Guatemala to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem after Trump's vow to do same


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guatemala has similar demographics to usa ajajajaj



Subhuman Panamanian jealous of the MAYAN BULL

muslim terrorist vs mara salvatrucha when?

Are Guatemalans retarded? Israel's economic and political axis is Tel Aviv. Only a retard like Trump and his cocksuckers would move their embassies to a place full of muslims ready to blow up any moment.

based sudacas

Soon, thans to the jewish LARPers of this shithole.

Are Latinos going to join the Holy War?

t. Nigger
Jerusalem is Israel's. It doesn't belong to mudslimes.

>economic axis

What the fuck does this matter, America's capital isn't it's economic center at all.

>political axis

The Israeli government Knesset is already in Jerusalem you brainlet.

Ghana was against the move and now it's Christians are like "we should support Israel the land if God. Not supporting it is an unchristian act!".

Man, protestantism is a joke.

thanks for your opinion, random central american who has likely never met a jew in his life.

We're probably gonna see a wave of third world dirtholes reliant on US aid do the same.

you're lucky rakes aren't on sale right now.

hourly reminder that australia abstained at the UN so it could keep receiving US bennies

Nobody gives a shit. Embassies are there for people to visit them, request visas etc. Communications between diplomats happens through documents or press conferences. Who the fuck do you think lives in Jerusalem? Nothing but pilgrims, nobody goes there for affairs that aren't religious. Jerusalem may very well be Israel's cultural capital, but sure as fuck is not important in every other regard. Trump is retarded and so are the jews.

Oy vey filthy goys, Israel-Guatemalan aliance will dominate the world sooner than you think, screencap this

Fuck protestants. Jerusalem must be taken back.

What the fuck happened man? I thought you were cool and look at yourself now, all this jewery.

fite me irl burger

Honduras should be next.

Isn’t the opposition leader Honduras a Palestinian? Are the kikes going to start a Central American proxy war?

>Who the fuck do you think lives in Jerusalem? Nothing but pilgrims

The heads of every political party in central america are always jews vs palesinians.

I was cool before

But the power corrupted me, now i workship the chosen people

>After moving from Canada to a remote part of Guatemala to find religious freedom

what's up with this salvadoran spic? palestinian coon?

Why couldn't the UK abstain from the vote - what a bunch of cocksuckers.

based guatemala

We have a lot of Jews and they have a shitton of money. But our politicians are rarely Jewish.

The only time we had a Jewish president was Eric Arturo Delvalle (85-88).

Palestinians on the other hand...
We do have a sizeable amount of Muslims but they are mostly Pakis, and some are Arabs. They have zero political power and are not a very economically successful group, to say the least.

Why do you have Pakis?

>US vassal following US order
How surprising


>were single-male immigrants from the Indian subcontinent and Lebanon who arrived from 1904 to 1913 and later married local women

Cause they're not controlled by (((them)).

Yeah. But they still are less than 1% of the population, so it is okay.

top fufkin kek Guatemala, why?

t. 17 year old Sup Forums edgelord

Don't kill your girlfriend's parents you freak

american vassal state

it's a smart low-risk thing if jimmy wants a friend to get pardoned or a hotel to get built

>No citation
What did they mean by this?
Still seems random, did they come for the canal?

Britain has been controlled by (((them))) longer than any other country...

>Still butthurt from being called out on the chimpout against a russian schizo

Yeah. The first part about Bayano seems a bit weird to me. Didn't knew he was Muslim. But as they said, there are no traces of this colonial-era muslims in Panama.

The second part says that the first Muslims of this supposedly second wave came in 1904. Which makes sense since in that year America started the construction of the Canal. And most of the workforce was imported from all over the world.

Do you know any? Are they concentrated somewhere?

Is Guatemala a puppet state?

>Political axis in Tel Aviv
The Knesset, Prime Minister's residence, and Supreme Court are all located in Jerusalem you supreme idiot. The embassies may make it the diplomatoc axis, but not political. It does't make sense to drive all the way to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv for official business when the embassy can be in the capital like a normal nation. Plus, Trump is just finally doing what the last three presidents either kept putting off or were too scared to do themselves.

Free Palestine.

Literally who?

Of course it is

muslims would blow their shit out 2bh

>Do you know any?
Currently no, because I am practically a shutdown at the moment. But when I was in high school I knew a lot of them.

>Are they concentrated somewhere?
Yes, there are parts of my city where a lot of Muslim families live and you see them walking everywhere in their Muslim clothes. Also, in Colón (the city at the other end of the Canal) there are a lot of Arabs.

No one gives a shit dumb yid

Free palestine? I'll take three!


wow, they really want that green card

wtf, guatemalans and el salvadorians have internet??

We fucked up
No more gibs and palis deserve to be killed anyway this will just make the kikes more angry

yes those are the jews like eisenmann and motta who buy the politicans and use them as chess peices to prop their businesses. or like the cohens who trafficked weapons for the dictatorship
alll tht semitic undesirables should GTFO. mudslimes already did a terrorist attack in this country.. i bet they have flags of their own shitty cunts in their houses anyways.

That attack was most likely perpetrated by Muslims that were not settled in Panama for what I have read. The Muslims in Panama are 3rd and 4th generation and have mostly lost all connection with their country. Don't get me wrong, I would prefer if there were 0% of Muslims, but I am not worried about them.

there shouldn't be an embassy
it should all be glassed


is just a joke bro
our president is a comedian it's just a prank right...?
end me

yeah, they stole our wifi signal

how does it feel to share a border with mexico?
It must be hell i guess, like standing facing the void while suffering eternal torment.

>Guatemala to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
It's Guam, not Guatemala. Idiot.

Yankistan BTFO!

it's more the fact that we end up mirroring every usa move for no reason

i don't know
i live on the eastern border, which means that the next countries i can see are pretty much the same thing

top fucking kek, mexico-guatemala wall fucking when!?

yeah im not worried about mudslimes weither.... oh wait until some irani fucktards decided to target the canal last year
all because this jewed country does shit like voting against palestine for recognition. wouldnt be surprised if they got some connections with local mudslimes, after all, waked is a mudslime being targeted by motta.
but you know, at the end of the day it is true that while all those ethnicities dont give a fuck about being panamanian, and while ayrabs and indians insist on using their own education systems and caste/marry bs, the juden is always the least loyal. ffs they bunker themselves up then show up from nowhere already owning some politician dogs. how very effective,.
this country needs a cleanup

Jim-bo once offered to give cheap workers to the us for the wall, so uh

hope jerusalem gets nuked

Ojalá Arnulfo Arias Madrid estuviera aquí, para serte honesto.

>Embassies are there for people to visit
No, those are consulates, which will still be in Tel Aviv

>who lives inJerusalem
It's the most populated city in Israel

Same desu

They want to see the world burn.
So do I.

This. Churchill even commented on it.

This. Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, and for now, that's good enough. At least it's not some filthy cabal of pajeets.

>mfw it'll be a trickle of tiny loser nations which will turn into a flood of real countries within the year