Toronto here, it's snowing heavily right now. How white is your Christmas?

Toronto here, it's snowing heavily right now. How white is your Christmas?

>doesn't snow where he lives


Tennesseesian here. I didn't even need my jacket this week.

>How white is your Christmas?

About 56%.

*laughs in australian*

Hoosier (Indiana) checking in. It's snowing, alot. Gonna be a white Christmas.
Also, Merry Christmas to all anons. God bless

It was over 40 degrees Celsius yesterday

Merry Christmas everyone. Get any nice presents or give anything nice?

Ottawa here
we're only a month into this winter bullshit and I want it to be over

>tfw desert
>20 degrees last night but no snow

Indy bro, Merry Christmas

it snowed here a few weeks ago
too early :(

Maryland is raining....

North West England and It just fucking rains non stop here, pretty comfy tho

Suck it up leaf. You'll be alright. Only like 4 months to go

Thanks user

Already said it but merry Christmas

Snow will be here in a few minutes. Just a few miles from erie

>>doesn't snow where he lives

delet this

Texas here, no snow.
Merry Christmas Ya'll.

4" on the ground today, another 4" on the way tonight, that's about 20cm in muslim units I think

Alaska checking in. Where I live, we have jack shit for snow.

I was driving through Knoxville a couple years ago and there was like 4 inches of snow and everyone was losing their minds.

My family is all near Toronto. I'm in BC and it's cold but no snow falling.

MA here. Snow expected for Christmas.

Been nice as fuck weather. Also have been exclusively using Merry Christmas this last week at work and when I was out today getting some stuff. Every single person I said Merry Christmas to (even some spics) had their expressions light up and welcomed me right back.

At least you can tell when you live in a place that doesn't want to be cucked by PC bullshit. The only retards who told me happy holidays were millennial aged thots who I just ignored.

We flip out during the snow. We don't chain our tires or salt our roads much. We definitely dont know how to drive in the snow. The area I'm in (Chattanooga) is surrounded by mountains. If we get snow then shit is definitely going down.

Mississippi reporting in. A couple of weeks back we actually got several inches of snow. It's a once in a 5 years or so event. It made hunting a lot of fun too.

>tfw in Brampton

No snow in Saxony, but it rains almost every fucking day.

How I want to move to New Zealand or California! Or even Miami

Georgia. No snow for Christmas, but it's supposed to get a little cold. Maybe next year

>snow on road is perfect for drifting


Saskatchewan here, snow all melted since the beginning of the month but it's still -20, I'm pissed

Pretty fuckin comfy up here

>4-7 inches expected tonight

Pretty fucking white--I live on a Florida beach!

8°c not even cold here ayyyy

lets turn this into a Toronto meet up and fight/smoke/fuck thread.

Muh flag

I'm in iceland wtf?


got a bad news for u, invasion incoming.


Raining in MD

Six inches today. They activated Skywarn and someone crashed into my car.


>southern california
>felix navidad

It's snowing pretty hard here, Merry Christmas and a happy New Years everyone!

Northern Michigan

Snowstorm warning just hit my phone.

Boys it's a huwhite Christmas

No, lots of wind and rather warm for this time of year so fuck you.

Missouri here, it snowed today and yesterday for the first time in a long time. The forecast says it will snow on Tuesday.



Illinoisfag and it's a white Christmas over here.

Funny part is that today is literally the first time it snowed at all this year.

Woops forgot to include this in my earlier post.

Get fucked.

>Toronto here
Nuke yourself

>In my flannel PJs
>Sipping my Glenfiddich
>W.A.S. on my Kenwood
>Comfy radio glow
>Watching the snow fall outside my window


Doesn't snow where i live ;(


Only snows in northern Portugal and central.
Here in the south rarely

Hahaha, Toronto rat? You don't even get to enjoy your snow. Just fucking salt and slush with a bunch of browns taking up the sidewalk. You have no idea what you're missing out on in real Canada.

I have experienced exactly one white Christmas in my life.
And being five months old at the time, my recollection of the event is pretty limited.

Fight? You mean passive aggressively argue over pop and indie music? LOL Torontonians are beyond shit.

99% white but no snow sadly

Comfy here in Brampton

>been raining all day
Fucking kikes, the industrial revolution was a mistake and the sun should fuck off.

It's snowing and I have been alone for three days now since I dont have any relatives

>No relatives

Were you adopted?

Grandparents died before I was born, father passed away in 2008 when I was 21 and mother passed away in 2010. They didn't have any siblings and neither do I

Oly fugg user. How do you even cope? My heart would be smashed. Sorry for the image btw I just think it's funny.

That looks comfy as hell

>tfw 0 snow
You don't know the pains of being a mednigger

I'm not asking for snow, I'm asking that Christmas stop being the warmest day in December every single year. The fucking air conditioner is on now and the heat was on just last week.

some snow here in ohio, but its too warm and not enough snow to accumulate

cozy storm is coming to ns tonight, also taking drawfag requests

Because I promised my mom on her deathbed that I would make it and never give up. I graduated and got a good job and a good pay and I am not a friendless virgin by any means. I just miss my parents during christmas time, it's hard. I put up some candles on their grave like every christmas and hold a monologue inside my head, even though it's impossible for them to hear.

Fuck that is comfy

Stay strong desu. Can't believe that 4 of your family members died when you were so young. I hope that you are successful!

Thanks buddy, take care too

kid gave me this leather keychain thing from her gingerbread shop at school. actually pretty nice lookin desu

It's pretty warm in Hungary


Very north of toronto, very snowy. Merry christmas ! Wish you guys all the best


>tfw its in the middle of summer down here

Then at least Toronto is predominantly white for once.

>Central ky
>crossing between freezing and being wet any time the wind picks up (21F windchill)
>just got got to freezing point this past hour
>will get to 21F before midnight
>fucking ice will be everywhere
Fucking hate this state. We hardly ever get legit snow, it's always god damned ice. Ice storms are the worse.


>unironically living in the southern hemisphere

d-delet this

>how white is your Christmas?

I live in Brisbane so whiter than most but not white enough

Foot coming tomorrow. Going to be 15 degrees freedom below 0 this week. Finally winter is here

I'm in washington at sea level and it's the first white Christmas in years
it's a miracle

21C and cloudy here, which is quite cool for an Australian Christmas. It was like 35C yesterday, so it's a welcome change.

Massachusetts here, it’s fucking cold. No niggers though.

Hey Sup Forums
Let's sing a song about a winter& snow & shit.
You like snow, right.
Because, you know...
>I don't mind a little
>Cold weather, snow, or ice....

Learn what the climate is like before you move to New Zealand. You might get a rude surprise

Snow is so comfy

>How white is your Christmas?

Manitoba. You know the answer.


It really is. I was going to take a picture and my battery died. Charging it now. If this thread is still alive in an hour or so, I'll take a pic.

Took this one earlier. Can't tell, but it was snowing heavy.

took a pic it's just starting to cover the ground
time for /comfy/ hot coco

Central PA reporting in. Gonna smoke a bowl with pops on the back porch and watch the flurries that are coming down now. Maximum comfy, Merry Christmas friends.

Make a fuckton of babies, dude. You are the person who deserve a Family Christmas Eve and generally worth procreation in this fucked up world.