Yakumo-san wa Edzuke ga Shitai

Story of a high school boy and a widow

Translating and dumping the Korean version of Chapter 15.

Page 1

Yakumo: "Hmm, should I buy a bicycle?"

Yakumo: "What?"

>Chapter 15
Are the other 14 translated?

Page 2

"Shall I warm your heart?"

Stop translating this used gfoods manga I will rekt your mum I swear to god

Page 3

Yakumo: "Ah"

Yakumo: "Are you....his little sister?"

Yeah by another group but they handle tankobon releases which are every 8 months.

Neat, will lurk

Page 4

Yakumo: "The person who lives next door usually comes home pretty late"

Sakura (the imouto): "Yes"

Yakumo: "Then feel free to stay here and wait"

Yakumo: "You really are his sister. I was able to tell instantly."

Yakumo: "I'm pleased to meet-"

Sakura: "Do you know when Yakumo is coming back?

By the way, I'm going to get dinner so I'll be back in a few minutes

Page 5:

Yakumo: "A-ah, that's might be a problem"

Sakura: "So"

Sakura: "Since you are my brother's new friend, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Sakura, and I am Yamato's little sister"


Page 6:

Sakura: "I know that feeding him is a lot of work, so thank you"

Yakumo: "A-ah just wait"

Yakumo: "Did you hear all of this from Yakumo."

Sakura: "Yes, I heard it all from my mom"

Page 7:

Yakumo: "A-ah, that's interesting..."

Sakura: "Thank you for the drink"

Yakumo (thinking): "I wonder why he told them. I thought Yamato-kun's meetings with me were secret but he told his mom."

Sakura: "Is my brother repaying you well for cooking for him? Me as well as my mom are worried that he's not thanking you enough"

Yakumo (thoughts): "Well he did offer it to me but it felt like stolen money so I rejected it"

Yakumo: "Y-yes, I accepted his money"

Sakura: "Then that's good to hear"

Yakumo: "I heard from Yakumo that your mother is quite busy'

Sakura: "Yes."

Page 8:

Sakura: "My mom's job? She works for a bank. She travels to America often. I think she's in LA now"

Yakumo: "Wow...that's pretty amazing"

Sakura: "It is pretty cool. And my dad? He's a cameraman"

Sakura: "Both of them are pretty busy so they don't really mind if my brother lives alone."

Sakura: "But I'm here to make sure he's living a healthy and proper life"

Sakura: "I also wanted to come here and greet you myself for helping him"

Yakumo (thoughts): "Wow.... She's so mature!"

Yakumo: "A-ah you don't have to bow. Please come this way."

NOTE: These pages are fucking killing me. They're so long

Please keep going, I need my Cake-widow

Page 9:

Yakumo: "You spent half an hour on the train just to see him!?"

Sakura: "Yes."

Yakumo: "Wow, you're amazing!"

Sakura: "I used a smartphone to find this place."
smalltext: I'm going to eat these cookies SFX crunch crunch

Sakura: "Does my brother usually come around here?

Yakumo: "Yes...usually around 8 PM"

Sakura: "That's pretty late..."

Yakumo: "Ah, that's it!"

Yakumo: "Do you want to make your brother's food with me while you wait?"

Sakura: "U-uh okay"

>enter the little sister
please no incest route

Page 10:

Yakumo: "Your hair is quite beautiful and soft"

Sakura: "I'm not too experienced in knowing these types of things though"

Yakumo: "There we go!"

Yakumo: "The apron is a bit large though"

Yakumo really wants to have Sakura as her little sister too. So no incest route as you're about to see soon

Page 11:

Yakumo: "Is it too big?"

Sakura: "It's fine, thank you"

Yakumo: "It looks really cute on you!"

Sakura: "It's really comfy..."

Yakumo: "If you really like the apron that much, then I'll be happy to give it to you"

Sakura: "O-okay"

Sakura: "Thank you very much"

Yakumo: "Since it's a bit small for me, I don't use it anyways"

thanks user

Bumping for CUTE milf and comfy user, thanks a bunch

Page 12:

Yakumo: "Today's dinner will be hamburgers. It'd be nice if we could eat it all together"

Yakumo: "So you take this much in one hand and hold it like this"

Yakumo: "Once you make it into a ball, you flatten it like this"

Yakumo: "If you don't do that, then it will not cook properly"

Yakumo: "Sakura-chan, do you want to make one for your brother?"

Sakura: "Yes"

NOTE: Sakura is so fucking adorable

she's better then the childhood friend.

Page 13 (Some time has passed so they're in the middle of a conversation):

Yakumo: "I-it's been one week since Yakumo contacted you?!"

Sakura: "Yes"

Sakura: "I was so worried that something happened to him after school"

Yakumo: "W-what happened?"

Sakura: "Nothing happened to him yesterday or today though"

Sakura: "It's just that he never talks to me! Even since we were young!"

Sakura: "I even carried his trophies home for him and he still never talked!"

Sakura: "That guy!"

Yakumo: "Oh my..."

Yakumo (thoughts): "That hamburger is getting bigger and bigger...."

Page 14:

Hamburger page: (Top: Yakumo's hamburger, Bottom: Sakura's hamburger)

Sakura: "I'm not very good at this...."

Yakumo: "That's not true!"

Yakumo: "When I was your age, I didn't even think about cooking at all!"

Yakumo: "I'm certain that Sakura-chan will one day become better than me at cooking!"

Yakumo: "I'm sure your brother will be happy with you no matter what"

She definitely is. I love how Yakumo and Sakura are acting like sisters though since Yakumo is most definitely going to be her older sister in the future

Nothing like that. Just a little sister who is worried about her brother.

Page 15:

Yamato: "I'm home..."

Sakura: "Welcome back"

Aw, man, he tells his mom about her?

We've got a loooong way to go before kissu.

Page 16:

Yamato: "W-what are you doing here?!"

Sakura: "Why do you pretend to never read your text messages!!"

Yakumo: "Ah, welcome home Yamato-kun"

Sakura: "I came here because I was worried about you!"

Yakumo: "She was waiting outside so I decided to let her in and wait inside our home"

Yakumo: "Tadah! this is Sakura-chan's work. Sakura-chan's hamburger!"

Yamato: "Wow."

Sakura: "I knew you liked the big portions"

Yakumo: "I made it together with Sakura-chan"

Yamato: "Ah..."

NOTE: Pretty important distinction is that Yakumo and Yamato are starting to call Yakumo's place "our home."

Yamato clearly has feelings for Yakumo, though Yakumo herself is sort of dealing with her own emotions which are conflicted as well. She also has feelings but can't express them yet. We'll cover that when we get to the later chapters.

I've lived here long enough to be worried
who do you think we'll meet first.
the dad or mom

Page 17:

Sakura: "So was the hamburger I made delicious?"

Yamato: "Yeah, Yakumo's hamburger tastes good"

Sakura: "Grrrrrr"

Yakumo (thoughts): "All he had to say was that it tasted good...."

Yakumo: "Ah, Yamato-kun, since Sakura-chan has been worried about you so much, you should try to talk to her more often!"

Yamato: "A-ah, I'll be sure to do that...."

>lil sis knows
shut it down.jpeg

That face

Page 18:

Sakura: ......................

Yakumo: "So why didn't you reply in the first place?

Yamato: "When I was looking at LINE, the batteries died"

Yamato: "So I just forgot about it...."

Sakura: "Wait a minute!"

NOTE: Sakura is noticing Yakumo and Yamato's relationship

Page 19:

Sakura and Yamato: "Gochisosama! (basically it means good meal and you say it after dinner. Koreans have the same thing)

Yakumo: "Sakura-chan, are you going to sleep at Yamato-kun's home?"

Yamato: "I only have one blanket"

Sakura: "I'll just sleep at home. I have school tomorrow anyways"

Yamato: "Does dad know you're coming back at 9 PM?"

Sakura: "He already knows. I sent the LINE"

Yamato: "Don't cause any trouble at home"

Sakura: "I could say the same for you"

Yakumo (thoughts): "T-they can say all that to each other freely?"

Sakura: "Well, you seem to be doing well so I won't worry too much about you in the future then"

Yamato: "Eh?"

Speaking of later chapters, do we ever get clues about where her money comes from? Is she living off of her husband's life insurance or some sort of stipend?

does this mean she approves?

>"Gochisosama! (basically it means good meal and you say it after dinner. Koreans have the same thing)
Is this a 2002 scanlation?

Don't be snarky.

Page 20:

Sakura: "My father is waiting at the next station so I'll meet him there"

Yakumo: "Be careful! Sakura-chan, please keep watching over Yamato-kun!"

Yamato: "The train station is pretty close so I'll drop her off and come back here"

Yakumo: "Sakura-chan, please come back again! Our house is open to you anytime you want!"

Sakura: "Good night and thank you..."

Sakura: "Onee-chan, do you make sure to thank Yakumo-san for the meals and make sure to greet her every morning and night?"

Yamato: "I have school to do"

Yamato: "I do help her with cleaning and the dishes"

Yamato: "So I am trying to let her know"

Not yet but I'd assume insurance if the laws for widows is the same as Korea.

Most definitely. You'll see in the last few pages

It's the closest thing I have to a literal translation. Koreans and Japanese people still say this pretty much after most meals.

Based Koreans. Thanks OP

>our house again
I"m genuinely surprised the little sister didn't get jealous of Yakumo and tsun for onichan
and better still apporves of Yakumo
this just keeps getting better and better
thanks for the translation\dump

Page 21:

Sakura: "Yakumo-san is very kind"

Yamato: "Yup"

Sakura: "She laughs a lot, she cooks well, and she's very pretty"

Yamato: "Yeah....."

Sakura: "And she has big boobs..."

Yamato: "Idiot"

Sakura: "That hurt!"

Yamato: "Someone with no chest like you shouldn't say that (I extended it but that's the slang term for calling someone flat as a board)"

Sakura: "She also gave me her apron"

Yamato: "Ah, did you thank her for it"

Sakura: "Yes"

She just spent this entire page praising Yakumo and pushing it on her brother about how much of a good wife she is

Page 22:

Yamato: "Once you ride the train, call dad"

Sakura: "Okay"

Yamato: "Don't follow any strange guys and you can't take gifts from them either"

Sakura: ".............."

Sakura: "Well then, onee-chan"

Sakura: "Do your very best!"

NOTE: What Sakura said is basically something like "Gambatte!" or "Hwaiting!" in Korean

You dun fucked up

Page 23:

Yamato: "Okay!"

Yakumo (thoughts): "Ahhh, Sakura-chan was so cute"

Yakumo (thoughts): "If she comes again, I'll be sure to make her a properly sized apron."

Shit man, I don't know which one is which. I just know the Korean one.

>Do your very best!
gosh dang this is a breath of fresh air
sakura's a cute

>Our house

Really gets the neurons firing.

And that's it for Chapter 19!

Feel free to discuss anything, and I'll be sure to be back tomorrow or some day to post the other chapters!

Thanks for reading!

hold up
this 19?!
have you already posted the other chapters leading up to this?

Oh my bad I am a retard, I meant Chapter 15. There are 20 chapters out right now with the next one projected to come out on the 17th.

I dunno why I said 19

all good, thanks again for the TL

ok thanks I thought you had posted the other chapters without me noticing
last chapter I noticed posted was the one with them working out.

That was actually Chapter 20 but yeah I'm going to fill in 16-19 from this point and hopefully be able to provide regular translations from Korean.

I respect what the Japanese to English translators do but I can't wait 8 months per tankobon and I can read Korean so why not.

you have my deepest thanks user

not to shatter your illusions but she might be referring to her's and her late husband, rather than her and yamato.
bless you user

God bless Yakumo

God bless you


oppa = elder brother (from girl)

At least in Korean, she is referring to the terms "우리 집" which more often than not refers to people who both parties are familiar with. So in this case, since it is Yamato's sister, Yakumo would be referring to Yakumo and Yamato's house.

I know that, I just get the Japanese ones confused

Thanks, I wanted to see that point clarified.

>Sakura mentions Yakumo's housewife qualities
>Mentions her kindness, cooking, and big tits

Sakura totally wants Yakumo as her older sister. I can't wait till that actually happens

I now am left wondering how Sakura reacts to the blonde childhood friend.
will she tease her about having stiff competition?
or does she dislike her?

I get the feeling that Sakura dislikes the childhood friend (whose name I didn't even bother remembering). She seems like she's written to be intentionally annoying, and her worst nightmare is having Yakumo pregnant with Yamato's child.

Too bad that's just a vision of the future.

Yakumo made a reference to Yamato's sister before, and it really does seem like that Yakumo loves Sakura despite only meeting her once. She was a single child and didn't know how it felt to live in a family, so when she lost her husband, it understandably devastated her.

This is why I'm so happy to see this series because Yakumo grows as a person who learns that even unrelated families can rebuild past pains while Yamato grows as a man and learns how to deal with his first love as a widow who had a husband before. This really is a perfect manga and I feel like it'd be a great movie if they ever chose to go that way.

The only thing I'm fearing is some inevitable conflict where Yakumo can't face her feelings and feels that she's just replacing her ex-husband with Yamato, though I feel like that would end with Yamato proclaiming his love for her and saying he's a different person.

>whose name I didn't even bother remembering
same here
when did Yakumo reference Sakura?
Ireally love this siries too even if I found it while looking for fap material
that pic thats some 4d chess NTR going on

let this be his graduation picture

>Yakumo's smug ass face in the 2nd panel

Chapter 10

The best part is we all know it's going to happen. The omake in Chapter 7.5 even straight up says that Yamato prefers older women and that Yamato seems very reminiscent of Yakumo's ex-husband

thanks for the translation

Is it possible for this to receive an adaption?

If the popularity continues to grow, then yes. However, there are 20 chapters so it'll take awhile.

>Calling Yamato "Onii-chan"

What did she mean by this?

this is where I was hooked
she fantasizes about having a cool older brother

Is there a way we can save or screencap this? I don't want to have to sift through shit again to find this, and I don't want to lose this in case Sup Forums goes full meltdown and loses data again

And now in this chapter she wishes she had a little sister. It's possible too

Yakumo is pure! Stop lewding her!

save the page using your web browser? when this thread eventually slips into the archives open all the images and save it as a webpage

Real talk, is Yakumo a virgin?

I don't know if she is or not but I'm sure once Yamato gets to embrace her soft body and unleashes his baby batter inside of her womb that carrying their child will help her forget about her previous husband

>Real talk, is Yakumo a virgin?

I mean maybe she wasn't married long enough to lose her v-card. Sort of bother me a bit if she isn't since she's a formerly married woman who is just flirting the hell out of a younger man while she's still wearing her old wedding ring

Why is Yakumo-san so perfect?

Why is Sakura so perfect?

Why is Yamato so perfect?

Why is the childhood friend the only shit character?

Realistically she would certainly not be a virgin but in manga logic land I wouldn't at all be surprised if its a case where the husband died before he actually got to devirginize Yakumo

I suspect, given the tone of the manga, they're gonna go with her being a virgin

I would prefer the childhood character be the shit one.

Take a similar series to this one like Natsuzora and Run (baseball high school student falls in love with his teacher) where they had a much more likable childhood friend. The problem is, if you set her up as likable and a viable love rival then you have to devote more story to her to make that work. With Natsuzora, I liked the manga overall but they give her so much screen time that it kinda takes away from the main relationship. In the end we don't really learn much about the teacher besides "she's nice and pretty".

At least here in this story they're not fucking around, it's pretty obvious as fuck that it's never gonna work out with childhood friend. And Yakumo is just the sweetest character.

>given the tone of the manga, they're gonna go with her being a virgin

Could you explain this? I mean I wouldn't have an issue if that was the case, but I don't see how Yakumo being a virgin plays with the theme of the manga

Yeah I agree, Yakumo was slated to win since day 1 and I love it. I just feel like the childhood friend was intentionally written to be annoying as living hell, which she is.

Not really the theme of the manga, just the tone. What I mean to say is, the whole manga has a pretty lighthearted and romantic feel to it. I'd be surprised if the subject of her virginity is brought up in the first place to be honest. I just don't think they're going to go down the whole "I can't be with another man after lying with my husband" kinda thing.

That being said, I'm not saying that she is for sure a virgin. It just seems like unless they want to ramp up the drama in the latter half of the manga they probably won't go that direction

I really do wonder if they will make her a virgin or even mention it. Like you said, it's pretty uncharacteristic for this manga to mention it seeing as it is comfy and sweet.

I honestly think the worst we're going to get is when we learn how her husband died and how Yamato and Yakumo go in their inevitable little argument or separation when they try to realize their feelings for each other.

Unfortunately, this seems like it's going to take a really long time before it reaches that point. That being said, I have no clue how some people actually think they aren't going to end up together. The manga basically throws it at you from the beginning,

What is she doing here, guys? This looks more than a little sexual.

Holy fucking newfags, lurk more.

>>I suspect, given the tone of the manga, they're gonna go with her being a virgin
I seriously doubt it and it would probably be retarded if they did.

Never underestimate Japan's love for virgins and the shitstorm if she isn't.

That being said, I highly doubt they'll even mention it at all. Just implied.

>Natsuzora and Run
Suffered from bad writing and far too much baseball. It was infuriating how on and off they were, especially the teacher.
>I love him
>No, I can't I must give him up
>several chapters full of super cereal baseshit drama and muh kosinenenenewhatever the fuck muh senpai in what's supposed to be, MC can't focus on his baseshit game
>No, wait, I actually can't afterall
>Reset and repeat
For such similar shit to happen like twice in such a short manga was ruinous.

Anyway, the childhood friend in Natsuzora was great. I wouldn't have been mad at all if she won. And even though I do like childhood friend types the one in Yakumo is intentionally written to be a shit, she's almost a gag character in how she only really cares about baseball first and Yamato second. Despite being a childhood friend there's nothing about her that makes those characters good, she's more like a childhood hanger-on.

Author really likes to push those undertones between them.

Dude I have seen manga where the married couple is a year+ into the marriage and still are implied to not fuck

Started reading it. Feels like they fell into the relationship way too quick and suddenly. Hardly any buildup to it, whereas in Yakumo they start by learning about each other more and the author doesn't jump the gun on their feelings. But I'll finish reading it.

>Dude I have seen manga where the married couple is a year+ into the marriage and still are implied to not fuck
Typically retarded childish comedy manga or stuff about loser beta otaku 'sort of dating' a girl. I don't think this manga is like that, I think it's probably a given that she had sex with her husband who she was almost certainly genuinely in love with. I don't think this is the kind of manga that makes a big deal out of this, although it's kind of niche and wishful being an agegap romance it's not really an otaku pandering story.

Don't get me wrong, I like pure girls and stuff but in more serious or mature stories I don't think sex is a bad thing. To my mind it wouldn't take a single thing away from Yakumo if it turned out that she had sex with the guy she loved, that's normal and good. Now what is important to me is how they handle moving on from a good, pure love (as I expect she had) to an new romance. Since I value and look highly on loyalty and restraint if the mangaka doesn't do it in an honest and pure manner then it won't really sit right with me.

Oh ultimately I agree with you. Like I said earlier, only in a manga would this hot, big-breasted chick not get immedietly fucked on her wedding night. But those Japanese really like this shit about pure girls. I just think that, if it's brought up at all, it will only be done so to confirm she's a virgin. Honestly I'd prefer she wasn't just because it makes fucking sense and it makes her pining over her dead husband actually mean a little more

It's a good enough manga, but like I said earlier the teacher in Natsuzora really doesn't get enough character development. I'd still recommend reading it, since it's only 20 chapters and stuff. But really "good enough, 7/10" is the most fair, quick review I can give of it

Would Yakumo be a good mother to Yamato's kids?

You have to consummate the marriage to be eligble to be called a wife.

so the night of their marriage he kicks the bucket right before sex? that seems highly unlikely

I just realised he has a serious case of the ichigo face, i knew there was something uncanny about him..