the hardships of your own country, is just cowardice at its finest.

I wouldn't expect the smallest country in the world to understand. Had you not been filled with so many buildings related to the EU. I'm sure one of the European powers would have used your country as a dumping ground.

>You wouldn’t survive an hour in their shoes
You’re right, I probably won’t survive in their shoes considering they are too poor to even own shoes.

>Why does Sup Forums have no compassion for refugees/immigrants?
Implying Sup Forums is one person

> Imagine if it were your family that were undergoing such hardship.
I would help them because they are my own flesh and blood, these refugees are not so therefore I am not required to assist them.

>These people have undergone terrible conditions of strife and poverty while you sit in your suburbs make your bigoted comments
Just because we as a society have sorted our problems out it does not mean we are required to sort theirs out, unless you are making the assumption that they lack the mental capacity and the fortitude to do so which sounds awfully racist, are you a racist user?

>It makes me wonder if you are all serious are just being edgy to fit in.
Welcome to Sup Forums, take a soda, sit down and enjoy!

>Imagine if it were your family that were undergoing such hardship.
I'd be fucking fighting whatever is trying to displace me, you fuck
exactly as I'm doing RIGHT NOW, you fucking jew

>Why does Sup Forums have no compassion for refugees/immigrants?
My problem is that it's an invasion of the west, orchestrated and conducted by our own governments, under the guise of/mislabeled as a "refugee crisis."
>These people have undergone terrible conditions of strife and poverty
They have been living this way for centuries, and will most likely continue to do so for centuries to come.

>leave brown country to flee the violence, crime, and drugs
>move to the relative safety of a white country
>take up residence in a brown community in that country
>communities typically known for their violence, crime, and drugs
They aren't fleeing hardship, they are looking for gibs.

do not feed the ducks

Why do poor brown people always feel the need to have ten kids when they can barely feed themselves?

Compassion gets you killed and/or raped.

Because resources are not infinite, and suffering does not contain worth.

Example: Some starving African has a miserable life. They're hungry, they have diseases, they have no possessions. Pitiable, right? Okay, now let's say that African has 10 children with a fellow starving african. Now their suffering is increased tremendously. Now we have 12 starving Africans within this family suffering a terrible life.

Now let's say their children all have 10 children etc etc. These people have created an entire country full of suffering, hungry people. And what you're saying is that I should sacrifice my country's well-being. My country that has its shit together and doesn't breed like crazy and create more misery machines. That we should have to dismantle that piece by piece so these breeding machines can be more comfortable.

There is no end to the number of refugees. First world countries can't absorb 3rd world misery. Nothing is solved by taking these people in. We're sinking our own countries trying to extend a hand to these people because we aren't solving a problem. We're just taking on more and more of their burden while they breed more problems for us to take on.

That's why I don't have that much sympathy for them.


Ma da géi dach schloofen Jang. Wat mëss de esou spéit nach op ?

>These people have created terrible conditions of strife and poverty


No Sup Forums isnt satire.
a terrifying amount of blood will flow.

>sitting in my suburb

If you could call it that

My suburb is not becoming any more like the middle east. Not one percent


Any service we offer there should be free contraceptives and sex education, if anything. Just because it has a human face, doesn't mean it shares the same intelligence.

There are hundreds of millions of people who fall into this category. Are you going to accept them all?

When you are in a lifeboat which is full to capacity, and there are hundreds of others scrambling to get onboard, compassion is only going to get yourself and everyone else in the lifeboat killed as well.

Send some of their more attractive children over here so we can have something tiny and helpless to fuck, it doesn't matter if we hurt them either there's so many of them lol

They know suckers like OP will continue to provide them with handouts or pay for them to move to his country.

What is the best way to fix the problem in this pic?

because the whole situation was concocted too destabilize and destroy white countries, culture and people. its not a natural refugee situation and the current bought and paid for governments in yurop are followung the script.


Because our own societies are suffering to the charity we have shown and the fact they stay parasites their entire time in our nation's.

We can't save the world.
As this appears to be a bait post Ima have to sage you

I'm a first generation immigrant from the Philippines. I know first hand that problems of any society stem from culture and the ruling power. These "refugees" need to take command of their own circumstances, and if they want to go to any Western country, they need to respect the systems in place. Even funnier is that 90% (an estimate) aren't even considered refugees. I'm all for helping someone get out of a situation they have absolutely no ability to control outside of picking up a weapon, but that's not the case and it's a obviously a PR tactic to paint it as such. European (mostly the E.U) bureaucracies are allowing in anything and everything for an agenda, and not out of any sort of compassion or humanity.

Fast attack frigates and a pool of sharks.

tl;dr you picked the wrong girl to blackmail me with from the beginning

1. I immigrated here with my family.
2. We had hardship and experienced war.
3. We paid back at least our tickets, the goverment has been there for me so all my faily learned English, and we are not muslime.

No illegal immigration.
No muslimes, which is what we are geting.
No segregation, if you are here you better be greatful.

You wait your turn dont be a cry baby using tactics like muslime are!

Because 75-90% of them are men in their 20-30s from countries who are not even at war to begin with

because they are criminals

The more niglets they have the more unemployment money they get.

It's annoying when they say deportation is breaking up families. The kids are welcome to go back with the parents but they leave them in the US. The families are the ones breaking up their family.

let me help you




The justice system separates families EVERY SINGLE DAY when it locks up criminals who have kids. The solution is not to throw out the law books.

Most of them will die during childbirth or when young due to disease, this means the more kids they shit out the more likely at least one of them will survive until they're 10 before starving to death, being shot, being raped and shot, or being cannibalised.



Also, isn't the definition of Asian in Europe different than that of the U.S. Doesn't it include "Middle-Easterns"?


Yah the us and Canada have the best type of Asians. Our Asians are the smelly loud Pakis and Indians. I guess contientials use middle easterners as the group for Asians.


Now you have Trudeau who is letting in an ridiculous number of migrants per year to Canada. I feel bad for you, sincerely.

Shit's colonization, war is the only solution to this sadly. They won't leave peacefully, I promise.

My state is shitty but it's still my fucking state and I'm going to live here (or close to it) forever.
I'm not going to run away from it like some faggot.

Holy Shit Algerians... I didn't even know they had that many Algerians in Germany. Bruh fuk dat.

>no compassion for immigrants or refugees
Because I live on an island and it is physically impossible to get to my country without passing through several safe countries. If you arrive in my country you are an economic parasite.

Because everything outside of an individuals everyday sphere of life is a lie.
The social engineering of "care" about anyone not in your immediate community is a lie.
The actual act of care for other communities outside of the one you live in is detrimental to your own well being.

>you wouldn't survive an hour in their shoes.

We don't have to survive an hour in their shoes because we are white and our civilization and countries belong to us and our progeny.

These niggers are responsible for their own culture and countries.

I have never asked for their pity and I wouldn't get it anyway. Why am I asked to give them mine? Fuck their sand culture and religion and fuck you OP.

>They fled their countries because persecution,
>We give them safety
>No gibs beyond bare minimum necessities
>They ask to be resettled in 1st world countries with more gibs
Stop gibs to stop """refugees"""

dont get mad at me, God wants them to suffer while i grow plump.

>I have never asked for their pity and I wouldn't get it anyway.

Because they aren't refugees? Are you fucken stupid? Most refugees who from Syria are in neighboring countries because they intend to go home when the war is done. The ones who got Europe and other western countries are there for the money and aren't even from war torn countries. They should stay in there own country and work on making it rich instead of being leaches in our countries

My ancestors didn't work and die for some random stranger whos ancestors were to stupid to build a decent society.