One Piece

Reminder that Big Mom did nothing wrong.

She had sex at least once.

Who will finally make him give a fuck?

Will a non-zoro/luffy strawhat ever topple an admiral?

If Luffy and Zoro were out of it who would take control of the crew?


>tumblr the character
>did nothing wrong


Probably Sanji

Nami is the weakest person in the crew

That already happened and Sanji took over. Speed reader
Yeah, no

What chapter did this happen?


Dressrosa escape to Zou

Not him, but Usopp wasn't in the crew at the time. Speedreader.

Will they really assassinate Big Mom? I don't think it's in Luffy's character to do something shitty like that.

Official Strawhat member rankings

1. Zoro
2. Franky
3. Brook
4. Robin
5. Nami
6. Luffy
7. Sanji
8. Chopper
9. Usopp

luffy just wants to save sanji's family

they're not gonna help bege once they've accomplished their goal

Hes killed a character before

Speed reader



>Zoro that low

She did many things wrong. From a strategic perspective, the whole fake wedding thing is a waste of time that would also be terrible PR. She should have had the Vinsmokes killed in secret and blamed it on someone else.
By publicly killing the Vinsmokes and breaking her promise of an alliance, she would guarantee that nobody would ever trust her or want to marry into her family ever again. She isn't just a pirate, she's a Head of State, her word has to mean something or it all falls apart.

Why can't we get a simple Robin doujin where she uses her powers in a creative way (besides growing a dick) to blown someone's brains out with rogasms?

1. Usopp
2. Franky
3. Brook
4. Zoro
5. Luffy
6. Sanji
7. Robin
8. Chopper
9. Nami

Sanji will go up if he does another Mr. Prince. Robin will go up if she does... anything.

higher ups attending the wedding know she is planning to kill them.. she said this herself.

Not him but earlier in the manga luffy killed someone iirc

Usopp was the "Captain" in Skypiea, no?

>earlier in the manga
So, when exactly?

After Gastino joins and Sanji gets his shit together, there will be 4 SH who are on admiral level

>higher ups attending the wedding know she is planning to kill them.. she said this herself.
That makes this even more nonsensical. If it's public knowledge that Big Mom is an untrustworthy bitch that will pretend to do weddings only to kill the groom's family, why would anyone ever agree to any marriage?

You will get another Nami fucks faceless fat fucks for a fortune doujin and you will like it

Luffy killed..
The going mary


Because she will kill you and your entire family if you aren't strong enough to defend yourself from her. Also, sometimes she doesn't always kill you. Bege has been fine.

Why doesn't she just kill Germa 66 then? Why even bother with the wedding? She's wasting a lot of resources on this.

Who's Mary, and where was she going?

fuuu fuuu

The background characters at Enies Lobby

Rob Lucci too possibly

Why exactly do New World-level fighters like the Vinsmokes need Big Mom's Jolly Roger to take over North Blue? There's no way anyone there could possibly stand up to them.

>Rob Lucci too possibly

Nobody can possible read THAT fast.

Kizaru, pleas stop.

Because the Vinsmokes are outnumbered and don't have enough Hitler youth to invade an entire island mass.

Also isn't the North Blue controlled by other families?

Mostly because she's a psycho. Doing it like that has her ecstatic. It's also maybe to send a message to the underworld.

Jinbe is the final crewmember. Carrotniggers and Caesarfags will get epic BTFO.

>There's no way anyone there could possibly stand up to them.
Unless the WG sends in an admiral.
A decent VA could probably cause them some trouble too.

Wano will be boring. No interesting climax or setting just fights fights fights. Should have saved Big Mom for last.

It has been said. It's because the WG would fight them back.

Only because Usopp wasn't there.

Jinbe will be killed by jumbo mum.

>Luffy has an autistic fit, Sanji gets whacked by pudding last second

Cap it

>send a message to the underworld.

>>"Don't ever trust me to keep my word because I'm evil and I'll betray anyone if I feel like it! HAHAHAHAHA!"
Yup, seems like a good message to send.

So, why did Big Mom hire a guy who is known to kill bosses/captains only?

To kill luffy

And the WG will just leave them alone and let them take over almost a quarter of their territory if they fly Big Mom's flag? I doubt it, the WG and the Navy went to war over Whitebeard over Ace, no way would they back down when their tax revenue and the integrity of their power is at stake.

For defense

Because he's no match for her.

Big Mom isn't a very smart person.

More like

>"Don't ever try anything against me, i will kill every single one of you".

That's how she rolls. By fear. It's gonna bite her in the ass.

Lotta disloyalty for a hired guard

In terms of power, sure. But she should be aware that he'll try to fuck her up sooner or later. Like you know, when you have a big fat greek weeding or something similar.

Which makes me think, does Bege assume that Big Mom knows his plan?

year of jinbe's death

I'm about to start to reading/watching One Piece, what am I in for? Also should I read or watch it?

Cocky and stupid. It worked for her up to now.

you're a big mom

Read. A good ride.

You should watch somebody reading it.

Read it
you're in for every emotion possible

>And even if you do exactly what I ask you to do, I'll kill you anyway!

for you

Enjoy wasting 1.5 years of your life trying to catch up with a Manga only 70% complete

Speed read it.

Watch it. It's more comfy.

This cannot be real.

Watch until pacing becomes a problem

Read it. The anime is done by Toei and has absolutely dreadful DBZ-tier pacing. It'll take you forever to get through it.

Killing off Big Mom this early is pretty stupid

You'd like to hope so, otherwise that little shit Pekoms is going to ruin the whole thing,


Well, at the very least we will get an Oden flashback, probably Drake's too, and these are usually good. Other than that, I'm afraid you might be right. But with some conflicts already set up, and (likely) most of the major players already introduced it should run smoother than Dressrosa. I'm just hoping that the action will be spread along at least two days and we will visit different locations in Wano for more than a short while (like Skypiea or Alabasta).

Watch till a thing called the "Timeskip" or "2 years later". Then start reading at Chapter 1, the coloured version, cause the manga is still incredibly good.

Not necessary, she doesn't do it to everyone. It was me trying to rationalize it anyway. The real reason has been shown. Dramatic assasination make her wet.

why shoot a man before pushing him into a whirlpool of sharks?

Perona nakama when

Everything in Big Mom's house is sentient, deadly, and totally loyal to her. Big Mom will know immediately the second anybody is set to betray her.

What she didn't count on is Bege's ability to hold meetings inside his body.

>she doesn't do it to everyone
But the fact that she does it would be enough to scare away any future potential allies from marrying into her family.

Crashing this wedding.. with no survivors

I think Pekoms is gonna try to spill the beans, but Mom will just laugh in his face.
>You think I didn't know? Mamamamama

>Wano shore
>Kin'emons hidden base of operations
>random town on the outskirts
>battle path towards Shogun

Maybe we'll see the cherry blossom field where Roger and wb sat.

>Everything in Big Mom's house is sentient, deadly, and totally loyal to her. Big Mom will know immediately the second anybody is set to betray her.
Not really, none of those items told Big Mom about any of the shit that's going on. Her own children are keeping secrets from her.

That doesn't make much sense. He could've come up with the plan before joining her. So all her sentient fart cushions do jack shit in that case.

No. Jinbei said it. She's killing your whole family if you don't show up to her Tea Parties.

Tell me about sogeking, why does he wear the mask?

I wonder how much NIPPON STRONK wanking we'll get in Wano.

my waifu

Not really. The Vinsmokes only went to Whole Cake Island because of the marriage. And Big Mom couldn't do shit against the Giants.

They've already wanked Samurai as being the greatest swordsmen ever and being so strong that even the World Government won't fuck with them. So probably a lot.

She's killing Germa for their tech

Luffy is gonna vomit at the thought of eating raw fish, calling it now. He will tell Sanji to cook it, the Wano people will be deeply offended and force Sanji to shave his head as an apology.

>Her own children are keeping secrets from her

Ok, who?

It also helps that the fact is that big Mom is also a fucking Bruiser.

>greatest swordsmen ever
Good thing there isn't anyone on the SH crew with the explicit goal of toppling all the great swordsman.
He'd probably be in for quite the party.

Why isn't Wano being released yet?

Cake Island has been boring as shit

>It wasn't until he came to Wano for training that Mihawk truly became the world's greatest swordsman.

The Giants are the strongest country in the world and the Vinsmoke were protected by the WG. Exceptions rather than the rule.

>Ok, who?
All of them. They've all agreed to not tell Big Mom about any of the comotion going on so that she won't throw a temper tantrum.

Smoothie, Opera, Chiffon, Praline.

Lola's twin.

How much do you wanna bet that it'll turn out that Zoro's parents were from Wano or something?