How come racists always get mad when you call them racist? shouldn't you be proud of who you are?

how come racists always get mad when you call them racist? shouldn't you be proud of who you are?

two different definitions of the term 'racist' resulting in a misunderstanding of what one is being accused of

Because the you’re not calling the right people racist. Just because you use the word doesn’t make it true faggot.

so are you guys the good kind of racist that isn't actually racist?

how come niggers always get mad when you call them niggers? shouldn't you be proud of who you are?

Why do faggot OPs get upset when you call them faggot?

>Obviously everyone I call a racist really is a racist because I say so.
What a fucking retard you are.

Well I'm racist but what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
As if somehow me being racist invalidates all my opinions.
I don't like niggers but I'd never do anything to deprive them of their rights and freedom even if I could. I don't like niggers but I'd give my life to protect the freedoms of every race because I belive in freedom even for the stupid and ugly.

If someone calls me a racist I'll just say
>sure, and?

how come niggers always get mad when you call them niggers? shouldn't they be proud of who they are?

I don't consider myself a racist.
Society does.
I do not have hate in my heart for people just because they are of another race.
I do however see people for what they are, and have life experience. The notion that we are not sub species is kind of prosperous.

Probably because you avoided the argument and went straight to name calling


i'm not racist. in order for me to be racists shitskins would need to be the same species as humans. but they are not.

Just because I am a racialist, not a racist.

see now you guys act like niggers. you view the word "racist" the same way niggers view the word "nigger". You are racists, you just don't like being called one because "racist" is a slur word for you and you get offended

its not that i dislike the word 'racist', its just that i prefer the name 'nigger killer', so your argument is void

Just a couple of years ago, being deemed a racist was one of the most effective and severe forms of character assassination. But that hand has been WAY overplayed. Even many normies, who might have never considered themselves racist, but also subconsciously would rather sit next to a stranger of the same race on the bus, are able to see through it. The word has lost much of its power. Mostly because shit like pic related has been MYSTERIOUSLY dubbed "not racist" by those who shout the loudest and are the first to accuse others of racism. There's only so much cognitive dissonance your average person can take before they are forced to reconsider their own beliefs.

Depends, do you think not wanting third world muslim immigration makes someone racist?

If no, that's what the left considers to be racist.

If yes, can you tell me what race third world muslims are?

Shouldn't niggers be proud of being niggers then?

"Racism" is a word to denigrate and dismiss people who hold a perfectly rational viewpoint. Only white countries let subhuman shitskins in and give them free benefits. If I went to a sandnigger country, there's a good chance I would be beheaded simply for being white. If I went to the wrong part of Mexico, there's a good chance I would be robbed or stabbed by a poor, desperate Mexican, again merely because I'm white.

Liberal moralfags want to impose their vision of moral superiority on others despite very real negative consequences of their ideals being enforced. "Racism" is a weasel term because it has been successfullly infused with the most negative connotations by the Jew media and CIA textbooks.

Why do niggers get mad about being called a nigger? Seems like only a nigger would get mad about it. You could call me nigger all damn day and I’d never get offended. On the contrary, I’d probably laugh about it.

but why you get offended when I call you racist?

>how come racists always get mad when you call them racist?
I don't
I invite it.
Once that accusation has been made I just
1, get them to define what a racist is and isn't
2, use their definition to show that not only am I racist, but so are he/she, and everyone else.


I don't get offended, but I do want to dissolve the weight the word has to normies. It's illogical to be so tolerant of lazy, criminal subhumans.

>As if somehow me being racist invalidates all my opinions.
Um yes sweetie it literally does

Funny because someone being a virtue signalling libtard does the same for me. As soon as I hear a word like "islamophobia," I know.

If you’re not racist, you’re an idiot.