If you were the protagonist, would you kill a surrendering enemy?

If you were the protagonist, would you kill a surrendering enemy?

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Without hesitation.

I would. But as far as anime goes, I would not. Ever.

Merci Boku.

Yes because I would think of all the innocents they will murder if I spare them.

What if your enemy is crying? Could you heartless ice cold evil souls really do it? The villain struggled throughout his/her life. Perhaps sympathy can change him/her for the better?

>psychopath crying
Crocodile tears

I mean, I'll be real here. I really doubt I'd be a protagonist.

I'll be "that guy". I'm pretty aware that I no doubt fall within the realm of sociopath. I really just find everything to be a burden and I can fake all the social cues pretty easy. People generally love me, because it's easy to act in such a way.

Yeah, yeah. You could slice bread with that edge etc. I don't really care. I got the drive to do jack shit in life, so I end up doing whatever seems the least annoying.

To answer your question though, it just depends. Freeza, absolutely not. Enemies like 17 and 18, probably.

If you kill your enemies they win

You mean redemption? Yes, I do believe in that. As they say though, Justice and Mercy go hand in hand.

> I really just find everything to be a burden and I can fake all the social cues pretty easy. People generally love me, because it's easy to act in such a way.
Holy shit a sociopath admitting they are a sociopath

>if you kill the bad guy, you're no better than him!


Has here ever been a protagonist not just in anime but in any media where the hero has had that line said to them but gives zero fucks and kills the bad guy anyway?

I'm lawfag so yes

Calm down now, Shirou

there's a ps2 game where they protag is some asian chick who blows the guy's brains out/cuts his head off right after that line
wish I could remember the name tho

Without hesitation, unless the enemy is a qt grill.

Do you rape her instead of killing her though?

I wanna say this happen in either Fist of the North Star or JoJo. I am sure it happened in Justice League but it was an evil version of Superman


Is it really that surprising? It's pretty clear cut.

What if the villain had no other option? What if he did it to survive?

I don't remember if it included that line, but the Deadpool movie had Colossus giving a really sappy speech about heroism that ended with protag murdering the villain.

No, you can't just do bad things and then expect mercy fuck you

It's not rape if her pupils turn into hearts.

What if he helped you defeat a greater evil? Can't you find it in your heart to forgive?

Tell that to the victims you pompous little shit.

Goku didn't kill Frieza in that episode

Guys like Frieza or hell, Joker, yeah.

What if he did it because he's sometimes crazy? You can't blame a man for having mental disorders. In the real world people forgive you know (like Canada). Pic related

>Yeah, okay. I torched a town or two, but I totally helped you kill that guy who torched three. Can't you just let me go, man?

Does this count?

One chance rule.
I'll give you a chance to live. But if you fuck up after that no amount of begging will save you.

>Enemy is dangerous enough to cause serious harm to many people if they were to stay evil.
>Beating them once was hard enough and there's no guarantee you'd be able to defeat them a second time after they've recovered.

Yep, gotta kill them. Sometimes mercy is just too risky.

se7en IIRC

>tfw hero mercy kills her
>mad as fuck brother finds out and literally becomes a demon to exact revenge
being Ramza is suffering

>the bullet became a stag beetle

Hey, it worked for Stalin.

no doubt

Depends on how terrible they were and what their reason was.

If it was pic related, then yes.

Survivors become future enemies

Not enough information presented in the question.

Not before telling the enemy that if I kill him I'll be just like him.

Depends on the universe and the specific enemy.

It would depend so hard. If I knew the villain was a pretty good guy all things considered and that we just had clashing factions, I probably wouldn't kill them. Same if I knew they were an honorable person

happens in fist of the north star a lot

misread, pls ignore this

It depends, although if they kill my faggot friends I will give them 40 characters to explain why I shouldn't fucking erase them from existence, PHYSICALLY

every single time

Our world is the result of europeans being sparing pussies, imagine what the romans would do if they knew thousands of years into the future their ancient enemies the jews would continue to terrorize their descendents and even their racial group in their continent, import dangerous wild animals from Africa to cause chaos and destruction in these future civilizations, and they could have avoided all of this by just killing every fucking jew back in the Roman times.

If he's sometimes crazy then he'll always be sometimes dangerous and a threat to everyone

The Romans actually genocided the jews after their 3rd rebellion
They banned Judaism empire-wide, renamed their land to Palestina, and when they were done they were very very few jews left
It took them centuries to come back from the brink of extinction and they did it with unsavory amounts of inbreeding

Nah, I'd make friends with them.

see what you did there


That depends.
If the villain is someone who was misguided or did bad things out of necessity, I may forgive his/her life; unless his crimes were so monstrous forgiveness and justice are impossible.
Otherwise I would kill him/her without hesitation.

If they haven't taken a life, and probably won't, I'll spare them. If they have, I'd put them in the dead/phantom zone after being seriously maimed.

One holocaust wasn't enough

Fuck that edgelord.

Does sending people to the shadow realm count as killing, need to know, wondering if it will hold up well in court

I would kill male villains and rape female villains.

If it were into Sup Forums stuff, I would kill Joker and [censored/R-18] Harley Quinn.

>Why Sup Forums stuff as example?
Because my brain is hurting and I can't remember the female villains in anime.

Woah dude, you are so cool, I want to be like you.

It depends. Are you absorbing the soul, feeding it to monsters or just trapping it there as a type of torture?

Plus, the doctors would just say they spontaneously slipped into a coma when they realized they're thirty and still playing a children's card game they obviously suck at.

One of the defining signs of socio- or psychopathy is that the affected one is not aware that he / she might be suffering from this condition.

Every self-proclaimed socio- or psychopath is therefore, by definition, not one.

>would you kill a surrendering enemy?

On Freezer's defense, he wasn't surrendering. Goku wasn't being merciful, forgiving him was an insult.

That guy is just an edgy teenager.

Yeah, fuck them.

You're a retarded faggot.

I don't think that being able to fake social cues is something only sociopaths can do though. Otherwise only sociopaths could be actors. Faking tears to get things their way is one of the first things children learn.

Have you never pretended to be interested in what other person was saying, for example? That's a very mild example but most people fake things like that, specially if they want to be liked by the people they're talking to.

Depends on the enemy and what sparing them entails.

I'd spar an honorable warrior on the other side of the same conflict if I could, but wouldn't hesitate to kill them if the cause called for it.

Reinhardt would have loved to have Yang around and vice versa, but they knew that the quickest way to win the wars and beat the other is to kill the other in combat.

LoGH Valhalla SoL with Yang and everyone when goddammit.

I guess it really all depends on what the enemy did

Probably, it all depends on the circumstances and what they did.

If I were a protagonist, with my philosophy, yes, I would kill them mostly to avoid problems in the future.

In one of the books of A Song of Ice and Fire, there was a discussion between two characters. One of them was from a warrior tribe where, if you defeated someone in combat, you would cut them an ear instead of killing them (obviously only during a brawl, not in the middle of a war where you can't stop to cut an ear), and keep the ear as a trophy, but also because your enemy could eventually try to get his ear (and his honor) back. The other character replied that he couldn't do that because his dreams would be filled with men with one ear, trying to get revenge.

I would be a faggot like him, I don't want people behind my ass all the time, so I would kill him. That thing of forgiving the enemy kinda makes sense for characters with a warrior culture, but most of us aren't warriors and it's difficult to relate.

That doesn't include the "if you kill him you would be just like him" spineless faggots, if you're such a moralfag you should burden yourself with one killing if it means punishing someone who will probably keep being an asshole. Even if they redeem themselves, most of them do the redemption after commiting so many crimes that I doubt they deserve the chance. I don't know why the idea of the villain redemption is so appealing.

Nah, he's a bland edgelord whose only personality trait is being more self righteous than everyone else. Fuck that edgelord.

I pretty much never do it
I'm an extremely honest person, and most people like that about me

>If it were into Sup Forums stuff, I would kill Joker and [censored/R-18] Harley Quinn.

Raping a female villain is an easy way to make them, not good, but at least make them subservient to you, so is a net positive. You might probably achieve the same raping some male villains. I'm pretty sure the Joker would calm down if Batman would stick his batdick on that clown ass.

No. If you kill your enemies they win.

Yeah and batman could give him a super batdrug that brings him to brain death so he still doesn't technically kill him but now he's not a problem anymore

Who knows? Maybe I'm just fucking stupid.

Not Frieza. That's nuts. You have to kill him because there's no way to assure his capture.

Freiza committed the same crimes buu and vegeta did

No reason he couldn't become a Z-senshi



>record scratch
>freeze frame
>so you're probably wondering how I got here


Vegeta is capable of interacting with people he doesn't necessarily like without murdering them all and blowing up their planet, as is Buu who is just happy as long as he can eat what he wants and hang out with Satan. Frieza is not capable of those things and never will be.
This is what it means to understand context.

>Buu who is just happy as long as he can eat what he wants and hang out with Satan
even with context this sounds suspicious

Frieza is a hothead hes either angry or very angry theres. He doesn't have a single redeeming quality.

I would not, I wouldn't say it is wrong, or something like that, it's just that killing someone, specially someone surrendering, is probably beyond me, I would chicken out because I'm too soft.

it depends on how irredeemable the enemy is really.

Yeah yeah, we've been over this a hundred times. You're just butthurt because you want to be a metal clad jockstrap wearing marauder but you know this guy would literally turn your asshole inside out with a karate chop and he would be right for doing so.


Have this

You know what we call prisoners where I come from?
Easy targets.

He's no Kamine Rider he's just a faglord get over it. The reason why he has to fight maraders from mad max is he can only face the least complex and interesting character least he risk looking worse than he already does.

Am I on Sup Forums?

FotNS was on of the worst shows I have ever made the mistake of watching.

Nah, he's great and you're a cunt.

>guy goes around defending helpless people

Well that explains it. As expected of Sup Forums.