Why do millennials give up work to pursue lives of leisure?

Why do millennials give up work to pursue lives of leisure?

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Have you worked in a factory?

It was the war.

There's nothing to fight for, nothing to believe in, nothing to do and everything they've tried to fill these voids with is either fake as fuck like SJW shit or pointless, decadent nihilism.

And it's because going out to fight for your king and country just isn't a thing. You try to do this and you'll get a lung full of gas and post traumatic stress disorder.

The war killed the western soul.

>why do I ask open ended questions with zero numbers or data to back up my question
>oh that’s right. I don’t care for an actual answer I just want attention on this cold Christmas morning

I left my factory work because my back was hurting. I am going to uni in about a month. Stay in School kids!

to not end up like Sup Forums mod that needs to delete your shit threads for free

>Why aren't millennials good goy wageslaves who refuse to do shittier jobs for pay driven down extremely by all the immigrants us boomers brought in whilst we still hold on to easy good paying jobs instead of retiring.


This is why I unironically say entitlement is good.

If we are to crash this economy with no survivors we all have to stop being wageslaves for (((them)))

>why do people like being happy

Sup Forums your autisim is getting out of control

Yeah starving thanks to the inevitable monetary collapse entitlements are leading to sounds great

Low intellect, low attention span, child like maturity into their adult years.



Full time work is very difficult to come by

Most of my friends are ultimately too lazy to put up with a lot of career stress

Also there is the devaluation of degrees. To get even entry level work you need a bachelor's or higher

Immigration + female workforce means men simply don't have the possibility of earning a family-supporting wage (plus divorce is absolutely crippling)

So you think a woman's right to work should be taken away? If you hate not having economic freedom why wouldn't women?

where did he say that, you fucking spastic

but yes, that would solve a lot of issues. why does a family now require 2 working parents in order to raise children when it used to only require 1? why is "economic freedom" the freedom to not earn enough to raise a family alone, when raising a family is literally the base goal of being a human?

shit's fucked. immigrants should go back to their countries and work there. women should go back to doing what they did before, looking after the kids and doing small family business operations.

letting women into white collar work and letting non-white immigrants into blue collar work was a mistake.

Well I'm female and I want the ability to be independent. If you don't like it sucks to be you. Again if you are too stupid to negotiate your wages or your labor I don't have sympathy.

You want women to be stuck with abusive husbands with nowhere else to turn to. Where they have to be on best behavior or have the threat of being thrown out.

Yes I know the economic realities of my generation but I shouldn't be forced to suffer for it.


>Well I'm female

You should die of an easily curable disease.

Why should I support a bunch of angry manchildren telling me to die or get raped? You don't have any viritrol towards anyone more than a woman with a mind of her own. This is why I don't have this generational loyalty thing. If you hate me I don't care if you are born in the same arbitrary year range as me. I'm loyal to no generation until some better alternative comes up.

You know the rules.

>Why should I support a bunch of angry manchildren telling me to die or get raped?

Don't support anyone at all. Just get raped and die.

forgot your picture of steve o

What kind of a mom did you have to raise someone like this?

What war

Work is for slaves.

Kill yourself you fucking hole

I did, me and my mates leech off the taxpayer to go out drinking and partying all the time.

When I am on my deathbed do you think I am going to look back and wish I was spending this time wageslaving and not just having fun?

Because they didn't listen to Dick


have children before you hit 35, or you're going to spend a very long time alone. don't fall for the meme that you should act like a man to be a woman.

you'll end up like those women who tear up everytime they pass the baby section at walmart if you don't settle down in time. the reason "economic freedom" for women is detrimental to our society is that it's killing our birth rates. it's happening in every country with "economic freedom", including japan.

if you don't care about your own race, then that's understandable, since you are a woman and women have no honour by default. but you should learn to care about it.

Be a better bot or be a better person, get saged faggot

>There's nothing to fight for, nothing to believe in, nothing to do

This isn't quite true. What is true that our current culture is one that doesn't really value putting the interest of others before your own. It pays lip homage to these acts, but if you chose to be a hedonistic selfish fuck it's perfectable acceptable just do ur thing mang ha ha :^)

And so it is that people have to find a high purpose on their own instead of it being grown into them by their culture. Many never do and get trapped in the swamp of nihilism and hedonism.

You have a delusion sold to you by feminists that you can be independent.
>successful career
Pick one. If you try to do both, pick a beta male who will be a stay at home dad, just don’t expect him to be an assertive guy, as he’s apparently content to be castrated and play the role of a female.
Choosing a traditional female role as woman doesn’t mean you have no choice but to be abused and trapped... or perhaps you make poor choices no matter the context?

Why does everyone on Sup Forums want to be a good goy wageslave? If the government is giving you free money, take advantage of those retards! Maybe they'll learn eventually.



Or I could end up with a loser jerking off to cuck or trap porn and having to be in a dumpy neighborhood while he gets angry at me is bad in bed and hits me.

I see how angry many men are at women. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.

I'm not falling for a meme. I'm doing whatever I feel like doing. If others call me brainwashed. What are you gonna call me when I continue to do what I want even when there's tons of social stigma? I know most people will stigmatize me.

Do they ? Middle class Cunt

God you are a pathetic cry baby. Get out of your fucking basement loser.

First world war, you dumb burger, it was obvious for anybody who knows that bit of history necessary to understand the content of this board. What, did you think it was about "Viet Nahem" and your veterans and "kernels"?

The deployment of phosgene gas and the advent of trench warfare ushered in an age where war is not a good thing, neither for the environment and nor for the troops fighting in it. This is wars have become gradually fewer in the last 100 years, because they are avoided at all costs due to their destructive nature.

War used to be beneficial for man 500 years ago, when the battles wouldn't last for more than a day and they were pretty much friendly skirmishes in comparison to what modern warfare involves. It is like the Medieval private, drafted from amongst the ranks of the commoners and peasants, would have a brawl in his local rural bar, but this time his life being at stake. There was no shell shock back then either as death was to be seen everywhere and was a common occurrence, the psyche was roughened from the cradle as he would see his brothers fighting and his father pummelling his mother after a few rounds of mead. People were much harsher and a 12 years old kid could manage a household as a 18 years old can do today, girls knew to cook and boys knew to take care of the animals, they would also see death when culling the animals. I would falter if I had to cull a chicken as an adult male, and back then children did it as a chore.

Even if he dwells the basement it isn't his fault but modern society's, the modern world took the war from us, young males who hanker to wield a sword or axe and slash or hack the enemies, pulling through poverty and harsh winters.

We don't need to ban women from the workplace, we just need to stop catering to them there. Stop policing speech, and stop limiting masculine behavior.

If we allow work to be a space that isn't hostile to men, women won't want to be there anymore and more will leave on their own.

Who is this cute girl (male) and why does it keep getting posted?

Work is shit if you are ugly and have no prospects for future family and children.

Oh look! A kike thread!

If the only way you can be independent is via the state forcibly taking men's stuff, and giving it to you, you're never going to actually be "independent", You're only going to foster more resentment in men for ripping them off.

I wish I were a neet. Working sucks.

You are probably a double standard overweight can't cook swipe left type of woman ...

her youth beggining to fade away
soon this shitposting will stop

nigger wtf is with you jidf nigglers and this bitch are you trying to do some kind of spell on us motherfucker what kind of magic is this

same girl? looks diff

I did and I almost killed myself

thank dog robots will soon replace this shit labour

I'm not sure what you reffering to with that sentence? I despise millenias, but I'm under the impression that they still work but just complain about it all the time?
That and of course they seek any chance exit point from responsability, which they can get - X-factor, Idols, any celebrity job in general.

If this is the actual case for America then no wonder it's going so batshit insane.

Abusive relationships don't even exist here if you're not muslim. However, the majority of todays danish males are cucks who get left half-way through a relationship/marriage, because danish women are whores.

No gf, no investment in society lasting longer than my lifetime
