Why is a single mother not viewed as a PUBLIC service and compensated accordingly?

A single parent or housewife with children should be earning 10k taxfree salary minimum, so they can afford to work part-time.

Make it official with a certificate after completing a nationally accredited class. Could you imagine the change this would make for black families if their mothers could learn basic parenting and finance skills?

>implying she's not just a skank

No one asked her to pop children and nigs would reproduce even more

Teddy Cruz promised that now with Drumpf's tax cuts single mothers will have DOUBLE the money than they used to get. Hail Drumpf!

Obviously, she is a government employee and is subject to performance review. If her children are unhealthy and failing school, she's going to get terminated.

And you would trust someone from the government to decide that? Fuck no! Who knows it won't be libtards or niggers that will judge them and give them a pass

Its compensated with a good hard dicking.

Nah the single mother is a plague and should be exterminated along with their children. The only exception being widows. If anything those women should be issued government cucks to help raise their children.

because a dumb whore that cant keep her legs closed long enough to stop making bad decisions is not doing the public a service.

>Why is a single mother not viewed as a PUBLIC service and compensated accordingly?

It's not a public service, it's a private service, and she gets free rent, food, and utilities, plus extras.

Why doesn't she have to pay for these things?

oh, sorry... "Single" mother... I missed that part.

She made the choice to have kids, it's her responsability.

I don't see you demanding government handouts for single dads.

So if a single mother is on the gummint payroll should any taxpayer be allowed to stop in and drop off a load?

>compensating people for doing what they're supposed to be doing anyway

It's like when black men brag about how they take care of their kids.

>Raising a child that is most likely to fail or end up in prison
Real public service that ey?

Stay at home mothers don't pay taxes and her children's school and transportation is payed for by the people. I think that's enough.

>I know, let's make more welfare babies taxpayers can't afford to pay for


I grew up with a single mother that works as a teacher, I got good grades but zero life knowledge from her, turned out a failure. Grades means nothing if you suddenly realize the world is jewish.

>the destruction of society should be rewarded
Here's another idea, imprison single mothers and take their children and give them to state run orphanages with a male and female figure. It would be objectively better.

It is a lifestyle choice.
As far as I am concerned with abortion on demand, you birth it, you but it.
Single mothers are the lowest form of society destroying shit.

Single mothers should be shamed out of existence. Anything that facilitates their life is bad, they made their choice, now face the consequences. That's how real life works.

You don't reward bad behavior

Mother's are bad parents in general. Why don't guys just raise families together and get those pesky women out of the way.

>Providing further financial incentives for single motherhood.
>Expecting this to somehow not make the nigger problem worse.