Why do you hate Jews so much?

It seems to me that folks are jealous that Jewish people, in general, are wealthy. Is hating on jews a meme, or is there a logical reason behind it?

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Yes Schlomo. We hate you cause we ain't you. Please take it at that and leave and never come back.

leftist jews are hated because they're leftists
nationalist jews would be fine if they didn't ask for money all the time

Read "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald:

Show your flag kike.

God bless Israel for.kicking Muslim ass since 1946, well done!!
God drag all fuckin jews using "holocaust ltd co" for profit to hell and let then burn forever...

I hate them because 80%+ are pushing for Communism in this country, and trying to set themselves up to be the ruling class. They don't want to just use their intelligence to be the most successful, they want to rig the system so they control and rule over everyone.

Also, I own a business, Jews make up less than 1% of my customers and 50% of the credit card chargebacks against me. It's never "well, the item was fucked up", it's always, "well, you can't prove I received my $50 item, so I filed a chargeback. Good luck dealing with the issuing bank!" They fuck you out of money on technicalities because they can. White men make up 90% of my customers and I've only ever had 1 white guy file a chargeback. Less than 1 in 3,000 sales ends up in a chargeback for us.

I wouldn't say "hate", I am just getting annoyed as fuck by them constantly interjecting with "muh holocaust!" in conversations they weren't even a part of and trying to extort some compensation once again.

Jews are similar to muslims in intrinsic development. No need to hate low tier societies.

You think Criminal Mastermind Supervillains from James Bond and Marvel/DC Comics were that bad? Imagine an entire race entirely composed of them. And worse, they are in fact Real.

Ash Can Nazi Jews are a species of Vampirical, Parasitic Alien Psychopaths who tried to control and interbreed with Humanity in their quest for universal domination. These parasites created the brainwashing cult called "Judaism", also known as "The Worship of Money" and "Ritual Infant Sacrifice", and in the Dark Ages were the inventors of the two most Anti-Intellectual religions in the world: Christianity and Islam. Some famous Jews include: everyone who works on the banks, in television, in movies, in radio and in print media. Jews have trolled, scammed, ruined, pillaged and destroyed every single civilization on the face of the Earth. This is why in the dictionary the verb Jewing also means to troll, lie, decieve, con, fool, steal and manipulate others for profit.

>They fuck you out of money on technicalities because they can.

Pretty sure the reason for that is their retarded religion. It has so many rules that just living your life becomes almost impossible, so you have to figure out ways to skirt them.
And after you've kiked your omnipotent god there's no one left you wouldn't kike anymore.

Judaism was the world's first master race theory. The Jew religion teaches that Jews are the Chosen People of God and that there is a sacred mystical quality to Jew DNA that makes them different from the rest of humanity; essentially admitting they were Aliens. In olden times, Jew prophets would, under the command of YHWH, frequently lead the Jews on genocidal rampages against neighboring populations, and even today leaders in the Jew state of Israel often cite Jewish religious ideals to justify their ongoing genocide of sandniggers. Admittedly, this is amusing, but is still no excuse for being the thieving little hooknoses they are. Judaism ironically found its mirror-image inversion in the anti-Jew Aryan racialism of the Nazis. But this is all bullshit, since there's no pure Jewish left as they all mixed with white people and slavs, while also experimenting to create the ultimate Slave Race by forcing our own Human females to mate with severely retarded wild animals.

Despite only being 0.19% of the world's population, Jews control 99% of the world's money. (See: Rothschild, Warburg, etc.) The only nation's whose money is not issued by a Rothschilds bank are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Noticing anything there?

They also control the media, the banks, Facebook (as Polandball learned the hard way with multiple bans for Nazi content), LiveJournal's porn, craigslist, Stratfor, textbook publishers, music (especially Pop Music), gold, and diamonds. And no, we're not fucking joking about this. If you don't believe that Jews control everything, just look up a list of Media Jews or finance Jews on Google. Or just look at the always disproportionate number of Jewish names in the governments of the West. Case in point, Roman Polanski and and Jeffrey Epstein got off without serious punishment for raping little girls (as recommended in their holy book, the Talmud), something a goy would have done serious pound-me-in-the-ass prison time for. The Jews use the money to fund their militarized colony of Israel, a Jewish state created in the Middle East, which Jews consider the Promised Land. The Arabs don't think so, so The Kike Reich has fought many wars, and has turned the Jews into a warrior race as well as a scummy thieving one. Basically, the only part of the world that's not controlled by the Jews is Asia, because the Muslims don't tolerate their kike bullshit and the only way for Jews to hold them down is to send the Israel Defense Forces to buttfuck them, and the Chinese are the only race with potential to out-Jew the Jews and actually threaten them.

My jewish gf cheated on me


What the fuck...?


Look it up my friend. You have a duty to spit into the face of any who love Israel and call the ma traitor.

>believing everything you see on the internet
Congratulations, you got yourself caught in the stormfag's trap. What's the next step of your master plan?

>Fake flag
See? You are manipulative animals.

Welcome to the truth.

I was actually taught about this is high school.

Kikes are good a manipulation, but not at anything else...

Stupid goyim,


Stop trying to put it to nepotism, greed, or thievery. We are god's chosen ones, and you aren't. You only exist to serve us, which is why we'll continue to kill you, rape your women, humiliate you, corrupt your children, destroy all that you try to build, and let you know it :)

It's all just a game to us, and you goyim, are our toys for us to do as we please.

So shut the fuck up and get back to work.

Israel isn't going to pay for itself.