Reminder the Sumerians were white

Reminder the Sumerians were white.

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True! Egyptians were black too!


>implying sumerians were real

Wrong?! But from your picture there's three people with blue eyes, and I posted many black Egyptians! Therefore the Egyptians are black!

The pictures you're posting show slaves, absorbed citizens and later mongrels in Egypt. How else do you explain them?

We wuz Hwhite and shieet

the people in these pics have nothing to do with the american, self proclaimed "kangz" and what they consider black

egypt consisted of many different groups. some near the coast where pretty white some in the south were dark. but non of them had anything to do with the american nigger/niger-kongo/bantu people

Reminder all Vedic culture and civilization including Hinduism and Buddism was founded by white indo-europeans.

Buddha was white.


This, the ruling class however was white while the slavers and labourers were not. They were however eventually mongrelized by the lower classes, which is one of the reasons Egypt declined.


Really, so fucking what? It makes me laugh how people claim so and so civilization was their race.
Wow? And that makes you better how? You did not choose your race, you were born into it randomly,
the probability was just as high as you been born into a different race. You aren't special. It's the same logic
as people who delude themselves with reincarnation, "I may be Chris the toilet cleaner in this life, but I was
an alien Sumerian God that traveled the universe slaying hot alien bitches in my past life".

If you're so fucking amazing, then invent something, oh wait you can't, that's why you latch onto petty nonsense
such as this. All the real inventors and intelligent people don't give a shit about race at the end. Individualism is
where it's at.

ah yes
the good old curly bearded huge nosed unibrowed whites
totally don't look like modern iraqis
look exactly like nordics
used to be royalty and fecal matter

>posting Chinese buddha
>2500 years after the migration Hwhite people were still pure and based

Based Iraqi.

That's not europid skull shape

Like every race and species you ensure your dominance and whatever is best for it and exterminate all threats to it. Also niggers its called the truth, it matters.

get a load of this subhuman.
We are nationalist because we don't leech off nanny states, you dust rat

>has zero evidence to support claim

Go get killed in some petty war.

>t. kike
Tradition is all that remains after you die, Meir

Are you fucking stupid? Literally a blue eyed white, though likely mixed teaching an asian. Also it's not Buddha you retatd.

nigger look at your op pic

>not even sumerians

Hahaha shitskin

Literally nothing about it look Semetic or Arabic you tard.

Except for their gigantic noses.

That was during the tribal times, if it wasn't for the ancient Indians and the
Greeks traveling there, European culture wouldn't of been so advanced. We
all contribute in some way. Sciences have known to be more in one place.

Look at your flags. I am white as fuck by the way and that doesn't mean
I'm better than any of you.

>Every hair-root dark colored

show me a european with those noses and a fucking unibrow

>whites dont have big noses

Not as big as those in OP.

The Egyptian Empire was never an ethnostate. There were med-white Egyptians, coal-black Egyptians, Semite Egyptians, Berberous Egyptians... every region around them ended up contributing to Egyptian population because that was the best place to live at the time and the Pharaos weren't going to turn away more labor to work the fertile land and more soldiers to expand the borders.

Why do you want to take pride in the achievements of dead civilisations and people you have nothing in common with?
It's as if we, the frogs, took pride for the achievements of the British empire???

I'm not white.

It still matters today lol, if you don't ensure your dominance and stop all threats you end up like the west today. Again though the Indian sciences were created by white indo-europeans. Why did all these cultures suddenly become weak and decline yet the west has remained the heart of advancment for 3000 years?

>whites cant have dark hair
>but dravidians can have blue

Gtfo retard.

You are not an ancient egyptian either are you?

I am.

I don't care what you think. I know I can beat you mentally and physically, britbuttlord


Apar from the fact most Arabs don't even have unibrows. Such a stupid question.

>hurrr the statues are 100 percent to the letter a human nose. Why cant any of you explain the blue eyes? You look for shit like a big nose? Lol.

most arabs aren't iraqi......................................................................

That's what i said. But there was segregation between nubian and semetic slaves and the white ruiling class. But obviously that
didn't work.

The lips seem detailed enough that I consider the noses to be as well. What will you do when you discover that they had curly pube hair?

Its about the truth you complete imbecile.

They weren't white, they may have been more light skinned than the southern Indian, just look at the region of
pakistan and Iran, it's still apparent, but weren't white like we are. It doesn't mean anything. The only cool aspect
of Indian philosophy is sramana which was caused by lowercaste Indians that gaveup all worldy life and is the basis of
upanishadic/yoga philosophy which that caused uprisings like Buddhism, it was then adopted into Hinduism. Aryan doesn't
mean white in sanskrit, it means noble. You guys are no different than those black people claiming to be ancient hebrew Jews.


Yeah you're, saudis are, but you are heavily mixed.


It is odd how your argument makes logical sense but deep down i know you are somehow so very wrong.


Then why do you not consider the blue eyes to be a correct representation.

A superior civilisation, after miscegenation of it's superior gene pool, would probably still last a few more centuries so I think consulting later Art in the life of a civilisation can be very misguiding - infact if a civilisation collapsed from dirty genes, the later artifacts should point to those dirty genes instead of the purer ones. Also, white genes are recessive so they can be erased by miscegenation easily and this recessive-ness should also imply that white genes developed later and are thus more evolved (that doesn't mean better though) as the genes developed later are recessive.

Maybe you could, but that doesn't mean anything
in this debate. This whole nazi larping white power shit is

Blue eyes aren't everything.

whatever nigger
best you could come up with is a greek woman
sharing an empire with Mesopotamia off and on for 2300 years
you're a troll



They were indo-europeans who invaded, the languages spoken there are literally indo-european. It doesn't take that much to understand why people like this exists in secluded regions.

poo in loo

Just link an article for fucks sake

Neither are lips :^)

Also whites are the only race with blue eyes.

You really think Sup Forums anons larping on a message board is cancerous yet you dont mention how actually cancerous and effective progressivism is. This is just a message board for weebs and losers. You pretending it is dangerous is fucking hilarious considering what actual world conditions leftists can and do effect vs some white power dorks online


Persians have blue eyes.

Hey sandnigger atleast you can kinda claim Akkad.


On a phone right now (away for christmas) kinda hard.


>Actual records of their Ancient Civilisations showed them as barbarian sub humans

Northern Europeans

>Actual records of their Ancient Civilisations showed them as barbarian sub humans



They were very likely similar to Indo-Aryans. The Aryans weren't exactly white. They had lighter skin and eyes than the other folk in the Indus Valley and modern day Iraq areas.

No fucking duh aryan doeant mean white, what the fuck points are you trying to make? I also like how you are the decider of what is the only "cool" part of indian philosophy. Fuckin moron.


lol you mean the ones who look almost white but with slight admixture like these ones? Would make more sense if you believed me

Fair enough. It's best to debunk a poo's argument with their own sources

Well fuck, at least the snownigger wooden hut is better than the nigger mud hut.

>look more white
>are white

Pick one.

>completly ignores evidence presented

One day they'll be mutts like you claming America was always like this.

>doesn't understand what racially mixed means


>racially mixed

>almost white

Learn to read retard

Here's a modern Assyrian. He looks exactly like those Sumerians

And that relates to this topic how? I've had people work with nazis in my family
and they can be very harsh, these losers wouldn't survive in a world where real
nazism is implemented; and them claiming that the white race is somehow superior
and is the root of all advancement is absurd, if it is, then why is white genocide a thing?
>inb4 jews, it's not only that, it's how lazy and spineless today the white man is, they're
the ones voting in leaders and progressives to destroy themselves. There's no jew or opposition
that is stopping you from having white babies, only your autistic irrational betaness is.

Worshipping penises(lingams) is much cooler than a philosophy that transcends the human
condition and even is riddled within quantum physics? Hinduism is very sophisticated, actually
it doesn't exist, it's just a compilation of many things. He said the Buddha was white so I'm
telling him the roots of what Buddhism came from, poor low-caste Indians who were dark-skinned
and suffered because they weren't high class.


Art thou implying that, perhaps, the forebears and ancestors of my people were, indeed, Sumerians?


Hwhite wewuzism is somehow worse than the nigger one.
Fucking hell, there are probably going to be fucking idiots 2000 years later debating whether or not Germanic tribes that invaded Europe were blacks or if Mongols were whites.

You nigger, that’s Isfahen on the top image that’s in Central Iran.


Well, when your population numbers around a mere thousands and 8 out of 12 months are spent fighting the elements for survival you got other priorities than making pretty architecture.

You really shouldn't take Nazi LARPers' opinions seriously.


daily reminder you whites are the same as blacks that claim they were egyptians.

Sumerians all have that "IVE SEEN SOME SHIT" look lmao

Yep I really shouldn't. Real nazism wouldn't approve of their autism
and degenerate behavior, and not a lot of them are white anyway. There's
some link being autistic and being attracted to nazism these days.

Are you stoned? Or on amphetamine? You post like you expect me to be inside your brain seeing all of your thought connections. It is annoying. And the easiest way to spot some fucking reddit newfag.

Must be the uniforms, or the fact that they aren't even 18 yet.

Funny how Nazi LARPers criticise others for the lack of free speech, yet fascist societies are North Korea-tier.

You are just pushing yourself to believe what you want about people who post here. Your argument basically boils down to "racism is bad" and that Hitler would be interested in eradicating non semite white people who post on message boards all because you knew some irl skinhead faggots who are dumb and ugly.

Back to plebbit you fucking kikes

>anyone who disagrees with me a kike redditor shareblue george soros shill XD

State of you.

-You realize this simplified pictographic chart ignores complex stone structures built all over England, Scotland, and Ireland, as well as some of the surrounding and northern isles, that were well enough built that there are still extensive buried remains. It also ignores structures built in other parts of Europe and Scandinavia that were built similarly. It also ignores the fact that many large buildings were built out of timber, some of which still remain after 800 years or more and other which were also built of timber that were monumental in scale, but which have since been replaced by stone or brick structures.
-Also, the original buildngs in Rome and many other areas of southern Europe and Northern Africa were built using sun dried mud brick, which have only survived to some extent in those areas, because the areas get far less rainfall, and have far less atmospheric moisture than in Northern Europe.

Lol, retard, I saw my grandfather's medals. He worked on nazi aircraft and witnessed
other nazi aircraft that hasn't been disclosed which would blow people's minds. He
fought off the Americans, which, you're probably an American. Let me tell you, real nazi's
don't approve of degenerate behavior as such promoted on here, there's tranny and fag lovers
everywhere, and people that larp saying the white race but aren't white or just total betas being
edgy such as yourself.

It's just beyond cringe, and the next thing they'll spout is probably the ancient Chinese
emperors were actually white.