Can we all agree that this will be AOTS?

Can we all agree that this will be AOTS?


When was the last time a western cartoon got canceled and then got rebooted and it was good?

now we got Jack

Megas when

ma man

Will we ever be able to go back to the golden age of cartoons? Probably never.

Don't answer that. As much as I like Samurai Jack go fuck off to Sup Forums.

I would shit bricks if that happens

tonight at 11 PM

>tfw Jack would rekt every character in One piece

>Will we ever be able to go back to the golden age of cartoons? Probably never.

Damn I hate when there happens to be a moment I regret not having cable

Oh god soon please

Pretty sure they're just going to stream it on their website

Hopefully the stream isn't too awful.

Probably AOTY.

No way. No fucking way. It's one thing for Jack.
Megas would be like if Hitler won the war.

it's going to be shit and you all are going to be disappointed screencap this and I'll be back at 11:30 to say I told you so

You're on. See you at 11:30.

i havent watched the previous seasons and im gonna watch this

should be fun, its like watching those time skip movies where the audience grasps for the context of the story

I haven't watched the show in over a decade so I'm trying to marathon it this weekend

toonamifags are used to it
You know, with dbz and no db

They were running all of the previous episodes for the last like 2 months 24/7 back to back on their website

I was going to marathon it too, but it's too late now and I don't want to miss the premier.

To be completely frank Samurai Jack is an extremely boring show.
I've got it downloaded since months and I can't manage to keep watching. For each good episode there are three terribly boring ones.
The last episode I watched was the second Scotman episode and it was dreadful.

the fuck is this cancer?

>adult swim

Yeah but there was no way I was gonna catch those in order

I don't have cable so I just intend to watch it tomorrow evening or something.


You mean AOTS?


Time to off yourself.

>Having this much shit taste

It's a late night cartoon block on Cartoon Network and they recently started bringing back old anime/cartoons from long ago, knowing that the demographic who grew up on these things are adults now and are catering specifically to them.