Why do black people vote Democrat?

>sitting in clinic waiting for blood to be drawn In 2016
>black women sitting with her friend
>tv on in the lobby
>She starts talking to her friendreally Loud about Hillary And how we need a women running this county with the "MMMHM DAS RITE" slang
>news plays on CNN about boy scouts having a Gay scout leader
>her eyebrows twist
>mad baboon face
>she shakes her head

She contradicted herself In public.

Why so they vote left?
Most of them if not all are Christian, hate gays and transgender and think abortion is sin.

What gives?

one party promises gibs, one tells them to get back to work

Do you really think a "Christian" population would have murder rates like pic related? They vote for the people who promise to give them welfare and social services. They don't care if faggots somewhere else are benefiting, too, as long as they get their gibs. It's actually quite simple.

>democrats give them money, jobs, and attention for being black
>republicans want a meritocracy, which would take those things away from La-a
>vote farms and hegemonic black culture attack anyone that doesn’t vote blue as an Uncle Tom
>any republicans are raycis, but all the socially progressive stuff is gay nigga
There’s simply no direct incentive for them to be republican in their eyes, why would there be?

They're lazy and want free shit
The left panders to their sense of victimhood instead of telling them to get a fucking job at stop have 6 kids with 6 different people
They don't know that Democrats fought a civil war to defend slavery, started the KKK, and opposed civil rights.

Tldr, they're stupid, lazy pieces of shit

I don't think you know just how dumb niggers are, user. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking this.

You can literally brainwash them with the simplest of take-away tricks. They're not much smarter than dogs. Seriously, most dogs are 2 step thinkers, meaning they won't jump out of a car window for fear of hitting the ground. This is about the extend of the nigger intellect. They basically know well enough to not do something because that something hurts, but when it comes to not doing something because some day it will be detrimental to them, they have no concept of this. If it isn't instant, they simply cannot grasp the concept.

blacks always vote for more free shit

Because Democrats are the real racists!

An ignorant voter is the most reliable voter

righteous indignation & free stuff

Because republican is the party of racists.
Would you vote for a party that also had to pander to a sizable anti-white crowd?
>B-but republicans aren't racist!
Then why is Sup Forums, a board full of neonazis, supporting republicans?

Even the earlier posts in this thread prove my argument.
They all think it's about free stuff and not about literally voting for the same party that the people who want you to be exterminated and deported vote for.

Get black women to turn on feminism, and the US would become a one party nation.


don't kid yourself, it's about free gibsmedats

>Then why is Sup Forums, a board full of neonazis, supporting republicans?
Honest answer, because the left is so fucking ridiculous most of us just want to counter their absurdity.
A lot of the jew-hate is legit, but I don't think most people on this board hate niggers just to hate them. If a black person has his/her head on straight and contributes, isn't a pain in everyone's ass and actually works, you'd be hard pressed to find a white American that isn't accepting of them.
Affirmative Action fucked over capable blacks. It really pissed off a lot of whites and asians who were greater qualified for jobs and didn't get them. Couple that with lower college admissions requirements and grants/scholarships to blacks only, well, you're really left with a lot of animosity.

I honestly don't think about 40% of niggz are capable of societal integration much like we wouldn't want to try and domesticate lions as household pets. It's fucking dangerous and the experiment has run its course.

>what do you mean they won't listen to me explain why they should vote republican?
>it must be because they want free shit, lazy niggers
If the choice is to vote for someone who pretends to care about your self-interest or someone who blatantly does not, who do you vote for?
Jeez, I wonder why Sup Forums doesn't vote democrat? It must be because they are sexist nazis.

NAACP, SPLC, ACLU, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Celebs, Free Gibs, Pandering, etc etc

Black people have no reason to vote Republican

THIS GUY!! obviously a Sup Forums guy. ahah

>Work ethic and family values are not in the black man's best interest
You must be a special kind of stupid.

It's a facade. Some are very devout but young black males couldn't give a damn about church or God. Most only think about money, sex, and being accepted by their shiftless, drug dealing peers.

Any party that pushes personal responsibility will be resisted by blacks. Trust me, I live this.

Best interests =/= Self interests


The same reason dead people vote democrat