Important messages for you bigots from the creator of a New York drag strip club for kids

Important messages for you bigots from the creator of a New York drag strip club for kids

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What the fuck is going on in America? If such video was posted here, the CPS would be fucking storming the house with spetsnaz already to take this kid away from his PEDOPHILE groomers


I’m sure that will result in lowering the suicide rate.

You bigots won't stop progress

Desmond would also like to develop, in the future, a cosmetics line for drag kids. He wants the line to include oil-free products, not tested on animals, and bright, highly pigmented colors. All and any advertising will feature drag kids of all ages and types.

Desmond is looking to create an inspiring line of merchandise featuring his heart shaped logo, his most inspirational and memorable phrases, and his signature motto, “Be Yourself, Always”. All proceeds will go to a selected LGBTQ non-profit program helping LGBTQ youth each month

Desmond is the founder of the first ever drag house exclusively for youth, called the Haus of Amazing. His goal is to bring young drag kids, bio queens, drag kings, and anyone else who loves drag together in a safe, positive, worldwide online community. As the community grows, there are opportunities for potential meet-ups and events. Because the drag house is restricted to members age twenty and younger, members can communicate freely and candidly with their peers without the often judgmental interference of adults.

Desmond is in the process of developing a magazine targeted at LGBTQ youth called The Amaziest. All content will be created and submitted by LGBTQ youth for LGBTQ youth. He is researching various methods of producing the magazine, as well as a design and layout consistent with his message.


How come these "drag queen" kids are always white?
Are black kids immune to faggotry?


Lmao looks like the kid has aids allrdy

Completely sick. When this boy rebels later in life, I bet he joins ISIS.

Who is his mom? I'm 100% sure there's no dad in the picture.

haha this is exactly what I thought as well. I can't wait for the 20 years later where are they now, and this little faggot is dead from aids.

This is how they try to make pedophilia legal.

>the left uses mentally ill children for propaganda
>they also used this little crossdressing faggot here
What a surprise

She's an insecure unemployed fat pinup girl

Niggers hate fags and beat the shit out of them at the first sign of a limp wrist. Niggers get away with a lot of "gay" behavior, though, like being way into fashion and dancing. When they do go gay, they go gay HARD. There's nothing gayer than a gay black man.

I had a gay black friend in college who would go clubbing on the weekends for the sole purpose of sucking dick. He was just like, "I don't care about anything else, as long as I get to suck some dick, I'm happy." It was his favorite thing in the world.

He also used to call me "massa" and shuck and jive when we'd be at parties, which would send my sides into orbit and mortify everyone else.

Man, I miss that little nigger faglet...

Wow. I bet she wishes every day her son had been born with a vagine.

I wonder how many times he had to be molested before the homosexual recruitment agenda made him that degree of crazy. You would think that someone who was so obviously sexually abused by gay men would prompt LGBT spokespeople to try to cover it up or at least silence him.

the kid is 10 he doesn't even know if he's gay/trans/whatever you absolute mong
blame the people who brainwashed him
why would you wish death upon a kid

It's completely normal to take notes from a mentally ill 10 years old boy.

Here's his website btw

How dare you insinuate that black people are homophobic!

This is from 2015 New York Pride Parade. They have kid drag queens in them.

Would rape his boypussy until he begged for me to impregnate him 2bh.

how is this not child abuse?
that guy looks like a fucking pedo desu

the west is dead..

Progeria is a hell of a drug.

he already looks like a freak, if he wasn't a little faggot he would probably be something else, kek

>black kids immune to faggotry?
>black dragqueen
who would find such a thing appealing for propaganda material?


only in america

Drag queen kids always look like malnourished little gollums anyway, I get the feeling that 90% of this is just the parents sick of looking at their ugly kid so they pawn him off on some pedos

Gotta admit that made me chuckle and that blue steel pose at the end got me wanting to watch Zoolander

The kid looks jewy but Jesus Christ, this is terrible that his parents would encourage him to put himself on display like this.

Pure wickedness

Growing up in da hood is not conducive for homosexual behaviors.

Sick parents.

This image makes no sense at all, can a woke nigger please explain it for me?

The opposition to gay marriage should just run this video. This is gay adoption.


It's album art of a song that came on Spotify, really caught my attention.

>State commies

Why are niggers so fucking stupid, GOD DAMN.


we need to contain it lads. it's like the plague but resitant to antibiotics.

Holy shit. Man is licking his chops.

>USA in 2012+5

You've got Hitler, Caesar, and Jesus. Can't go wrong with that combination, no matter what else you throw in.

Wow. Look at those dark circles. He like a kid who is regularly abused.

Send this kid to Staten Island for a few hours.

that kid is getting raped, big time

Mom has been deleting any negative comments on her video all morning.


In the USA it's only Child Abuse if you say no to a kid wanting McDonalds

While this isn't Child Abuse

We /weimar/ now?

These little aids receptacles should be sent to Africa.

I'd bet cash money that mom whores him out to her gay friends.

The future of white man in America

This is your daily reminder the true purpose of Transgederism as a political movement is to create a cogent argument for pedophelia. If children can choose their gender (thus determining all future sex partners) then why can't they consent to sex? The entire purpose is to give children sexual agency.

Inspired by Michael alig...the kid who smoked too much crack and killed a guy with a hammer.

Yes, I understand that part

Drumpfy kneeling to OBL, stalin and NK makes literally zero sense to me, so I'm hoping for insight into what it means to a 80 IQ woke negro

The film “Paris is burning” brought international attention to the New York City “drag scene” and focused solely on minorities

Never ending Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

I believe the abused child is with James st. James. One of the first and pioneering club kids who frequently associated with Michael Alig. Michael Alig being the very young man who started smoking crack and doing ecstasy until an inevitable freak out involving a hammer and an unpaid drug dealer. Good role models to have around.

Black kids are also as gay if not more.
Many go to prisons and pick up boyfriends.
It's only white kids because their parents utilize social media and their money to gain influence.
Blacks only sometimes parade it around. But most hide it because blacks really dislike homosexuality even if their is a large black gay male population.

Be this kid

Pedo: is it okay for me to split your numale ass like wet pine?
Kid: Sure it's what Ive been condition to do my entire existence by unicorn parenting.

Consent = raep averted

Sad sad sad.....

What the fuck is this?!

Wonder what is it like to ascend beyond absolute fury?

I get what the artist is trying to convey.
But Donald should be at a banquet with right-wing dictators.


If you want to find more pics just google desmondisamazing, has a twitter, facebook, and everything that have degenerate pictures

He looks like he's fucked up off something, besides degeneracy that is.

>Parents enabling this kind of behavior

Just look at his beady soulless eyes and tell me this is what a healthy young boy looks like. His parents should be locked the fuck and publicly flogged for this kind of abuse.

Anybody that thinks this is normal or overtly sexualizes children in such a way should unirionically be send to a concentration camp and be gassed.

Deep inside they like being juden puppets, be first world country, win wars for them and feel powerful, now its time to pay the bill.

North Korea pls help.

>Anybody that thinks this is normal or overtly sexualizes children in such a way should unirionically be send to a concentration camp and be gassed.
user, i like you.

He looks fucking dead inside. How many neighborhood cats has he gutted and fucked?

Putin pls send help.

>drag house
Yeah those kids are going to get raped.


The next Michael alig

Wtf i hate dolan drumpf now

creepy biker dude is like:

As soon as an op posts something like this, you can rest assured this was just a fucking advert.
Stop falling for it.

>Here's his website btw
Like I said, a fucking advert.
OP is probably the groomer.

>The film “Paris is burning” brought international attention to the New York City “drag scene” and focused solely on minorities
The most interesting thing about that movie is that most participants are dead, either from Aids related illness or murdered for pretending to be women and having sex with straight men.

whats truly alarming is this shit goes on and on and nobody does a damn thing about it

That is a mini faggot.

Kill them all, let God sort them out

I can't watch it. It makes me homicidal.

Don't worry, this fruit loop will kill xhe/xhimself within the next 10 years. Kinda sad but at the same time this world has no place for the undesirables


le 56% at best, you idiot

trump's indoctrination into the super evil guy's club

>that nose

you know when know when..

i bet he'll turn around completely and start hating is parents for this when he becomes a teenager in a few years

>Donald should be
thats the point user, trump is a meme, so he 'should' be whatever you want. ideas like left and right are for plebs like us to keep us voting and paying taxes. if you arent part of their little club, then labels like 'natsoc' or 'commie' actually mean something, but for them, theyre just empty phrases

Go back 20 years and this would have been called child abuse and the outrage from both the left and the right would have been openly discussed without fear of reprisals.
Now the right are forced to shut their mouths as the left have become blatant totalitarian fucktards on behalf of the globalist elites.

Now that they have control of the monopolies on the internet they are starting to shut down freedom of speech, ban twitter accounts, facebook accounts and youtube is a slow steady struggle but will be as bad soon.

The entire world has gone mad and the sane ones are left voiceless and some of us with the threat of IMPRISONMENT for simply speaking out on '''''far-right''''' topics or watching such ''''''propaganda''''''.
It's only going to get worse, folks, sorry but Sup Forums is on borrowed time too.

That will leave the internet in the hands of the world government.
The question is will Sup Forums act before it is too late?

He already looks like he has AIDS.

They're from Leafland, btw.

>Drag house
>Restricted to 20 and younger
>w/o the ofter... ...interference of adults.

I would mind pretend I'm 20 years old drag if I get the chance to being insolated in a house full of confused and open minded 12 years olds.

Should we gas the Jews yet?