Project JewLARP

Jews impersonate European people all the time. Why can't we do the same? Last I checked it's not illegal. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

Swallow your pride, use subterfuge, and act like them. It's not exactly the European way, but spying and influencing public opinion has always worked for the Israelis. We might have to sink to their level to free ourselves.

The only people that don't hate jews are people who don't have to live around them. Bring the jew to them.

If you're already circumcised and bitter about it, this is your chance for revenge.

Step 1:
Buy a jew hat online and one of those jew necklaces while you're at it

Step 2:
Invite all your friends out for a drink on whatever jew holiday is coming up

Step 3:
When your mates arrive at the bar, announce that you have taken a DNA test and found that you have jewish heritage

Step 4:
If you have liberal friends, they should congratulate you on your conversion to Dickheadism, as they now have a new and interesting friend that will make them seem more diverse and progressive.

Remember: to white liberals, 1 jew friend = 2 black friends. Liberals love to be seen with the world's most oppressed people.

Step 5:
Enjoy your new life as a dirty jew
>Quit paying for stuff
>Threaten to sue
>do your best to always be seen with a bagel
>Stop shaving and showering
>whine constantly
>make any joke you want as you were an oppressed slave 2000 years ago in Egypt and the blacks were pharaohs
>offer to loan friends money with interest
>Be insufferable
>Talk loudly about your plans to create a new world order and send stupid goyim to fight for Israel
>Mock the US military to their faces and try to get your ass kicked
>Shamelessly perv on blonde lolis IRL
>claim antisemitism when you get called out
>Whine about the Holocaust constantly to the point that it becomes suspicious

If you do step 5 correctly, your friends should all hate the jews by the end of the month

Other urls found in this thread:

I did this in high school.

I would do this but I don't have friends.

all my liberal friends hate jews though, but maybe thats a uk thing

jews already assume I might be one so I might do this. will have to talk with my priest first though.

We know.
You do realise Sup Forums has been using the jew's tactics for years, right?
You do know Trump is president of the USA, yes?

turner is that you?


yeah, good job, mooks.

More time on Sup Forums should fix that up lickity split

Not bad but a better idea: Push ‘Jewness is a social construct’ and Make Hollywood Execs Diverse’


just take all the white nationalist talking points and anti immigration sentiment but repackage it against Palestinians.

Watch them change their tune when you talk about a liberal approved ethnostate.

this is a good fucking idea

maybe I can fuck some jewess too

Why not affirmative actions for Jews?

That movie about the three "hidden" black women working in Nasa, surely we could do the same for the Jews working behind the curtains for mainstream media? We should pitch in for a movie.

The only real result would be that people would assume actual Jews being anti-white was just /polacks/ larping. That's the problem with impersonating your enemy.

Step 6:
Five years later, you have changed your name and you are engaged to a jewish woman. You have learned fluent Hebrew. You are deep undercover, but visiting Sup Forums every day has kept you sane.

You fly to Israel for the wedding. Her grandparents are holocaust survivors. Imagine that.

You smash the little bottle thingy and everyone yells "MAZEL TOV!" You get paraded around on a chair and for a second, you forget your mission as that cool little song plays and jews actually like you for a brief minute.

But then you remember who you are, and what they want to do to your entire race. You sit down and let the bride dance with her father. Mister Bergenstienthal has just offered you, his new son-in-law, a lucrative and cushy post at his business back in America.

As the bride and her father dance, her grandmother beams with pride. Your jew grandmother-in-law asks you to dance with her and you oblige. "Of course bubbie".

She gushes about how happy she is that her daughter is marrying a nice jewish man with such wonderful blue eyes. Just as the music swells, you lean over and whisper something in her ear that leaves her visibly shaken.

Over the next few weeks, bubbie is a nervous wreck. She won't stop screaming about nazis. That her granddaughter married a nazi.

"Bubbie has gone senile", you say, shaking your head. "Time to put her in a home. My father was, after all, a successful doctor before he was called to be with Moses. I've seen this type of thing before."

"She must be getting flashbacks from her time in the camps from seeing so much death."

"She's getting auditory hallucinations. She said she heard me quoting Mein Kampf!"

It's finally your son's bar mitzfa. You pull a hastily written speech out of your coat pocket. "Hitler did nothing wrong. 1488 you kikes"

Your son unwraps his birthday gift. It's an uzi you smuggled in from Israel.

"You're about to become a man, Schlomo."

You and your half jew son don your trenchcoats and sunglasses.

6 million die.

If you are worth anything and did this, your career would be over and it'd be hardly because you chose Jews to impersonate: unless you are dedicated and willing to lose everything, I don't see how it'd work. People will know and remember you for every little thing.
t. Someone who works in a professional corporate environment.

How bout this

Step 1: Dress up all Jewy
Step 2: Take picture
Step 3: Post picture on social media
Step 4: Make some really racist remarks to some niggers.
Step 5: Have everyone on Sup Forums do this
Step 6: ?????
Step 7: Profit

I think it would be a better idea to follow self improvement plans to become a leader, and slowly seep your ideals into others.

I'm also of the opinion that if the Jews could be turned, they would be a powerful ally.

>Someone who works in a professional corporate environment.

I post on Sup Forums all day

do you really think I have shit to lose like you, you fucking normie?

much easier

>If you kill your enemies, they win

Nobody is asking you, Canada.

If Jews didn't hate the cold so much we'd send 'em to you.

>and remember to always cry out in pain when your about to strike a goy.

It'd be pointless (to jewlarp) because you couldn't accomplish anything sitting at home. Pretending to be Jews online is probably not innovative; I don't know but I am not seeing it.
Doing it irl in places where it matters. That's what I was thinking.
If you are a loser then it doesn't matter what you do.

jews have been larping as nazis for 70 years

I like the effort, but the ending was too hasty. 6/10

That's too much shit but I can appreciate the utter hate you have for kikes. 100% right there with you

>make any joke you want as you were an oppressed slave 2000 years ago in Egypt and the blacks were pharaohs