I hate these communist fucks with a infinite crimson rage

I hate these communist fucks with a infinite crimson rage.

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Wow what did those birds ever do to you?

Google Doodle never celebrates Christmas. Instead, it's "Holidays". They'll deepthroat other holidays and honor actual communists. The other day they had a "Yule" doodle.

It's bizarre as well, why do Corporations submit to Progressives; whom are opposed to their very existence?

Go to the (((Google))) homepage and click on the drawing. It's not Christmas anymore, it's (((December global festivities))).

What the actual fuck? I think I'd be less upset if they even just said "Holiday season", at least then there's the implication that it could either be Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, Yule, etc that they're referring to. But what the fuck am I celebrating December itself for? They know nobody is, but God forbid they make any kind of sectarian distinctions when they only have 365 days a year to post a different one of these fucking things.

Why do you feel like they are obligated to do a Christmas one?

Progressives aren't opposed to corporations that they control. They'll gladly use them the same way they use government, academia, and other institutions.

Because they know damn well that a good 30%+ of the world celebrates Christmas, and if you're going to acknowledge shit like Eid (they did this for 2017, look it up, they called it "Mudik" or some Indonesian name) and the birthdays of leftist (((thinkers))) only academic professionals have ever read about, then why not do the one thing that literally a third of the planet will get some modicum of entertainment from?

Jew's gunna Jew.

Because they’ll celebrate the most obscure events/controversial people, but they won’t do a doodle for Christmas. It’s the most obvious statement google could make. Of course we’re going to notice.

"Why not" is not an answer to the question "Why"

Why OP? You don't hate """December global festivities""" do you? Maybe you're just uneducated about them. Here user, allow Al Jezeera to educate you.

Stop using Google ffs. Bing or duckduckgo is all you need

(((December Global Festivities)))
Why do we let the Jews get away with this?

>Muh discrimination!

They're not obligated at all. It does however reveal their bias. They are pro-Communism, Islam, and Progressivism etc; all the while glaringly opposed to Christianity, Traditionalism, and Western Civilization itself.

Add to that the fact that they are seeking to gain a functional monopoly on information aggregation and distribution. Pretty scary desu.

Getting this mad over a highly commericalized Greco-Roman pagan winter solstice holiday that was basically co-opted by illertate Christians since jesus was likely born in August.

Imagine you were a regular at a nice restaurant where the doorman tipped his hat to people on the way in. If he tipped his hat to the obscure people that nobody's ever really seen or heard of before, and he tipped his hat to the other regulars when they showed up on a special day, wouldn't it be ludicrous that he wouldn't offer some acknowledgement to you, regardless of "why"? (Though I strongly speculate that their excuse is because they've done Christmas doodles before, but still, they were always popular because it was a form of acknowledgement to one of the single largest demographics in their user base. To celebrate "December global festivities" as opposed to one of, if not the most popular holidays on Earth just feels like they're going out of their way to ignore it when few other demographics get the same treatment.

>all the while glaringly opposed to Christianity, Traditionalism, and Western Civilization itself.
lol, are you sure you are not imagining this? I don't see much that is anti-christian

Yandex nigger.

More like December (((Globalist))) Festivities

Google uses their doodle to represent the underrepresented. WASPs don't need their holiday represented by the doodle—every car commercial, every store display, and every Christmas special on TV already represents them.

On a similar note, there's no reason to get so rustled when activists and inventors of color are represented by Google's doodle. Think about this: If y turn on even a "lib'rul annie-whyte" news network like CNN, what do you see? A see of pale white faces. You are so well-represented, and you are so blind for not seeing it.

Anyway, what happened do your love of free markets? I thought private companies were allowed to do whatever they wanted?

God you are autistic.

Its a fucking banner.

And Googles customer base is more than retard Natsocs Trad Fascists lmao.

They are pandering to the dumbest demographic, because the dumbest demographic has no idea what they really want. It's like a parent child relationship, where the child wants to go do something stupid and dangerous and the parent is really a global organization that produces first aid products. They will always come crawling back, becuase they are too stupid and impatient to fight back.

Actually, it was moved there on purpose by early Christians due to the symbolism of the "Light of the World" being born on the darkest day of the year.

Then, like all the other holidays, they incorporated the existing holiday traditions to ease conversion.

>with a infinite crimson rage

Fuck these useless lefty soy goys.

At least if the Chinese take over, shit will be set straight again.

They didn't do men's day but did some retarded holiday the next day, I don't ever remember what the fuck is was.

It's a sin of omission brother. If during Black History Month, Google Doodle had a banner proclaiming the horrors of Irish indentured servitude, people would be furious.

The fact that Google is a Western-centric company, and Christians are literally the largest religious demographic on the planet, it's not wild to think they would have a Christmas banner; if only due to market forces. That they are ignoring a quarter of the worlds population for purely ideological reasons, while being one of the most influential companies on the planet. It is cause for some measure of indignation.

It is eliminationist and dismissive of the foundation of Western Civilization itself.

birbs are cool you kike.

because progressives will never actually abolish/hurt corporations through policy but they will absolutely organize and disrupt business IRL if they get triggered. The right has been stuck in "cuckservative mode" (constantly apologetic, mentality of appeasement) since they lost the culture war in the 60's.

I'm getting awfully sick of these fucking kikes. We should start a list like Father Christmas.

Also notice the bird parents pictured aren't the same species as their depicted children.

>celebrating Christmas in December

Define underrepresented. And it's fucking localized. There's no reason they should be shoehorning non Western holidays on Western platforms. It is eliminationist and dismissive, and borderline subversive.

What kind of bigot would move to another civilization and expect the domestic population to focus on their holidays, and expect it to conform with their previous cultural preferences?

Because CNN is just a bunch of upright rich holier than thou Jews, whites, and token blacks that work against white interests and virtue signal all day long. They just get together and hot box farts, sucking down hard on each others farts all day.

Winter solstice you fucking heretic

>What kind of bigot would move to another civilization and expect the domestic population to focus on their holidays, and expect it to conform with their previous cultural preferences?

What communists have they celebrated?

>It's a sin of omission brother. If during Black History Month, Google Doodle had a banner proclaiming the horrors of Irish indentured servitude, people would be furious.
>The fact that Google is a Western-centric company, and Christians are literally the largest religious demographic on the planet, it's not wild to think they would have a Christmas banner; if only due to market forces. That they are ignoring a quarter of the worlds population for purely ideological reasons, while being one of the most influential companies on the planet. It is cause for some measure of indignation.
>It is eliminationist and dismissive of the foundation of Western Civilization itself.
Ok then - you are in fact delusional.

You know xmas comes in summer in the southern hemisphere right?

>ur dum me win argment

You mean december festivity.


damn nice digits

He's not delusional, you are.

Ad Hominem = Not an Argument

I always feel bad for Aussie Santas. I bet they are sweating like a motherfucker in that red suit

>"To me, [bin Laden] is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire. They had much in common. Besides being strong leaders who brought consciousness to their people, they all had severe dislike for the US government and those who held power in the US. I think all of them felt the US government and its spokesmen were all arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous, and power hungry."

- Commie Yuri

And it's good that you notice. ALWAYS notice and do not EVER allow yourself to forget. Day of the rope is fast approaching.

Sure thing he who claims "all the while glaringly opposed to Christianity, Traditionalism, and Western Civilization itself." lol

Can you actually refute my position instead of just asserting that it is incorrect? I stated my position very clearly here .

If not you need develop your critical thinking skills.

If we let global warming get bad enough then we won't have to worry about shoveling snow

>Can you actually refute my position instead of just asserting that it is incorrect? I stated my position very clearly here .
>If not you need develop your critical thinking skills.
I have plenty of critical thinking skills. Enjoy wallowing in your delusional anger.

>Strategic Hyperbole

You realize you're admitting your own folly?

Still not an argument. It's ok to admit defeat

>interracial relationship
>two children, none of which are the same race as either of their parents
>dad has a big nose

Oy vey, what a picture.

Google has been weaponized for a long time. Stop supporting their occupation of the internet.

what doesnt trigger polniggers?




>I have plenty of critical thinking skills.

Then why not use them?


>not using bing

>not using Qwant