Guys... what if (((they))) are actually the Dutch..?

Guys... what if (((they))) are actually the Dutch..?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dutch invented capatalism

>Were first nation of Europe to be tolerant towards other religions

>Jews love capatalism and tolerance because where ever the two mix, they thrive.

>Are the Dutch the Jews?!



We must find an answer to the Dutch Question

yes I hate dutchbags

wew someone found out


og swampjew reporting in

>first stock exchange
>took in all jews fleeing antwerp when catholics kicked them out
>major industries include banking and insurance

We've been found out...

>tfw surname comes from the Flemish settlers, but is simultaneously said to have a slight chance of coming from Jews

oy kroket shut it down!

I seriously digged into this a lot more than you would think.

I genuinely believe the Dutch have a lot more influence than what anyone tells you

We might actually be (((THEM)))

Wasn't the builderburg founded by Dutch?

>Netherlands and Denmark will never rule the world
I miss the 1600s...


from natsoc to globalist

Kanker opgekankert

Tering Kanker



Care to share your findings?

Dutch people do love the jews though. Their right wing is 100% kosher nationalist and neocon style pro israel

Same in the UK, its because being anti semitic anti capitalist etc is mostly a left wing position now. Even the far right is much softer on the market economy than it used to be. So Jew are less of a target

Baudet: ‘Israël bestaat over ‘n tijdje niet meer. De enigen die zich daar voortplanten zijn orthodoxe joden. Die zijn tegen de staat Israël’

A Dutch Treat is no treat at all.
A Dutch Door is only half a door.
A Dutch Uncle someone you really don't want to talk to.
Dutch Courage? Get drunk.
And God only knows what they put in the Dutch Ovens....


Also baudet

>invented capitalism
Its more complex than that. A popular theory is that protestantism, especially calvinism, helped form the foundations of capitalism.

>first to be tolerant towards other religions
ah, thats why we killed all the remonstrants in rotterdam post-1618.

But yes, we are the kikes of Europe for other reasons.