What exactly is “racist” or “sexist”? Who decides that? One person? A committee of people...

What exactly is “racist” or “sexist”? Who decides that? One person? A committee of people? If I say “Blacks have lower IQs than Whites” (a true statement), is that “racist”? How would that be racist?

7/10 would smash

>Breed people for athleticism and strength
>Make it illegal for them to read
>Undermine the populace as much as possible as soon as they are no longer slaves
>shocked their descendants generally don't perform as well academically

It's only racist if you imply it's because of inherent differences in biology

That's not a true statement though, you fucking idiot. This is why faggots like you should stick to vidya and leave the thinking to your betters. You think you understand something but you don't know shit and make everyone else look bad.
The bell curve *does not* imply "(all) whites are 'smarter' than (all) blacks." It implies that a white person is statistically more likely to have a higher IQ than a black person.
You (probably) may well sit with the spastic whites on the LHS of the curve, meaning that a significant proportion of 'blacks' will be smarter than you. The bell curve doesn't bestow wisdom upon you as if my magic...
Also, since you're an amerimutt, you're statistically unlikely to be 'white'.

No one OP. These words are quite literally meaningless. They only exist to dominate language - anyone using them is a horrible person by default. It reveals their lust for power over others and so they use the newspeak language to get it. Anyone who calls you one of these buzzwords has already lost the argument, but they want you to feel bad about it.

California had a program that set out to improve the educations standards in poor black communities, and to hopefully make them better at academics.
After decades of the program, IQs among African American children were still lower than white children
Now the real question is if IQ means anything. Unless you're have a genius IQ (and doing something with it) or a very low IQ and are unable to care for yourself, it means nothing.

Not only that they even get full ride scholarships. And the teachers handle them with kiddy glovez.

And it would be racist because you may well be saying that to a black person who's smarter than you. In other words, you'd have discriminated against him/her on the basis of their race. That's the exact definition of racism.
You would have to qualify the statement as I did above for it not to be racist. Even then, when applied to individuals, understand that this statement has limited predictive power. It isn't a truism. You might pick 10 'black' people off the street and all would have 100+ IQ's. Statistically unlikely, but also statistically possible.
Now fuck off. Talk less. Read more.

I think leftists have an image of an idyllic egalitarian heaven on earth, raceless, sexless, with everyone devoted solely to carving out an individual identity via consumption preferences, tattoos, hair dyes, piercings, and other such high, meaningful pursuits. That which stands in the way of this terrestrial paradise is wrong/Evil, end of story.

>What exactly is “racist” or “sexist”? Who decides that?

Minorities decide it, most people who are not white and who are also leftist. The conservative minorities are just tokens so they don't count. Notice how racism against white people is okay and even encouraged. Many times people distort those meanings to fit their narratives. Democrats are known for bending the meanings of words. Many people will say it's not possible to be racist towards whites and shit like that which isn't true. It's never called out at large though, a majority does not hold that, which should be common logic, to be true.

If someone uses the word Racist or Racism, just ask them to define it. Usually shuts them up. Or you just get a "wow just wow" out of them.

>I once knew some black folks and they were all dumb
The California study is essentially anecdotal. It can't be applied to "all blacks." It applies to blacks in California.
Here's some other problems with it...
>black Americans possess significant racial admixture (they have white ancestors), so not a good control group
>they were bred like livestock to perform menial physical tasks, not to attend Harvard. Any smart asses would have been given a one-way ticket out of the genepool
>their black ancestors are representative of a relatively small proportion of 'Africans'. Low-status Africans, given they were rounded up and sold into slavery by the neighbouring tribes.

If you don't understand how to science, just shut the fuck up and don't talk like you have insight into something...

Also. Bear in mind, I have an IQ of 142. I'm a scientist, I guess. I've also been an addict since my early twenties, am twice divorced, don't see much of my kids, and would probably check-out of this whole enterprise if I didn't hold out hope that that won't change. High IQ isn't a passport to success or happiness. It might improve the odds of the former but it decreases the odds of the latter. Personally speaking, I'd happily she'd 20 points or so.

The thing is it shouldn't be like "lolol whites are smarter than blacks"
What we should be thinking about is how do we make blacks smarter? How do we make them want to be smart? It seems like their own "culture" recently in the US is just a cult to dumb them down and get them killed or arrested before they're 20.
How do we make them want to be part of society as it should be?

Actually people with higher IQs tend to be less likely to abuse substances. You're an outlier, and your anecdotal experience doesn't lend creedence to some larger truth about this issue.

That being said I'm sorry about your situation.

Wrong, it's either IQ or community issue. If you look at black culture it's often infested with gang shit, breakin the law, having an attitude that says fuck education, not trusting anyone that isn't black including any institution. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard an education means nothing from a black friend, several different ones. They have this outlook of not trusting anything in our country, and yes while that can sort of be justified I think it gets plan stupid after a while. Most peoole are going to school for a reason, it's a good idea. But black people do not care about this type of shit and would rather spend their days drinking, smoking, partying, doing retarded shit.. etc. It's a matter of fucking upbringing and the values which are instilled in them.

Yes slavery was bad and left a mark no doubt but there comes a point where they need to plan for the future by educating their youth and taking advantage of systems we have put in place to get them into important roles in society. Like affirmative action.

Assuming arguendo that such a program exists and has existed for decades, it's no surprise a government spending initiative ended up improving nothing. Possible corruption or incompetence could be a factor, And that's not even addressing variables outside of school that aren't addressed by education spending, like home life, diet, etc.

Unless you link the particular program you're referencing, it's impossible to scrutinize the details.

Bottom line is this: Poor, stupid people tend to stay poor and stupid. Look at what people typically refer to as white trash and you see the same thing: excessive amounts of single motherhood, drug use, violence, lack of interest or focus on academics, blaming bad choices on others, welfare abuse, etc etc

Yes. I'm an outlier. That's precisely why I made that point. Outliers exist. Blanket statements are seldom true unless qualified. This was the point I was trying to make. Practically no one who knows me knows I'm an addict. That revelation would blow their minds, I'm sure.
Incidence of depression has been linked to IQ however...
No need to be sorry - I made some bad choices - but thanks.

>affirmative action.
And what if they never take advantage of these programs that disadvantage whites as their stated purpose? We continue promoting people who don’t deserve it. That is unsustainable.

Blacks can and will “act white” if the social cues and pressures are applied, problem is, it’s considered racist to have such expectations for blacks, and they default to behaviors observed in Africa: violence and low achievement. And white tax dollars, instead of subsidizing their own children, subsidize high birth-rate blacks who aren’t expected to behave well. A cycle of absolute stupidity.

underrated post

they just want to be super-consumers

Absolutely none of those things you listed happened in africa, and yet it is overflowing with violent subhuman savages with absolutely no respect for life or any sense of personal accountability for anything. What do you suppose is the reason for that? And don't fall back on that muh colonialism bullshit.

which one?

142, wow, I bet you really understand Rick and Morty jokes.

You, sir, are a smarmy brainwashed nigger apologist who spews undeserved arrogance on a bulgarian train collectors forum. You really should give into those dark thoughts and end your misererable, lonely worthless addict life.

kek. fuck you for making me laugh at that you fucking degenerate.

I call bullshit
Quit LARPing kiddo

Reality is racist. Human biology is sexist.

>I'm a scientist, I guess
He's not a LARPer. Scientist don't LARP. Apologize to this man you fucking pleb.

The Negro is the worst of the 3


The Negroes (Africa, Middle East, etc.) have caused all the issues in the world

Remember Jews are just a band of Arabs (Sand-Negros)

Don't bother, he is either a shill, a niggerloving liar, or both.

Getting on the internet and humble-bragging about your IQ is 13 year old level nonsense. Grow up and better yourself, clown.

I wish he was just a shill, but the sad fact of life today is that people like him really exist, and walk around living and breathing for their opportunity to spout their manufactured outrage and virtue signalling to make themselves feel more human. They are a cancer, and they are legion.

That would be a great argument if there hadn't been hundreds of programs across the modern world to improve niggers and yet niggers are still niggers.

As Sup Forums has been saying since the start, how much help do we have to give them before we realize it's no good?

>anecdote at the bottom
Thanks for playing, reddit

>how much help do we have to give them?

Females can't be true veterans. Just a subset of shitty navy crew and aircraft crew..like loadies or that bitch probably sucked cocks on a refueling jet 500kms from a war.

They literally all get PTSD though

Actually it happened in Liberia. The blacks we freed (after teaching them English and giving them Christianity) moved there and promptly set up a Confederacy of their own, complete with Southern-style mansions and plantations. They lived like kings for almost 180 years until their slaves revolted in 1980. With the white man's knowledge (not to mention that a good many were literate and more than a few were mulattos) they were vastly successful compared to their neighbors.

In the land of the 70 IQ, the 85 IQ man is king. Literally.

Forgot to include picture of African plantation

Also how adorable is it that our former slaves imitated us? It's like when your kid tries to dress up in adult clothes.