Unwrap present

>unwrap present
>this is inside
What do?

Get 'em OUT!! Out Out. Keep his coat!

Enjoy my brand new sex bot

Smash it. Or block its MAC address on the router

Train it to be my gf like in the movie Her

My family isn't stupid enough to buy me stupid shit

Enjoy it cause you've already been carrying one in your pocket for years. Atleast when its unplugged it actually has no power unlike your phone.

For real?

Just talked about this with the wife, about how those are the cameras in 1984.

Sell it. Use the money to buy something that is actually useful.

>Hey we got you this cool gadget that lets the government spy on you in your own home.
>What, don't you like it?

Bread it, deep fry, feed to nig.
They love that kind of shit.

It goes in the next box of recycled crap.

Litterally got the same thing from me madre

>Say thanks.
>Don't use this opportunity to reveal powerlevel
>Reverse engineer new toy
>Reprogram with Tay

Have some gratitude you entitled cuck.

my smartass sister bought me toilet paper with trumps face on it

Use it for handsfree shitposting

Tp her house with it.

I wonder if Tays code is preserved somewhere...

hang it on the walls like a banner next time she comes over

I got one in a secret santa last night. The girl who got it for me wrote "From: The NSA", then crossed out The NSA and wrote "Secret Santa" lmao. It has her seal of approval, as skeptical as I am, what's another microphone in my room gonna do? I have a phone on me, I have my laptop w/ audio interface+RE20 plugged in occasionally.. might as well try to find SOOME use out of this thing.

But the options are truly limited. It doesn't really do too much. Google will now get to analyze my voice when I ask about the military industrial complex and the FED. Not sure if it's a big deal or not, I say fuck it.

If Camille says it's cool and she likes hers, I'll give it a go.

Sell it.
You can be thankful for a gift from someone who doesn't know any better and still not use it, moron.

kys glow in the dark nigger

Gratitude for a spyware
Sell it to a nig or something.

People used to believe that government will put surveillance devices forcefully but rather now people pay money to keep them by choice.

Nah bruh

Holy fuck synchronicity

Your family is poor and buys your presents at TJ Maxx

>being a dick to someone who bought you a present

Even if it's a shitty gift just say thank you and then don't use it or regift it to someone else or something. You have to realize to people who aren't "redpilled" giving gifts is something that is intended to be a kind gesture and you're supposed to return that with gratitude, because even if you don't like the gift, they cared enough about you to get it for you.

>oh no! This device is extremely useful and a great addition to my life, but now da gubment can hear me fapping to traps! My freedoms!
Get over it. That's an amazing gift.

I don't get it, Why do people outside USA are obsessed with trump so much?

I'd sell it ASAP.

Ask for the receipt.


Put it in a sock and beat commies with it.

Because nobody outside of their village talks about their politicians on a global scale like they talk about Trump.

kill yourself

>sell everything about you and everything you do and say to the multinational corporation

Please kill yourself, you are right fucked in the head mate.


What are these spying claims founded upon? I mean I realize its (((Google))) and its probably true, but was something discovered or something?

Sell it to a nog

I can't see any actual uses for it.
It's a waste of money and it spies on you.
Faggots like you are fucking cattle. You'll take anything the master gives you.


There's no proof about the spying but damn, do you really want Goolag to have a screenless telescreen in your house?

Found this at tj maxx for 10$ and its still my favorite city building game

Roberta and Ken Williams are icons.

Are you seriously this stupid? The "features" it has are all the same features that you find on any surveillance device. These kinds of "assistants" are only useful to the extremely lazy and stupid.

Say's while browsing a Trap thread.


Oh boy, we have a silicon valley soylent drinker projecting his furitbowl fetishes onto Sup Forums users.

Sell it, buy a gun.

It's only worth 30$.

Buy bullets.

buy some weed and trade it to druggy for gun

It's not like it's recording the incoming traffic (maybe) and it doesn't have a camera. All it does is listen. Do you talk to yourself? Do you tell your mommy about your favorite lolis? What could it possibly gather from your voice.

you guys are fucked. ingot one and love it. plays any radio station you can think of. just say "ok google play wbcq" or whatever. jesus you people are parinoid. you are literally in a CIA honeypot right now and you are worried about this thing spying on you. get a life. If the NSA is spying on me they are going to need a lot of coffee to get through my boring ass life.

You really think they aren't monitoring all your traffic? You know Google built itself on crawling everything on the internet for info right?

It takes away our humanity just like smartphones, television and internet do. Products that we overuse turn man into bugmen who are helpless slaves to global capitalism. Think about iphones or android. It's full of reminders, calendars and email to keep you on your toes working at all hours. We're such disgusting slaves to technology.

>If the NSA is spying on me they are going to need a lot of coffee to get through my boring ass life
This. Nothing makes me happier than the idea that someone could have the job of watching me play shitty video games and make food all day. If they want to monitor my pathetic life, by all means go ahead.

>OK Google, go to Sup Forums dot org slash p o l
>OK Google, create a thread
>OK Google, say "God I fucking hate those damn niggers, why do they have rights?"
>user what was that?
>o fug

More like this

The NSA IS none of your concern, it's ours

>calling police user
>calling Jesse Jackson
>Writing pre approved apology letter to all people of color
>Writing pre approved suicide note
>mysterious knock on door

>Keep his coat


throw it against a brick wall


I bet you could break it with information request overload.
>ok google you fuckin nigger shit head god damn son of a bitch pussy licking cock sucker cunt face bastard whore ass

Toss it.

>all these people saying its le sekrit spyware surgaylence
>90% of these posts were made by people using google chrome

isps think they own your search results haha. wonder where that idea honepotted off of

Actually, the NSA is for monitoring foreigners. Can't monitor Americans without a warrant.

t. former NSA employee

Jews did this

What else did you do there?

kill the spook who gave it to you


>Atleast when its unplugged it actually has no power unlike your phone.
that's why you always take batteries out of phones if you dont want to be trackeed

And wrap the phone, sim card, credit cards, and large currency bills in foil ;^)

I own an iphone how do I take the battery out

Return it.

>What is system on a chip motherboard battery GPS tracking.gov.china

get a flip phone you pleb

I have two of these and I'm about as oldfag as you can get.

At some point you'll realize that letting people here make decisions for you is a terrible idea unless you want to be alone and angry forever.

>"oh wow this is neat!"
>"Thanks so much!"
>use it for skeet shooting

how does a "spy" (((agency))) get a warrant?

return it

Just keep one of these in your car and throw it in there when ever you drive.

look for the one that glows in the dark. That's your Santa. Run him over, it's easy.

Wrap the ammo can in foil.

look into the wikileaks

keep it in a soundproof box and take it exclusively to use as a masturbation assistant tool.

No need it blocks signals fine by itself.

>he hasn't installed LinageOS without GApps

Sell it on craigslist
But if you have a cellphone you are certainly being recorded anyway

"storing and selling your data is more valuable than the product"

brought to you by, don't be google

Jewelers screwdriver set and heat gun

>about the size of a donut
Brilliant marketing by google for Americans

>letting people here make decisions for you is a terrible idea unless you want to be alone and angry forever.
this is the best advice you will get in this thread. heed it

Would it protect something from an EMP? or would I need to stack a few loaded mags around a radio to keep it from frying?

Kek I don't even like the whole like devices being push but here you are getting this worked. You're literally SEETHING. Gain some heigh and get clue kiddo. Maybe less Trap threads kiddo? :^)

Take it out back, blat blat blat

Canadian version describes it as, "about the size of a labrador's prolapsed anus".