
I have no idea if God exists or not.

The idea of one being the ruler of all, the ruler of space, time, and existence is so mysterious. I fear that the writings of the Bible, Quran, and other text are true and I am not committing my life to fulfilling the wishes that my lord have given me for he/she has blessed me with life.

Why though, why. If God exists, then he surely has abandoned us. Wars, starvation, and theft shouldn't have passed through Gods radar. If he has given us purpose, then how can we fulfill it if we are killing ourselves.

Are the books true even, evolution disproves Adam and Eve, but the bible was not written by God but his followers? If my last words are chanting gods name, will I be greeted with 72 virgins, either rice or woman being referenced? I don't know, and if God truly is a myth from our own minds, then is it foolish to care about each other and not go on a total rampage since the feeling of burning alive is no morally different than finding a soul mate.

I need answers Sup Forums, sooner or later I might just end my life from madness.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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20 words or less please


The writings of the Bible and Quran are mostly taken from older religions and stories and put together into kind of a hodgepodge. Interpreting any of these Abrahamic books literally is retarded. It's just ancient esoteric poetry. You should study many different ancient mythologies and practices and come to your own conclusions. Just avoid the Abrahamic ones. They're a schizophrenic time sink.

Thank you

No problem. Read "the power of mythology" by Joseph Campbell. It'll put you in the right direction. I've found studying hinduism and the ancient indo-European religions to be really fulfilling and enlightening

the fact that you still take this theory seriously means you aren't on the esoteric level.

you're a pseudo-modern
Read Evola

Why dont you just read the books yourself. You dumbass. I was the same way. Confused as shit. Depressed. Contemplating suicide daily. And i started looking for a god to help me. I read the old testament the new testament and a little bit of the quran. I think god is real. Ive seen some miracle shit. A lot of miracle shit.

you're a wanna-be classical

God exists user, but it has no conscious and it most certainly doesnt care if you masturbate or spend a lifetime worshipping it. It doesnt even care if youre out at sea ans drowning, after all god is the ocean and waves and pull from the moon, that is slowly killing you.

But can you really know God if you spend your whole life masturbating? We all masturbate once in a while of course but can a degenerate really know the divine?

make a thread on 8 chan /christian/

beats me user, I like my explanation because its easy for me to accept that god is nature itself. honestly thats good enough for me, and that only in dying would we get the real answer.

And if god does exist and he casts me to hell for that then he can chug my cock and massage my balls till my load slithers down his throat. Dont wanna be in the same room as a faggot like that anyways.

Yes. God exists. Why do I claim to say this? For I, like you, am human. Now there is simply no scientific basis for God, but that does not mean there is no God. Where science gives us understanding of the objective universe, God gives guidance for our emotional world. Understand that above all the Bible is a book that preaches love and forgiveness: it is Jesus that died for our sins, so we can accept our nature by which we all are deemed to function. Now how does this translate to our current world? The fact is that, where Jesus died for our sins, he did not eradicate us of sins. God created humans (and all the rest of the universe) to have this choice; we can either try to do good or not care; no one wants to do bad really. The nihilistic approach is what makes humans machines; for it lacks any higher goal humans will act like animals. It is the Bible that gives life meaning, and that meaning is, whether it is provable in our current scientific system or not, love for thyself and thy neighbour. Memento mori and carpe diem do not exclude each other; no, it is to follow the Bible when one is to follow Him. Happiness and just behaviour arise from that. So, summarising, God exists, not because it is directly provable in our current scientific system, but because we, as white humans, have grown to be able to grasp the concept of abstract concepts. Of all of those, God teaches us to follow love. Now one can refuse this teaching, because there is no current scientific definitive answer (will there ever be?) One can not prove the inexistence of God however. If I were to ask you; do you want to follow a life of love and happiness that shows faith and moral decency and take a risk that God exists, or do you want to feel like an animal, a robot. The soul is the mental capacity we humans exhibit; it, especially in white people, wants us to do good. Times like these show that people do not know that out of themselves; what is wrong with a guiding hand in this?

Read Aristotle

The Great Programmer of this simulation doesnt need to prove anything to anyone,


If jesus truly died for our sins it would be him who was cast into hell then, no?
Ill die for everybody sins if when I die I am to spend eternity in paradise. See it kinda defeats the sacrifice by it being self serving in that affect.

Jesus was sent here for that, you weren't my man.

You know I've got many doubts. There's been some unexplained stuff in my family (health related) but a scientist will tell you that it's only a placebo effect.

Things like out of body experience or feeling of somebody's presence in the final moments? They've been able to recreate it in laboratory so they will just tell you it's your brain doing the work and on deathbed it just releases some impulses to make your dying easier or something.
I'm fine with them saying that love is just chemicals as it has to be something. It doesn't make it less true. But scientific explanation of strange seemingly unnatural phenomena is depressing.

Again, why must you try to counter God's will? What is wrong with accepting the things the way they are? Jesus was sent to earth by God; wasn't Mary Our Holy Mother a virgin, when she gave birth to Jesus? The Holy Trinity is something one must understand when understandig God. Why did God do this 2017 years ago? That is only for Him to know; my best guess is that he saw that, in the many worlds that span this universe, it was Him that saw the intelligence of the humans and the subsequent torment it brought. Perhaps He tried to ease our pain; perhaps He loves us so much that heaven exists, because He wants to experience joy and pride with His creations? I am Catholic by the way.

Great argument. Jesus died for paradise, not our sins.

If we commit sin and do not confess we go to hell.
Jesus died for our sins but didn't go to hell.

Explain that to me.

Hey man the universe is a really big place. You think theres an alien Jesus out there dying for his alien peoples sins?

Thats why Jesus wont come back right bro? Hes busy as fuck. Explains why god aint around like he was in the bible, hes looking after some microbes a googolplex from here.

HOW the FUCK am I suppose to harness this energy to give you 72 virgins?

all the answers you are looking for are here, read it carefully and thoroughly

Look dear, our understanding of concepts like time and place is limited. The idea of parallel worlds confuses us. However, He still cares about us. We are not lost in the space of universe; we are a piece of His fabric in this Universe and clearly God loves us, has eased human life, but hasn't made human life inhumane. Perhaps, since we are all Children of God, he sees something of himself back in us: perhaps not even for Him the choice between what is good and what is bad is clear. God is perfect nonetheless; how else could He ultimately send his Son, that showed only love and forgiveness, that showed tenderness and care, to us? Perhaps our understanding of what it means to be perfect is limited; for we are not perfect ourselves.

I lol'd this nigger know, he found the black sun

>he loves us
God sure hates niggers in africa though, more so the kids.

Guess hes not such a bad guy after all.

There isn't a loving or good God, all forces that act on this world are either indifferent or malevolent towards man. Humans instead have to create God in their hearts, because no good exists outside of man.

>If God exists then why does he let bad things happen?

This is the most basic bitch question and you should be ashamed.

You have a very anthropomorphic idea of God and that's wrong.
Think of it as a fungi.

Every rwligion except christianity says "you must do xyz to get to heaven". God has not abandoned us because Jesus has done everything and has transferred our sin to him, and his righteousness to us.

Storms are a product of a broken and cursed world, and God allows war and death and murderers cos of mercy - hes giving us time to come to him. It would be a waste to try to deal with a little sin (read old testament) rauther than defeat it in one go on the cross.

But there will come a day when, for the sake of his followers, he will shorten the time, end creation, (or no flesh would be saved).

At the very least if there's an afterlife I hope it's not boring as shit. I'm not really into buddhist idea of losing your personality/memories.

I'm sorry, you put a lot of time into your answers ill do the same.

I disagree about perfection user, I believe god is nature, and nature is chaos, and chaos is imperfect. Lol youre right, we couldn't have the scope of what perfection is. Maybe imperfection is perfection. Shit answer but ill take it.

What love is there for life when asteroids destroy, supernovas bring fire in a caliber any biblical disaster cannot rival, and when black holes consume every thing even the light which guides us? God has no feelings my friend.

Ok bucko, here's what the bible says
>life is futile
That's it bucko. Do with that what you will
>b-but why? What's God want me to do?
Die. He wants you to die, user. That's what destiny is, death. It's the same for all of us. That's Gods plan for you. But he gave you the free will to go about life how you want, thus achieving your destiny(death) by choosing your own adventure
Ever notice how everything we do to make things better just fucking fucks us in the end? How there are always unforeseen consequences which lead to despair, yeah, the Bible told us that thousands of years ago
Every notice how the "happiest" countries also have the highest suicide rates?
It's because happiness is not equivalent to spiritual fulfillment

What's the story of Jesus?
Be like Jesus, be defiant to the authority which seeks to replace God. You will lose, you will lose hard, you will be figuratively crucified for this, you will be made an example of, put up high on a hill for everyone to see and laugh at.
But, he wants you to do it anyway.
God fuckin knows why, user. That's where faith comes in.

>all this bs
thank god i'm an atheist

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. It simply exists, all the atoms that compose our bodies return to the universe and come together to make new life. Such is the cycle.

That being said, youd have no choice in wanting to remember or not. Youd be fuckin dead user.

this isn't true user

That is why Jesus was sent, to teach us how to overcome our primitive ways, to which we are in some ways bound; this battle between the earthly and the divine is the struggle that is to be a human being. Tragic and beautiful at the same time, but a follower of God overcomes this by following His love. For He is eternal, He must have seen all of this many times before. Like I said, accept Him and the teachings of the Bible, because humans are incapable in the end of completely understanding. The hesistance of the church for science is exactly this; it is to try to emulate the knowledge of Him, whilst He clearly tells us the ways. This is the story of the tower of Babel; the story of human arrogance; the story of self destruction.

I have no choice because something will happen but I have no idea what. And that's not going to change for a while. I don't think it's a question that can be solves easily.

Would God know of His own existence?


The answer is right in front of you, the bible. Read the bible. You may be like me i strayed from god for some time, and when i went back to read the old testament, and some of the new testament books. I couldn't understand it, just seemed like jargon to me. So find one of the simplified bibles like, new american translation, recovery bible. Or, the one im using right now and can understand, the NIV, or New International Verson.
And im not you, but me personally, i was never really sat down that much and taught, the history, the characters, or all the events, and that's part of the reason i drifted. That and my family, is half non believers, and believers. Like my grandmother i was talking to yesterday started saying, *You don't need the bible. God could never love you for your sin.* Personally to me that sounded just like something out of the bible like what Satan would say. That was another real eye opener for me yesterday personally. Read the bible, learn the history of Jesus, and the disciples., and Apostles, like apostle Paul. You think modern athiest are bad? Read about Paul, if a man like that could turn from what he did then there must be truth to it.
Here's a vid to get you started user. This helped me a lot cause again, i was never really sat down, or taught right, and so i drifted. youtube.com/watch?v=Ok6GDtGwwjs

I just hope this helps, you or someone. But that fact, you are asking is good. Still learning, but like i said I've seen stuff that only god could explain, and if you follow Christ you'll see some pretty amazing things.

>God has abandoned us

If you would only have read the Bible you would understand WHY God isn't near humans anymore. In the beginning God was with us, he talked with us. Through our disobedience, we strayed from God.

In the Book of Job, you have your answer. God listens, but he doesn't speak to us directly, unless he has a chosen one. Read Job.

Well this is true, the answers are in the bible, but you probably haven't found them. If you think a zombie space Jew who is his own's father is God, you most certainly haven't found the truth

Conscience amd self awareness are humanly things. Maybe ayyy thing too.

Also, from what i've been told. And reading, i would recommend starting in john chapter 1. I went to service today, and that's what most pastors recommended., and other ppl in the faith i've talked to outside the church.

> evolution disproves Adam and Eve

The god in your picture OP is Saturn or cronus. have you ever wondered why he has a long white beard the same beard used in depictions of saturnian gods and figures, santa claus being one example afterall christmas is saturnalia under another name.

I'm just gonna say that our human perception comes with inherited bias. It's a cheap shot but it's better than the opposite claim of "invisible man" used to ridicule the concept.

You want to see a picture of God? I will give you two of them



Let me tell you this none of you nogs got a clue wtf is happening in this world or why byr the Black Sun can show

>just read the bible lul

So intellectual.

When you are ready to transcend this is where you will find the answers, I would start with the playlists


>If God exists, then he surely has abandoned us. Wars, starvation, and theft shouldn't have passed through Gods radar.
But yet here you are, you haven't killed your self even though you could.
Every second you choose to live is an affirmation that this gift of life is worth all the nasty conditions that come with it.
>evolution disproves Adam and Eve
Yes, if you take a literal view of it.
Adam was the first Man. What is Man? If you consider the homo sapiens of 300,000 years ago as man of today, than the Bible is wrong. But isn't there more to man than that? Cain was sent out of Eden and given a mark so other humans would know not to kill him. This implies there were other "men" when Adam and Eve were created. It's a metaphor for man moving from hunter gatherer to living in permanent dwelling by using the knowledge of how to manipulate plant and animal. This knowledge of good and evil, which separates us from man of the past, is what's known as Original Sin. Sin meaning that because we're aware of evil, we will always be spiritually effected by it.
> If my last words are chanting gods name, will I be greeted with 72 virgins, either rice or woman being referenced?
You, I, Me is an illusion user. You as you know it will not exist after death, but rather your pure essence, which is nothing like "you" in terms of cognitive process and identity.
> I don't know, and if God truly is a myth from our own minds
It is. And it always will be a myth. A myth is a story which man believes to have actually taken place (unlike a fairy tale, which is a story man believes to be false) you're just gonna have to get comfortable with it being unfalsifiable and unproveable.
> then is it foolish to care about each other and not go on a total rampage since the feeling of burning alive is no morally different than finding a soul mate.
Caring for one another has always been mutually beneficial in many many ways

Look into your heart and accept his love you'll be a better man for it and you'll hopefully make the world a little better one day



I don't think the source judges you. Any "godly encouragement" to do one thing or another is as pointless as anything else and simply the Ego expanding itself into God's realm.

Because every point in the Universe is God.

Before we can begin to interface with God, we must first understand our own Consciousness.

A fly has the spark of the divine, it is powered by the source, at least for a little while.

If the universe is made up of plancks, then interdimensionality may be more "local" than you can imagine.

OP is asking for answers, he is getting them.

Also, you think you're so enlightened, just wait until you realize the Earth is really flat and you've been lied to all your life.

user, you have a long road ahead of you, and I wish you luck on your journey. Allow me to also say that you are begging for failure with your current approach. You're trying to take a shortcut to answers that people work tirelessly their entire lives for, and even then, don't necessarily get. In the state you're in right now, someone could tell you the truth and you wouldn't even recognize it as such or know what to do with it.

You can work with this though. Start with baby steps. Before you get caught up in subtle theological debates, or even things like the problem of evil, why not tackle the existence of God in the first place? Not any specific God yet, figure out that stuff later. Just a god in the abstract should be your goal right now. For this, check out Plotinus. Find the God of the philosophers and understand it. Build on that foundation.

note the ring around his head which represents the rings of saturn accompanied by the triangle with its 3 sides. 3 is the number of saturn or binah in kabbalah also kabba + Allah = kabbalah or cube god. a hexagon is found on saturns pol a hexagon is also a 2d cube. the cube represents the infinite physical reality we inhabit in which "god" is present everywhere. he is also holding 3 digits up his 2 fingers and thumb this is called the hand of sabazius. saturn/yhwh/moloch/baal are the same saturnian diety (note they share the title lord or father) this diety is the demiurge/demiurgos or grand architect referred to by masons

they don't pass though Gods radar - there part of his plan - you only grow though hardship - this is only an Image of Eternity - God gave man choise knowing what Man could/would do with it - with the intent that men could become redeemed by choosing good - people who are not offered the ability to do evil have no gravitas - they have not suffered - do they really know the cost of doing good? Think of this - Is it better to do an easy good or is it better to do a Hard Good?

>writings of the Bible, Quran, and other text are true

They contradict themselves in thousands of ways. How can they all be the absolute truth yet contradict each other? No religion in the world has a majority. So no matter which one is correct most religions are full of shit and a lie.

Or they are all bullshit...

>I have no idea if God exists or not.

Look into the unmoved mover; existence necessitates a creator.

>The idea of one being the ruler of all, the ruler of space, time, and existence is so mysterious.

That’s part of the problem humanity attempts to grasp what is beyond their comprehension.

>Why though, why. If God exists, then he surely has abandoned us. Wars, starvation, and theft shouldn't have passed through Gods radar.

Most activity is neutral, what makes a hurricane evil? What makes a famine evil? The only thing that makes us ascribe value to these disasters is the loss of human life, meaning existence is preferable. The problem of human suffering is a terrible one, however life is about confronting evil and purifying it. It’s about destroying the aspects of yourself that bring Hell into being and instead direct it toward Heaven. Live for virtue, the reason this is allowed is so that we can choose to love, so we can choose God.

Plato in the Republic talks about the slavishness of being a Tyrant. A tyrant can never be confident that the affection that is given to him is true because his power forces people to show affection to him. A King does not have this problem because the love shown to him is true as he can not commit evil against those that hate him. Hell is merely the individual receiving exactly what he did in life: the person who philanders, philanders for eternity, etc.

>If he has given us purpose, then how can we fulfill it if we are killing ourselves.

The point is to stop this cycle.

>Are the books true even

The ideas behind them are true, even if the stories aren’t. Some stories are real though, for example Christ.

>I need answers Sup Forums, sooner or later I might just end my life from madness.

Don’t despair, Christmas is about the greatest hope for mankind coming to release us from the despair of existence. God help and bless you.

Flat earthers are either trolls having a laugh or literally retarded. Either way debating them is a waste of time. The evidence for a round Earth is overwhelming.

already know mate,seen nearly all the videos on there. I'm just dropping breadcrumbs for the normies to follow.

fuck jesus christ

I do not think God, as some fatherly figure watching over exists.

I believe there is a source, this source is the power for all things, and is itself conscious in the absolute basest ways of consciousness possible.

It does not judge, it does not punish, it just is.

The question is, if we are secure in this that it is a dumb God, one that as far as we can tell, exists for us to exist.

How do we explain the "internal truths" that people feel?

Racial truths make sense, as they are just just the fractalings of something original, this does not make them more true than other racial truths.

The only thing that stays true is the thing that burns brightly forever, like our blind deaf dumb and infinitely powerful source.

If you are not forever, you are nothing and simply in something else's forever.

How do you object to this?
How does the universe exist without a cause? If the cause is not a thinking entity, why didn’t the universe come into existence an eternity ago, consequently meaning that the universe would have already undergone heat death?

ay Merry Christmas brother, hope you and your family are well


It's the other way around.

You've never questioned what they taught you in school. Never. You just accepted it. I challenge you to test the theories of the Round Earth vs. Flat Earth, and go outside and see with your own eyes.

The Earth is FLAT, they lied to you. They are hiding more land beyond Antarctica.


Here is some reading material. It’s shorter than the Bible.

How about this the constellations we see in the northern hemisphere are not the same as the ones they see in southern hemisphere explain? How do eclipses occur explain

It all boils down to this, don't be an asshole and your all good, that's literally it. No strings attached or anything. Just don't be an asshole and your good.

You don't have to literally spend your life in a church and be a pastor's fuckboi just to get to heaven man you just have to be a good human being and not an asshole that's all.

Jesus did go to hell and rose on the third day

I know that everything about God is real because the liberal politicians worship demons and Moloch, and they have access to more information than regular people do.

Be just and fear not

Like i said. Debating you is a total waste of time. I've schooled dozens of flat earthers in debates. Then I realized that pulling my teeth with a pair of pliers would be a more productive use of my time.

I'm content just shaking my head in pitty and losing a little more faith in humanity every time I come across another one of you fucking retards.

I just pray you are a troll having some fun with the flat earth meme and aren't actually this fucking dumb.

start by coming up with the best succinct definition of god you possibly can. Not some religion's definition, but your OWN definition. What would YOU expect from a god? Start there and use it to work through your biases and irrational beliefs.

THEN you can start thinking about whether or not such an undefinable concept exists in an objective sense.

If you're a lazy piece of shit, the answer is "Yes, god exists". Only commies and weak minds disagree. Reminder that most young minds are weak, so it's not necessarily a bad thing. you gotta start somewhere.

God is real and he loves you... bitch

But that was a different "hell" Not literally a place of torture but human souls in general.

The comedian Jim Jefferies had a good point. Tou can pretty much boil down christianity to:

>try not to be a cunt

Thats all a religious text needs to say.

Here user, have a thread proving that God exists :


Merry Christmas to you and yours aswell friend :) I finally got round to making a yt account and subscribing. I may send a message throught yt soon letting you know its me.

If you ask me, god is a primitive attempt to answer questions we had no idea how to fathom.
Germs? Curses from the devil.
Creation of the universe? Light on day one, stars on day 3. (riiight)
Death? Paradise! (if you ask for forgiveness)
Life? Only to serve god!
No thanks.

God exists and Hell doesn't. Just be a good person.


God is just an ever shrinking god of the gaps in scientific knowledge. Wherever the edge of scientific knowledge is at is where people invoke god. Then we learn a little more and what was "god" last year is now explainable.

>Germs? Curses from the devil.

Pagan explanation

>Creation of the universe? Light on day one, stars on day 3.

If you’re some imbecile that’s how you would interpret that.

>Death? Paradise! (if you ask for forgiveness)

Attempt to live for virtue and Paradise is exactly what you get. Read Plato’s Republic

>Life? Only to serve god!

Existence is to advocate for is maintenance and it’s propagation. Worship of its origin and his precepts would be the most logical conclusion.

Every single one of your interpretations were the primitive explanations.


God has never abandoned us. He is with us forever, as Jesus promised. Jesus told us not to worry when all of these terrible things are happening around us, because they must happen for this world to come to and end. Macro evolution isn't consistent and is not worth denying God over. Many of the Bible stories have already been proven to be true. A great book I'd recommend that was made into a film recently is "The Case for Christ". It was written by an atheist trying to disprove the bible, but he found it impossible to do so and ended up proving the truth of Christianity. God has led me to Catholicism (the true original church, one flock). I'm sure he will guide you if you ask him, in Jesus name.

God bless you, anons. Merry Christmas!

God as depicted by today's religion is obviously and utterly fake. I cannot believe that this discussion still exists in educated first world countries. There is no logic to there being a god like the ones described by any religion. Is there a possibility of a higher being? Yes, of course there is since we know virtually nothing about the universe in which we live. If such a higher being does exist, does that mean it is possible that he/she/it watches over human beings because they are the special snowflakes of the universe? Fuck no, that is just some delusional bullshit. The necessity of religion was justifiable until the boom in knowledge in the past century or so. Now it is a dying tradition that will eventually be abandoned once people become educated.

lol right on I will look for it, we need strong Aryan wizards to prepare for what is coming

wow nice image my friend saved. Have one in return

Well the Vedas and Buddhists are correct. I have already said once in this thread we can show you the truth, the whole truth, all you have to do is look, that is what we do, that is our mandate

The million dollar question:

Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.

All you have to do is summon the ancestors and awaken the WOTAN


This world is nothing but magical none of realize anything that is true because everything you have been taught your entire are lies. Wizards exist and dark wizards rule this reality but they are being exposed and our wizards are fighting back at every level and we are winning, but we need your help

Complete bullocks
Don't listen to that person, this is the most poor and "yes goyim" type of response anyone could get. The bible stands against paganism and evil cannot but accuse the word of God.

It's not too late user!

Jesus said: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.