Hi Sup Forums Muslim here

Hi Sup Forums Muslim here.

I just want to tell you that Islam will save the white race from their own selfdestruction.

>Teaching you to be man instead of little video playing, anime watching, bitch boys.
>Teaching you that usury(The tool of the Jew) is evil.
>Making usury illegal. (Sharia)
>Teaching you how to put woman in their place.
>Teaching you to stop worshipping poop dick.
>Teaching you how to stop wopshipping youself
>Teaching you how to worship the one true God.

Be like the cartoon character you love so much, Naruto, and submit to Allah.

Just say Shahada:
lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh
(There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.)

And you too will be Muslim and ready to save your own people by serving Allah.

Other urls found in this thread:


I am open to discussion. Tell me how Islam can help the West become more competitive.

Islam has no Logos
it is a civilizational dead end

There's an amazing trick you won't believe that anyone can learn. If something has a desirable property and a useless or undesirable property, you don't have to adopt the whole package. Islam is a false religion for savages. White people don't need it and wouldn't benefit from it. If Islam promotes X, and X is good, we can just do X without going to a fucking mosque or praying to some con artist sand nigger who apparently rode a unicorn to heaven.

you fuck your cousins and beat your women. the only science you ever developed you stole from the greeks. kill yourself mudslime.

except no


Mohammed was white
Caliphate anti christ

now fuck off

This is bait

Christanity will fix all of our problems without all the beatings and killings and teach us ideas that won't keep us in the middle ages.

i am the messenger of god not mohamad.

fucking bait
stfu nigger

>there is no god but god

I love these Muslim posts on Sup Forums.

The triggering is so satisfying from all sides.

>civilizational dead end
>will soon dominate europa and America
Try again 56%

Ignore the Drumpftards from R*ddit that'll berate you for being a muslim. As long as you stand against the Jews we will welcome you and listen to your ideas

>Christianity didn't have witch burnings, pograms, and crusades that killed other christians


Muhammed was a faggot pedophile

Drumpftards are cancer. Hopefully when the day of the convection comes they get ovened first.

What's wrong with lolis?

It's Christmas Asshole. The utter lack of insight is mindboggling.

>celebrating a fake heretical holiday that was designed to convert pagans and is now commercialized by the jews

I just cant m8 this snake language to hard to say for me

but you can say my

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

>current year
>not fusing all abrahamic religions, paganism and all eastern religions into one.
Unload your troubles unto me, even if it's tough to swallow. I'm used to swallowing huge loads.

>Teaches you to blow people up that don't have the same opinion as you.
>Teaches you how to lose wars even with a clear technological advantage by sowing the seeds of mistrust to anyone that isn't in your immediate unit.
>Teaches you how to defeat usuary
>Only to replace it with taqiya
>Teaches you how to kill gays and unbelievers even though they contribute positively to society.
>Teaches you how to be a dumb fuck and unironically not even know the holocaust exists because no one even bothered to translate a fucking history book in the last 50 years.(This is true look it up.)

Omar Mateen is a hero. He's done more to answer the HQ than larping Nazis have in 20 years. He probably significantly lowered the STD rate as well.

Why do mudslimes have such entry-tier taste?

>teaching absolute subservience to those in power
>incest is a ok
>gets cucked by muhammad 1400 years later
Check, the guy did well for himself i'll give him that but c,mon. You can't honestly believe it, right? The quran, the untaintable word of god
>this one guy who was rude to muhammad, fuck him and his wife is a whore who will burn t.god
>4 wifes max, except for muhammad t.god
>stop bothering muhammad in his house t.god
Gee I wonder what could be up.

There are very few people that truly seek God.


I know muslim boys that play vidya, watch anime and muslim girls that like fucking non muslims.

Only muslims that behave like that are low IQ savages that fear the wrath of allah.


Refugee gtfo of the netherlands

>Teaching you to be man

>Life. You could say it started when I was a kid. Like most folks, I've always been different. But not like the others. Other kids could be cruel, they'd call me names: dweeb, chimp, honky, dweeby-chimp, honky-dweeb, and worst of all: chomsky-honk. Did you know there's over eighty-seven combinations of those soul-scalding words? I found out the hard way.

Go back to playing in the sand you goat fucking rag head

The future belongs to whatever faith supports the nuclear family and doesn't condone rape.

Nice bait

The amount of things wrong with this post.... if only this soul watched milo yianopolouses speaches about islam

My opinions of sand people version of abrahsmism aside,
Why does that image sound like Naruto is trying to FIGHT Allah in the afterlife

I'll just leave this here.

reminder Sup Forums is a closeted muslim board

being muslim is worst than eating shit of a pig.

>Retarded ancient people vs. retarded modern people
makes u think

prepare to go back to the sandbox you crawled out of
if you go voluntarily you get to keep what you stole from the white lands
if you dont you will lose everything and end up in an oven
oh, and take your pedophile prophet storybook with you achmed

Stop poisoning the world with your simple minded violent sand nigger religion. Also, I have no life, being a man child is my only option. But joining Islam is a turn for the worse and joining the enemy. White men who convert to Islam are bitches and cucks who enjoy seeing their women get fucked by their tribal enemies. That's no man.

>save the white race from their own selfdestruction

>this is on page 1
The state of this board.

>1 posy by this ID
Slide thread

Go suicide bomb yourself in an empty field.

Its so true

You retard, Naruto after life has no god, heaven or hell. It's called "pure land" which is basically purgatory where you can be with other dead people you like such as parents, friends, clanmates. The only "god" there is Hagoromo Otsutsuki even then he's just some alien/human hybrid and most people think he's a myth. Also the previous Hokages loved to sin like gamble, kill Uchiha, embezzle money, drink alcohol, read porn constantly. Plus there's no religion in Naruto. Only cults like Jasshin and Hagoromo's Ninshu which later turned to Ninjutsu.

>kill women and children like a chimp
>drug children in into milltants
>force women into your own slaves like your a god
>worship a false god thats a fucking moon god

can you sand niggers fuck off your literally niggers of this planet, your worse then niggers themselves, and even worse then jews.


Let this thread die please.

% of followers are inbred
That's how you know it's so great.

Hell, otakus mulsums.


I have a better idea

Ok Mohammed.

Narutos always been such a loser.

t. Deadbeat faggot

Mulsums always forget the mythology from animes when make things like this shit.

those poor poor virgins..

b-but muh bacon XD

Wow so edgy xd

mind = blown (ALLAHU AKBAR)

Or just become Catholic and skip a step when all of the Muslims and Jews convert.

I wish I was still young.

>all these triggered christcucks not being able to deal with the truth

With the help of who^