Every racist person I know is an uneducated fool

Every racist person I know is an uneducated fool.
You find these people in the lower rungs of society. They look for someone else to blame for their shortcomings.

It's poverty, low IQ, obesity, people who are ugly, have shit genes. You don't see any attractive people in any Neo Nazi or far right events. It's always obese, loud, ugly, obnoxious people.

Same goes for racist people in other cultures. They are the poor, ugly retards in their society.

OP, this is communism. Identity politics is always communism. There are no exceptions.

I've always wanted to know the context of this picture.

>every overtly racist person is a fool
Those who arent stuoid know to hide it
>i know
hardly a real argument. Moreover, i get the impression youre going to have a significant bias here.
>someone else to blame for their shortcomings
define racist. Is JP Gariepy racist? Is Jared Taylor racist? Are these people uneducated fools? Theyre no more an invalid sample than 'people you know'.

trump is a massive racist (according to MSNBC and who else would know better?) and he is leader of the free world. The top rung of society.
Have a (((you)))

I found OP

Racism is fake news.

>Every racist person I know is an uneducated fool.
Every uneducated fool I know doesn't know the difference between racist and bigot.

BTW, niggers are more likely to rob you, Muslims are more likely to kill you for religious reasons, Mexicans are most likely to be illegal aliens, Indians stink from spices, Slavs squat and British have shitty teeth. These statements aren't racist, just things that are true, but looked down upon for noticing or commenting on.

Oh, and OP is always a fag.

I'm fairly educated, have a good job and consider myself to be quite informed. What is 'racist'? If stating facts about muslims, niggers and women is 'racist', then by all means, I am racist. As someone else stated, racism and bigotry are two different things.

No one says there isn't dumb whites that need to be sorted out lol

So what you are saying is that niggers are racist

>No one says there isn't dumb whites that need to be sorted out lol
No one says there aren't dumb whites that need to be sorted out, LOL.

Please, go to the front of the line.


you're racist....
you won't pay to take care of everyone else
u won't let people fuck up your way of life, family, money

u are a racist


everyone is a lesser-individualist in terms of their self-interest-
If you have a shitty life, you are essentialy less of an individualist, because there is nothing in your life worth anything. Hence the appeal to collectivist thinking and fantasies

It's just about hiding your power level.

UK actually has among the least amount of cavities in the EU and far lower than US. The UK teeth thing doesn't exist in reality, so for you to use that as an example is pretty poor.

>Those who arent stuoid know to hide it

And that's why the alt-right is destined to fail.

Scared people don't create revolutions.

Most are anons on the net, and it will stay largely an internet movement. I predict it will go the same way as new atheism, popular for a number of years online but will fizzle out.

The fascists were not anonymous people, they proudly and defiately let people know their beliefs. Nowadays, anyone who says 'be proud and open about your beliefs' is label a Jew shill... It's seen a good thing to cower in the shadows.

a picture speaks a million words eh what is going on here?

why do communists predominantly come from the middle class?

>that picture
He's not perfect, but thank God for Trump.


lets say we changed the frame of the picture she is liberated

False. I‘m a shredded 6‘1 Chad. You‘re talking about commies.

How many liberals live around non-whites?
Prettty much none of them.

Conservative lower classes are racist because they actually come into contact with Black people.

You are the kind of person who looks at the end of someones finger rather that what they are pointing at.
Like a Dog.

>Every racist person I know is an uneducated fool.
Possibly this just reflects the people you hand out with.

In private, elites including educated people are well aware of racial differences.

For further confirmation that "racist" and "sexist" views are not the province of the uneducated, see basically every leading philosopher in history, apart from the recent generation of cultural marxists.

This is the most American picture ever.

56% all day, every day.

youre correct. However, once (and if) the alt right reaches a size at which it can protect its own people will stop being so scared and then when more 'educated' people (ie those of higher social status) start to express sympathies it will become legitimate and cease to be stigmatized. Most people dont want to risk themselves and their comfort unless they have to so will always conform. I would assert its only about 10% of the population who actually matter politically. If the alt right had even 50,000 members active in real life then it wins. I believe (and i must believe) that it will and is reaching this point.

>Nowadays, anyone who says 'be proud and open about your beliefs' is label a Jew shill... It's seen a good thing to cower in the shadows.
whos jewing who?

Nice . Deep South family reunions are the best.

fucking cuck gavin mcginnis has a point if this is liberation from any kinda guilt then it becomes the norm and the value of the human being in question goes down i am probley to wasted to be philosophical about some loser shaking her ass for money

not sure why your asking me, but if i where to guess its because of its ties to workers movments? The ideology is essentialy full power to works, kinda like whites being attracted by nazism


Which one of them is her father?

She's probably working her way through college. A top STEM program, surely.

>Most people dont want to risk themselves and their comfort unless they have to so will always conform.

I always question how strongly they believe the tenets of the alt-right then. If they truly believed that western civilization and the white race was truly under threat this half century from complete devastation, they wouldn't be afraid to speak out about these issues publicly.

Instead they talk about 'hiding your power level' and walking around hoping that other people too are red pilled and 'hiding their power level', and that one day a critical mass will be reached. However, noone will ever know if a critical mass has been reached, because noone publicly expresses it.

I'm not a supporter of the alt right, and I can openly point out the flaws with complete confidence that things won't change. People will continue to promote complete anonymity and hiding your beliefs and values as virtues.

IME anonymous political forums (I have a long history with them) give people the illusion that they are doing something. I've personally campaigned about a particular issue and had my name in the paper. I've also made youtube vids about various issues, showing my face.

I know that youtuber cultured thug talked about trying to meet up with alt-righters to do local political activism, and never got any reply. He said that was common.

That's why I can confidently say that the alt-right is not a revolutionary movement. It's venting online.

>Every racist person I know is an uneducated fool.

So is Trump not racist now, or does a Harvard degree count as "uneducated"?

Pick 1

who ever photographed this photo has a gift

>not sure why your asking me,
asking what? Whos jewing who? It was rhetorical. The point was that the people who say 'dont expose yourself' or whatever are just shills even if they dont realise it. Now, i dont and cant possibly know how many people sympathise with the idea of an ethnostate secretly but id be willing to say if they all openly admitted it everyone would know at least one 'nazi' and then it becomes completely normalised.

That's the bad kind of racist. There are a good kind which is the people who are smart and educated and stil racist

>I always question how strongly they believe the tenets of the alt-right then.
most people live in the here and now with little thought for anything so significant as 'western civilisation'. People assume it wont affect them too badly and that theyll be able to continue on with their lives at a tolerable level. Think of them as the people who voted for hitler but werent in the sa. Furthermore, i would say that many of those who are really in the 'alt right' simply dont know what to do. Its pointless to burn your social capital for nothing and if you cant articulate the ideas or convince someone of them then thats all that will happen. We dont have an SA to join and what would you propose they do? If you come out strongly normies turn off because they know being associated with these views are social suicide but its hard to say 'race kinda exists' since its rather binary.

I also think you underestimate the value of online activism. Certainly, posting on Sup Forums is pointless for anything other than refining ideas or intragroup discussion but if every post on twitter or facebook etc has alt right people replying and being upvoted this will help to normalise the ideas and make real life 'coming out' as it were easier in addition to help educate those who want to in propaganda.

Finally, people are coming out into the public sphere. Charlottesville, whatever you think of it, as the most prominent example but there are others as well. NPI grows every year and anything spencer does sells out very quickly. It only takes 10,000 to march on washington to make history and legitimise these ideas. While that seems like a lot it really isnt in the grand scheme of things; im sure that we already have that number if not in america then at least worldwide but organising is the problem.

Look, she has like 18 dollars. No, wait, maybe 15.

Combine that with the look of general disappointment in life on her face, will she be ready to marry and start a family? No. Because most women are shallow and stupid and will throw it all away for an unwashed pill popper that looks like something from MTV.

She will try to recreate that time she did all that coke and then popped a mystery pill and let all the cool guys from school use her holes when she was 17 and you are in the way, but she can use you for now because she needs the place to live.

So where are the ones not like this?

>buy degree cause daddy is rich and influental
>spout lies OTI that you're so smart and others are so dumb
>while talking like a mentally challenged child

That's not a good thing you retard.

You know what's worse than racists? Elitists.

They're better because they're "smarter", better educated, or born into more money than you, so they are justified by position to make decisions for you.

Politicians, celebrities Professors, Media, etc...

yeah, you're a fucking retard bro. try again later

Yup. Low IQ goes hand in hand with racism.

But Finland is really racist (on average) And Finnish people have 3 digit number iq (on average)
Op = Homo


t. uneducated redneck who is not smater than a nigger


Because a smart racist is not gonna show his powerlevel to you, retard

hmm You do realize that is the media narrative. You are a literal uneducated sheep who thinks this is true LOL. It is fine if you think this but the storm has started my friend. Most our silent redpillers who hold normal jobs. but they are out there watching (you).

I'm not racist but if I lived in America I probably would be
Think about all the people who's lives have been destroyed by violent black people, seriously

>t. uneducated redneck who is not smater than a nigger

Owned my own business for 30+ years and retired early. House is paid in full. No college education, but I did hire people that had degrees.

But, you proved my point without my help.



If racism is only a thing among the inept and low class, how is it oppressing anyone?


Shariablue has a Xmas day shift? Haha volunteer? Or desperate homo? Or both? Sage this gay shit

What exactly is “racist”? Who decides that? One person? A committee of people? If I say “Blacks have lower IQs than Whites” (a true statement), is that “racist”? How would that be racist?


They're bikers.

What does "racist" even mean anymore?

It's no longer a buzzword reserved for baseless racial prejudice.

Some rednecks bought the cheapest stripper West Virginia has to offer for whatever event they were celebrating, let's say lap 217 of the Daytona 500. The look on her face tells you it's not worth the $17 in tips, but she is currently the highest paid women in the state. Such is life.

So? I can at least count and see more and more 3rd world shitskins than white people as the days go by and I do not like it one bit. Call it one of the most basic traits that an education is not required. Self and family preservation.

I find people of colour less attractive, does that mean I'm racist ?

>being racist against racists
Ah yes, my favorite bait

Jews , are pretty ugly . Saw one pig/jew , with 6 + bodyguards.

Monkey man makes good farmhand and slave. This is not racism. It is fact

by the definition of Dr. Shlomoberg yes, it does make u a racist

Bullshit. Didn't you see how clean-cut all of the guys at that Charlottesville rally were?

But “the movement” is only a couple years old. It’s in its infancy. Jared Taylor was speaking to himself for 30 years and now everyone is listening and he is censored. You’re just scared of the fire rising. And you should be.

Bad Nog. Hang & Burn ! (;

Wow, poor white people who can't afford to live in white suburbia and actually have to interact with non-whites turn racist. Strange.

Another bad -nog.

I'm so sorry to burst your bubble, but that's just america

>If they truly believed that western civilization and the white race was truly under threat this half century from complete devastation, they wouldn't be afraid to speak out about these issues publicly.
Some of us have children to feed

"Racism is hate plus institutional power"
How do the poor and uneducated have power over minorities?

What kind of people have power? The educated, rich, high IQ people.

OPs idiotic parroted rhetoric is defeated by asking two glaringly obvious questions.

There is a difference between being "equal" and "identical"

Every liberal person I know is an uneducated fool. You find these liberals in the lowly rags of society like degenerate nightclubs and pop music concerts. They look at centrists and those on the right and blame them for their shortcomings and the issues what the liberals bring upon themselves.

Most of them are in poverty, piles of debt from gender studies college courses and most of them have no job or a poor job. They are almost always ugly, while their conservative counterparts are on average far more attractive due to having more respect for their bodies and wellbeing (less drug use etc). Liberals are the ones who scream the loudest “FUCK TRUMP” yet represent a noisy minority. They are truly obnoxious and toxic people.

You can see these liberal types all across the word, they are almost always the same, ugly, poor, obnoxious and rude.

>right wingers are ug-

>based Kim

What's up, dude?

I feel the exact same way about the weare all the same libtards. When we are clearly not. Just look at nigger countries cuties or even areas. They are disgusting shit holes. How do you explain that? O i know its all,evil whiteys fault right? Do the world a favor and go and live amongst niggers. But you wont. You will live no where near them and just continue with your retarded fantasy. I have lived amongst them and i never will again. Dirty animals.

actually, a lot of people I know who are really smart (like masters degree in physics etc.) are like that


Some whore whoring for money at some NASCAR thing.