Why is Trump so unpopular?

Look at this. Even with a two and a half hour head start he's so far behind Obama on likes and retweets. I thought the tax cut was supposed to make him popular?

Other urls found in this thread:


trump supppoters tend to have jobs and families so they dont give a fuck about tweets and facekike.

90% of news coverage about trump is negative. The vast majority of the country isn't politcally active, and those that are, about half of them are morons who believe anything said on CNN. When all you see on the news, even as a normie, that trump is an evil man, you get unpoularity.

Trump doesnt have any Twitter bots following him around

>Lafty circlejerk social network purged from 90% of Trump supporters likes Obama's tweet more than Trump's.

Keep me posted.

Trump should leave this platform and go to Gab of Minds. Twitter is doomed anyway.

Is this the same twitter that actively bans conservatives?

because he's an incompetent stooge merely trying to enrich himself at this point.

>by ten times

bots and radicals
compare it with 2016 Obama tweet

that, and like 95% of people who have declared support for Trump have been purged from twitter

why is first post always best post?

Just in time, slide threads.

Its happening!!!

Who gives a damn what the idiots on twitter think?

Twitter is banning anyone who supports Trump and ontop of that massive bot campaigns follow Obama and other globalist, also left wingers are losers so they literally have teams of people full time on tweeter making Trump look bad and others good..

I'm actually shocked Obama tweeted "Merry Christmas" and not some pc Happy Holidays shit

Twitter is like 70% black people

It’s fucking Christmas dude

Because twitter has purged the right from their site. Pretty easy to understand unless you're fucking liberal.

So youre saying the same polls that gave trump -1% chance of winning the presidency are saying he has a 30% aproval rating?
Who`d of thunk it?

why did king n tweet the same pic from 2015. is he in hiding?

People that live by likes and retwats are destined to be disappointed by reality. Just wait for January and the retwats will be about something that will blow your minds.

That's a big family.

ShareBlue thread spreading lies and just trying to stir almonds.
Close shareblue threads mods.

and yet nobody remembers Obama's tweets; the only one people still quote is the "hey clock boy" one, whereas Trump's tweets go immediately viral with tons of classics to choose from; from Covfee to "nipples protruding" to "I've never seen a thin person drinking a Diet Coke" to the exclamation "sad!". Trump's tweets have become a part of the zeitgeist and will go down in history, just like his presidency. Obama's tweets, like his legacy, have already faded from memory.

Dude, we’re LAUGHING at him because he’s fucking retarded.

You’re right it will go down in history, because I’m never going to let you guys down for it, conservatives have zero credibility after this.

exactly its christmas, not spend the day on twitter day

You sound like you have a very sad life that is detached from reality

twitter throttling

Conservative people do not use twitter unless they are otherwise there for a different subculture. It's very unusual for right leaning people to use twitter regularly.

social media is inherently something leftist

leftism is about emotions over logic. this is why women are left leaning. social media is all about emotion, immediate emotional gratification. which is why it is so popular among women

It's because Twitter unironically bans and censors all DEM RAYCISS KKKONSERVATIVES

Fuck em.

cuz we gots dem obama phonez nigga


what dat orange clown gon give us fo calling and posting n shiet?

WTF Impeach NOW !!!!!!!!!!

Twatter is full of SJWs, bugmen and millenials who liked Obama because he was "cool and black, which is cool in itself". What do you expect?

That is because all of Africa has followed him on Twitter dumbass

He is unpopular because the Left are losing their shit over him and don't want to give him any credit on the matter, even if he actually does good.

The Right either have a life to live or don't use (((Facebook))) or (((Twitter))).

>Gab and Minds
Agreed, but there is a caveat. Then all those SJWs and verified leftie journos will join as well and then those platforms will be in jeopardy.

Libs hate him automatically and he's losing the conservatives too because he's proving to be a completely useless incompetent retard as president. It's literally impossible to fall to 0% approval, no one has gone below the lower 20's but Trump is pushing the bottom. He's gone as low as any president can in the modern era.

So unpopular that he beat a candidate with the entire US media on their side lol

Wow trump even go obama to say merry Christmas.

Wait didn't Obama just post the same pic wtf

libshits like twatter

Republicans approve of him 90%
Democrats approve 5%

You do the math


twitter is not a publicly owned 1/1, scientifically balanced analogue that equally represents the population of earth


Naggers and white girls love their social media.


So that makes Trump what?

Approvals don't mean anything.
W. Bush had a 86% rating but still the hurricane and Iraq War fucked up his presidency and he'll forever be remembered as a war monger who spent trillions of dollars on a failed war.

Twitter throttles his account and prevents people from seeing his tweets.

Nice to see Barry saying Merry Christmas now that he's out of office, cuck.

That was just patriotism from 9/11. Trump has no 9/11 to create patriotism. People just hate him because he's total shit.

>believing fake news
He said it often in office. You fell for a lie and got tricked.

why is OP always such a kike loving faggot

For you.

> People just hate him because he's total shit.

Alas, if only your remarks and arguments weren't as shitty as your own perception of the guy

>having a twitter

5:36 am compared tp 8 am. Couple hour difference.

Tell that to 61% of the country who thinks Trump is the worst president in modern history. His own actions and words have made him into the worst.

Twitter literally ganks his numbers. I've noticed them taking away my like and retweet before. Plus Obama had the globalist media in every country sucking his ass 24/7

Trump doesn't have 5 million Muslim followers

He played up the christian thing a lot for the cameras because he didn't want anyone to know he's a secret muslim.

Obama has a huge following in the third world. The Shareblue bots are also working to keep his "facade" intact.

Rural and suburban retards can't afford internet.

Because white people have no unity. You know every nigger and their grandmother made a twitter to follor obama. White people dont do that shit. So yeah. It all boils down to artificial popularity.

Why. He said it all the time when he was in office

Bots. C'mon Sup Forums; you know who owns (((twitter))).

low approval ratings couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the majority of those who occupy the positions of power used to distribute information about his presidency on a daily basis have blatantly sworn to take a partisan stand to openly #resist him, right?
no, of course not

Because self-respecting white people don't spend their time on social media

you're not laughing about anything. liberals are miserable people and you're entire philosophy is based on envy and Jewish hatred. the only people laughing are Trump and his supporters.

And it couldn't possibly have to do with him being an incompetent retard who is fucking up daily could it? Half of his cabinet has resigned due to corruption or getting sick of his bullshit. Biggest failure of a president ever.

Do normal people even use Twitter?

Most people don't even use Facebook anymore because it can lead to them losing their job.

My sister and her family don't use jewbook anymore for that exact reason.

Oh man those poor Chidrins. You just know that whole family raped and sacrificed them moments after taking that picture

That's because Obama sees that what Trump is doing is working.


twitter banned all of his voters

>King Nigger does great on the social platform that is tailor made for his mouth-breathing urban-dwelling lefty followers and darkie worshippers

Wow who knew

>bans everyone who disagrees with their agenda
>oh look everyone agrees with us


In America, it's because he's not a nigger.

Only niggers get the special treatment by G-d's chosen hook noses.

All the likes in the world won't hide the fact that Obama was a shit President.

Twitter user holocaust

Because of incessant propaganda telling the plebs that Obus er was scandal free and them being indoctrinated into not looking for themselves

(((holiday season)))

not so fast you fucking nigger

>basing popularity on bots and liberal kikes on social media

stop being a fucking idiot OP

explain why king nigger's candidate Hillary lost badly, Trump got 300+ electoral votes.

All the lefties who just watch to get angry
They aren’t going to leave a like

it really makes me happy knowing some liberal faggot is crying his eyes out at this moment because Trump is president.

Basically the same number of comments. Lots of fake shit on social media/youtube. Don't really know what is popular and what isn't.

90% of new media on Trump is negative. Makes sense why he's not popular.

Its pretty simple really
Obama is more popular abroad than in the US
Trump is generally unpopular abroad.

>Vox & Gallup

>Conservatives too because he's proving to be a completely useless incompetent retard.

I know Conservatives that actually say he is alright. The problem is the Legislative Branch is full of those completely useless incompetent retards and he is actively doing his job against a Left that are completely useless incompetent retards that have been brainwashed by (((Progressive))) views.

>Then all those SJWs and verified leftie journos will join as well and then those platforms will be in jeopardy

Not really, leftism only thrives in highly censored safe spaces like twatter and reddit.

What I mean is what won't stop them from turning those chat spots into censored safe spaces. The only upside if they tried is that they would be hypocrites as they have insulted GAB and Minds ludicrously only for them to come and join.

>what won't stop them from turning those chat spots into censored safe spaces

As long as their admins are not compromised it won't. All they would be able to do is suck it and manually block anyone who hurts their faggot feelings.

>be one of the worst presidents
>have the biggeest approval rating
actually pretty good desu

99% of people who still use twitter are niggers

Is this news?

>Trump fans paying attention to their families on christmas
>Obama fans glued to their phones on the evil white man holiday

Twitter is far from ubiquitous, believe it or not. Obama fans use it a lot. Ta da.

on the left you have poor people going back to work. on the right you have poor people living on welfare and not going to work along with your mom being a whore and banging everyone she brings home in order to pay overpriced rent while your sister starts getting into drugs and has nut stains all over her back. also those kids on the right are being molested; probably pulled the healthiest looking kids they could out of the pizzabox just for the photoshoot. lets also mention how they most likely manipulated the tweets and likes thru russian farm bots; its a thing. also 536AM is a lot earlier than 805 when people are waking up. so thats a thing too.

can see a new movie coming out from that headline - "Hidden Niggers 2 - the Lost Kangz of Obama"