This entire show consists of nothing but food porn and casual conversation.
Why does it work?
This entire show consists of nothing but food porn and casual conversation.
Why does it work?
> Why does it work?
Does it? Does it really?
I think it does. It's very comfy and almost slice-of-life. But the conspiracy angle keeps it interesting.
People get tired of repeating shit in other shows
But food porn is really good. it's the only reason why I watch this show. Ah, and Lotte is cute, so two reasons.
10/10 production quality.
Keeps the show feeling comfy and warm during slice of life parts, which are the majority, all the while throwing some plot development here and there to keep you coming back every week. It's like, really pleasant cocaine.
I'm getting tired of it now. It keeps up the political thing like it's trying to say something important but it always fizzles out before the episode finishes. Style is spot on though.
I feel like my opinion of the series will rely a lot on the finale.
If all this isn't building towards some kind of clever and cool conclusion, I'll be a bit butthurt.
b-but cocaine isn't pleasant
really? I'm enjoying the show a lot, but I wouldn't say that production quality is its strong suit. it does look fantastic at spots, but I'm constantly noticing the low quality faces from a distance and the tricks to reduce animation
The show is confident in it's writing/world building and doesn't feel the need to water it down with flashy action segments or plot devices. Shows like that are sadly few and far between, but when they work they work really well. .hack roots is one that comes to mind as one that did it really well.
Comfy and /ck/ is what keeps me watching it.
Oh, I meant .hack sign actually. Haven't seen roots yet.
>It keeps up the political thing
it doesn't "keep" it up, it is fundamentally and constantly political. And when it is being "political", as you put it, that's when the plot kicks in, the things outside of that is development and world-building and the series is better for it
i am really digging this show
I will have to check out .hack sign in that case
Lotta is for ________
stuffing full of bread
Natsume Ono's shows are all top notch
Why the fuck is toast considered a delicacy?
It's literally the bread you use when you're too lazy to go to a bakery.
Nino's voice makes me gay.
This is your king tonight.
Oh man, people are going to be so salty at the ending.
I doubt anyone seriously expect Jean to become the next king. It doesn't suit the story. I bet things will stay the same they are. I would love a Lilium wins and become a dictator who rules the country with an iron fist with Grosular becoming his slave after Mauve offers Lilium her body to make and deal and save Grossular's life ending, though
Found out about the show and watched all episodes yesterday night.
I think it works well with me because the story is a little bit complex without suffocating with twists to keep it interesting.
Although freeing the rebellious princess felt stupid and that failed assassination attempt was laughable.
Also, best OP and .
I just want donuts for the ending
Spoilers:Nino gets shot. Lotta ends up with Rail. Schwan becomes king.
>Lotte is cute
I liked her at first, but lately she's been acting a little stupid.
She knows she's the sister of an important government official in charge of uncover illegal businesses. Yet she acted so childish when they came to get her.
It's very good food porn, plus great scenery.
That sound so misleading when it's actually a happy ending.
>Grossuler has been taking the big brown cock after all
Sad. He better have a keikaku up his sleeve.