No Jesus wasn't a Middle Eastern man like Ben Shapiro says

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Jesus was white because god would not have given his son an ugly human form.

Jews never say JC's name unless it's in the form of a curse, so beware a Jew bearing gifts.

JC came from Palestine and was NOT Hebrew, which Jews are supposed to be descended from, but then again, Jews are notorious LIARS.

> Jew
> Acting like Jesus wasn't black

he was just a jew born in the middle east

Is Paul owned here?

I hate this dirty kike more and more every day. His critique of Star Wars was just his subjective problems with the lore. Showed how vapid he is compared to Molymeme's or Fuentes' critique.

>Middle Eastern
The people of the region used to be white until the Arab conquests of the 7th century. There's still some leftovers i.e. the Asad family.

Modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees. All the other sects were wiped out the by Romans. An argument can be made that Christianity has more similarities with the original Hebrew religion than Judaism does.

>The people of the region used to be white until the Arab conquests of the 7th century.
Any sources to back up that claim of yours? That would mean that 'white people' are literally the people spoken about within the bible, not these Khazars.

And Christians cheer for Israel

Is there a dumber cattle than the goy?

There was a heavy Hellenic/Greek admixture in Palestine as a result of Alexander's conquest. Galilee was especially Greek. Most people from North Africa and the Levant who are indigenous to the region tend to be much lighter in skin tone then their Arab/Muslim neighbors, i.e. Coptic Christians.

>In the time of Jesus Galilee was surrounded by a number of Greek cities. There was also in Galilee a group of ten Greek towns - the Decapolis.

In the first post...

Be careful of niggers too

>jews claiming jesus was a jew
the jews in Jesus' time rebuked and disowned him, Jesus has no association with Talmudists

His own writers say shit about whites being attacked all the time. Why is he being a kike about the itsoktobewhite thing?

If he was greek, he would have been a believer in the hellenic pantheon, or other hellenic cults. Not believing in the jewish god. And besides, according to your own kike texts

>Matthew 1:1–17 begins the Gospel,
>"A record of the origin of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac…" and continues on until "…and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ."
He was a rabbi

Wasn't he born on nazareth?

I didn't say that. What I implied was the he would have had heavy Greek admixture and that people from that region are indistinguishable from Southern Europeans/Mediterraneans. Culturally, he was Hebrew.

Let's collapse nu-pol worldview.

1,166 pictures should be enough.

Ummm, Palestinian are all muslims??
Based jews killed dumb muslims

Jesus was a descendant of King David, who had red hair and blue eyes.

Jesus was a resident of Galilee, which was known for people with light hair and eyes and ruddy complexions.

Also, Buddha had skin the color of moonlight and blue eyes. He was a Prince in NW India/Nepal during the same period of time that the area had been conquered by the Aryans, who imposed the caste system to separate themselves from the shitskinned Dravidians.

Serious christians only dude.

>jesus was a jew lmao
>remember the holocaust goy
fuck off KIKES

Galatia was a city founded by the Celts too.

Jesus was a Jew, and Christians worship the Jews. This is understood and expected.

Going from Nazareth to Jerusalem.

Sure. Unlike you Khazar monkeys

Jesus was born of the family tree Judah, which is where Judaism stems from.

He was Jewish.

There isn't any contention here.

Sure he was in the middle East but that was back during a time when the middle East was white. Way before the Muslims went on a rape spree across the middle East and into north Africa.

Jesus the gentle was a gentile.

Gnostic gospels of jesus denounce yahweh of the jews as the demiurge.

Also Israelite =\= jew

Jesus also wasn't a usurer and didn't seek to undermine entire societies for his own gain.
I guess that's why the Jews killed him right?

That is a satanic lie.

> Modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees.

“For fear of the Jews” is the most-used line in the New Testament. Jesus may have been born a Jew, but as the founder of Christianity, he obviously should be called a Christian. We could also go into the Khazar theory and the idea that modern Ashkenazi Jews are different from the Jews of Jesus’ time

Salient point: Christianity is concerned with the souls of racial others -- anyone can be a Christian.

Red herrings: anything else.

And Judaism teaches that Jesus is in hell boiling in a pot of his own excrement, among other nasty things.

The chosen people got replaced by boats of immigrants.

You're like a Muslim missing the point/motivation of "pork Mohammed" cartoons. Many people who make them don't want Arabs/Subcons/Somalis, etc. in their homelands no matter their religion. Their hatred is of Amalek and the religion is a proxy for that. It's not aimed at Guatemalan Catholics or Black Zion Baptists. If we were still pagan, it would for sure be Odin in that pot.

Yeah. This is what you get when you try to mix christinsanity with pro-white politics.

(((Jesus Christ))) was a brown skinned kike, a leftist proto-bolsheivik and either an incel or a faggot. Literally the opposite of everything we stand for and everything Paul here stands for.

Love ya Nehlen, but lose your jew god.

He wasn't a "refugee". As the story goes, Joseph and Mary were required to go to the "place of your forefathers" to register for the Roman census.

There was a new governor of Judea installed called Cyrenius They held a census to get people registered for taxes and to determine how much money they could expect to collect. This was a real, historical event, "the Census of Cyrenius" and it happened in 6 AD. (You read right: 6 AD).

Matthew doesn't say anything about travelling to Bethlehem. They are just there to fulfill a Davidic prophecy and they then return to Nazareth.

The author of Luke is the one who has them actually travelling to Bethlehem. He's the one who adds the detail about the Census. The idea of "travelling to the place of your forefathers" is some bullshit that Luke made up to expand on Matthew. This was not anything the Romans cared about. Luke, when writing his gospel probably about 100AD used Roman history-- probably Josephus-- to flesh-out his fanfic.

Jesus was not a refugee. But you know who is fucking obsessed with being outcasts and "refugees"? The fucking Jews, who always project their fixations into all their propaganda.

>For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

>in complete control of himself and infinite will
>not everything we(?) stand for
>called out the jews and literally got shut it down.jpeg
If only people who criticize Christianity read at least the gospels, if they read the book it might be too mind blowing for them

Jesus was arrested and executed for trying to undermine jewish society
>Do you even new testament bro


>all white countries followed God and were doing great even if they had bad moments
>stopped doing it and in just less then a century they are replaced by nonwhites
I hope you recognize yourself as the guy on the left, but nonwhites are into Islam mostly.

>jesus was a jew
he was obviously the first Christian

>if you’re generous you must be a communist
>sexual purity is a bad thing
These are literally leftist talking points.