So all three of them have been raped. What's the moral here?

So all three of them have been raped. What's the moral here?

Rape is bad.

Rape made Guts into a man though. It taught him how the world works.

Griffith got raped as an adult man, That can't happen

she wanted it it wasn't rape

Never relax.

I'm pretty sure Griffith consented to get dicked by that old fuck

being a virgin sucks

>implying two of the three weren't consensual

>implying all three weren't

That those raped will try to regain autonomy through violent revenge or by perpetuating the same violence that was used against them?

and it turned the other two into a retard and an edgelord with an inferiority complex

Midland is a pretty bad place, the lifetime chance for getting at some point, raped, is pretty high for both sexes by most standards, and amazingly high for women.

The overall average of shittiness is probably higher than RL Europe because there is a feedback loop of actual, very active evil that keeps the place a giant cesspool and feeds further creation of nasty supernatural entities and Apostles because well... Vicious cycle, etc. I mean, people fight the good fight or at least aren't total fucks a lot of the time, so it's not as bad as it could be, but it's never going to not be a giant shit hole. Midland that is.

Metaphysically and cosmolgically it is going to continue being a cursed universe.

Makes you glad you live in a world where human evil doesn't actively alter the universe and feed the existence of forces that make things worse, doesn't it?

Are you impliying we don't?

Griffith wasn't raped
Does that make griffith gay?

Griffith is canon gay for Guts

They're just super best bros, dude.

He was actually still pretty young when it happened, the whole point is that the dude was into little boys. Of course he's acquired a pure and undefiled new body as well as godlike powers so it was a pretty wise investment in the long run.

Gurifitsu raped???

>Makes you glad you live in a world where human evil doesn't actively alter the universe and feed the existence of forces that make things worse, doesn't it?
There's no easy way to say this, user, but...

Not really, he prostituted his ass to gain power/influence.

So when's Schierke gonna get raped?

When you put it like that, he sounds a lot like a woman.

Who would rape her though? Literally no one seems to be interested.

Sonia and some apostles.

no he paid resources for his mecenary army with sex

Are we thinking of the same Doujin?

Never allow hate to break you

Let hatred fuel your rage

Use that rage to smite evil

>speak softly
>and carry a fucking dragonslayer

Griffith exists in a superstate of being simultaneously gay, straight and asexual. He is Schrodinger's falcon

>Griffith exists in a superstate of being simultaneously gay, straight and asexual
So, in other words, he's a bisexual Nihilist.


That is right, but I'm sure the midget who tortured him fucked him plenty of times.

Rape is good because it builds character.

I want to rape Griffith too

Regular armor won't protect your ass. You should wear one of these.

> Rape a woman, she'll go insane
> Rape a boy, he'll become obsessed with vengeance
> Rape a fully grown man, he'll become the Anti-Christ

In short, rape fucks you up.