If Israel genocides the Palestinians, would you support or condemn it?

If Israel genocides the Palestinians, would you support or condemn it?

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I hope it kills both of you.


I hope you die.

I support all genocide except white genocide

You can genocide all you want, as long as you stand trial like the rest of them did without whining muh holocaust stories


Get out, you disgusting animal

American jews will die is this happens

Just the Palestinians? Yeah sure go for it. Tie up a loose end. They’re always off causing trouble and misusing funds anyway

sure, save us a little work before we genocide you

I will support when the entire Middle East genocides the Israelis.


>Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
>Article II
>In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
>a) Killing members of the group;
>b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Me and my fellow Americans support the genocide of Palestinians. Check these digits for confirmation.

This. It does my heart good when I see comments from based Germans.


that's rich.

the only real genocide was ... well I'm not gonna say it


Palestinian =/= Arab

Nice try kike can't wait for holocaust 1.0

>If Israel genocides the Palestinians, would you support or condemn it?

eat a bullet kike

your pic implies youre not killing enough of them. did all jews die after you were, ahem, genocided?

Please what a silly thought!
I defenetly support and in all regards will continue to support Israels self defence and fight against terorism and overall a very sick islamic cult.

Israel has proven to be a great member of the wold community, they contribut technologically, medically, academically and has been knows to open its hospitals to those very same palestinians who support teror and take bases in this hospitals so they can frame Israel when they defend their people on their rightful land.

Muslims want it all dont they Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe, America, Australia....

Look at the world map divide it into 6 to 8 squares and see if you can find a square a region that is populated and that has been reached by islam and muslimes and that has never been attacked by them violently via terros, say try Africa, Europe, asia perhaps, America...

I think they islam have spoken, they have sent a clear mesage, they have painted their portrait so yes I support Israel, yes war is cruel but we shall not let terror win and so let there be done what needs to be done.

You Israel stand in the fire,,zone surrounded by savages you stand strong and fight against the wind and one cannot fault you.

Our country was founded upon the genocide of the native American people. Even though it sucked for them, America ended up a lot more civilized. That's how I see Israel's killing of the Palestinian people.

Jews > muzzies IMO

Looks like we got a new shill here. First day on the Job?

Me and my fellow non jew dick suckling freedom supporting people condemn all genocides.

>This is not a successful genocide
Jewish incompetence =/= Jewish benevolence anymore than white destruction of nature = white supremacy.

Anti-Israelis here must love sucking and want unclean syphilis infected black muslim dick up their ass.


Nope, mudslimes deserve it

Who are the bigger retards on this planet?
Devout muslims who believe in a 1400 year old lie made up by a brigand or People who believe in a 2000 year old myth?

I would support it because then the Arab world would be pissed at America for supporting the jews and want to destroy them to spite America. So yes, genocide the palestinians so the rest of the arab world would hurry up and get their shit together to deal with the nation of Israel

I love how poos are so butthurt by Pakis who are just Muslim versions of poos.

Except the Palestinian cause has nothing really to do with Islam while the Israeli cause has everything to do with Jewish mythology.

Their share of the population has decreased and the amount of land they hold has diminished, to imply that the recent influx of jews to the Levant hasn't negatively impacted locals is autistic

they tried and failed horribly, now it's only fair for it to be their turn

If they genocide against them why stop there kill all the other muslims in the midle east

Israel should use their money to fly every single Palestinian to Indonesia. Let them over populate and murder eachother out on the islands

israel has no right to exist and never will. the idea that such a right could ever exist in the first place is an affront to basic human decency and common sense.

A country cannot simply give other people's land to some other people

support. would probably volunteer to be guard in camp.

Well, not with killing off every single native at least.
The Arabs took that land from the Jews who took that land from the local Canaanites.
Had they just killed off every last Canaanite, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

>negatively impacted locals
1) Palestinian standard of living is equal or better compared to their standard of living in most countries in the region, and even compared to the standard of living of actual citizens of most countries in the region
2) Only the UN can with a straight face claim that "negative impact" and "genocide" are the same thing... Sure, war with Israel has not been good to the Palestinians, it has negatively impacted them compared to an ideal world where they would live in peace, just as it negatively impacted the Israelis compared to an ideal world where they would live in peace.

How could I not support making another sand-people country Syria vol 2? #makeruins

It would give us an excuse to genocide the Jews. Everywhere, not just in Israel.

But it's up to you, Shlomo Ovenbaitstein. Your time is running out either way, the Holohoax is ancient history, and the reparations are going to have to end. How do you want to play your last cards, Jew trash?

dont care, but dont expect Crusader support when the Persians are at the gates.


= black on black crime

Let them fight and glass the winner

Depends on my larp that day. Today, I say yes. Yes to death. Death to all. I cut myself.

I'm with burgerbro. Pay per view that shit senpai.

by that logic white genocide is real

careful jews

condemn it, better to kill two birds with one stone.

Was the native American genocide a genocide then? Since there are probably more natives today than there were back then...

I much prefer Israel to Palestine but I call out Israel because Jews get away with too much and the left has gone so far left they even applaud you calling out Jews over Muslims.

>Palestinian standard of living is equal or better compared to their standard of living in most countries in the region, and even compared to the standard of living of actual citizens of most countries in the region

Hahahah the Jew gets a taste of their own medicine. The same can be said for all Muslims living in the West and Niggers too have way better standards.. what does that o though? Stop us being called racist, islamophobic blah blah blah NOPE!

The Jew response would be: Maybe the other countries have lower living standards because you created war with them and lowered their standards.

>applaud jews on winning at anything
how about no?

>Jews build summer camps for Muzzies
>Kills them in horrible ways
>World can no longer pretend Israel is an ally of justice
>WWI 3: The Reckoning

If I have to pick a side I will always choose the jew. There is no reason to side with palestinians

They are parasitic on western economies and even on the israeli one( you even give them electricity) they started the conflict, they would gladly kill for not being muslim, they didn t invent nothing.

>cunt: Germany
> support

Palestinians are the worst. They rightfully got kicked out of Kuwait. They tried to fuck over Jordan and ruined Lebanon

Jordans had a concentration camp for Palestinians a camp with a death rate that was very high....to my understanding Palestinians are not loved by the rest of the muslim world either..
They are their version of gypsies

>All this good goys.

Theyre not going to genocide their personal slaves dipshit. Just the 6 billion muslims outside THE WALL

i think im becoming more pro palestein i think i can fit in with people more you know

Love triumphs hate


As an Israeli I don't understand the psychotic obsession Americans and Europeans have with this region. Don't you have enough troubles in your own areas? do you live in such a heavenly utopia, and all that's left to you is to argue about things in remote areas that you (nor anyone else, damn nearly) can't change anything about? I do not want a cloak of anonymity from criticism. Just that .. its a bit excessive, the attention, when you think about the number of people killed under oppression in Africa and other parts of Asia. I mean just because in the middle east you can trace some of the evil to white peoples (as if Jews are whites - insane in itself as half of them come from Arab countries) - is that enough reason to give all other evils perpetuated by non-whites in the world, complete immunity from criticism, i.e. they are children, really, not adults, aren't really responsible like whites are, is that it?

I don't want to hear a single jew cry about Hitler or Genocide if that happens.

In fact, I don't even want to hear the word anti-semitic ever again. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I swear never to rest until the last Jew is destroyed.


if they target soft-targets: condemned;
if they act in self-defense: support;
if they dont act in self-defense: condemned

Do whatever the fuck you want to the Palestinians, but your government will hang just like all the other corrupt monstrosities in the world on the day of the rope.

It's because of jewish influence in our politics your retard. Just look at things such as AIPAC.