Next time you think of Ham, Pork & Turkey think of this Sup Forums

Next time you think of Ham, Pork & Turkey think of this Sup Forums

Hope you are proud of yourself for murdering innocent animals

I am


OP is a faggot

>humans literally starving to death daily
>this motherfucker is crying about pigs

i agree.
in 2018 i am only going to buy meat sourced in the west and that is not halal

Christmas is an animal holocaust.

Government should tax meat sales so we can give the animals a better life without suffering

I have no need to feel proud but I certainly benefit from eating the tasty flesh of animals killed by proxy. Thank God for pastoral farming, abbatoirs and butchers.

Nigs are not human

i sacrifice animals in the name of allah, there is nothing wrong with this picture

Why would you assume glass walls would do anything
Are workers of these plants more likely to be vegan?
I install machinery in plants for a living, I gotta say you can smell them from Miles away, a mixture of cured meat, shit and blood.
You go in it's a pretty nasty scene but it's never made me think twice about eating meat.
Some of the processes are actually really cool and innovative.

The only thing that'll be on my mind the next time I eat pork is how fucking delicious it is.

kill yourself, you soyboy faggot.

>EU has solution
>More tax

Haha ok.

Reminder that not caring about animals and nature is 100% Jewish tier

if you take away my meat, i'll start eating vegans.

already happening in the UK with eggs.

If there was glass walls people would be more hungry for delicious pork

I think I'll continue to enjoy being strong and healthy while I enjoy my delicious bacon, thanks

>We'll see technically you don't have a right to your money
>There's no laws against a 90% tax
This is just one of those things that the Jews use as a lever because we never thought things would get this bad
>Well of course you don't free the slaves
>Well of course you don't murder your babies
>Well actually it's not explicitly stated :^))))
Jewed again

> animal holocaust

The three most populous animal species on earth are pigs, cows, sheep and chickens - because we breed them on an industrial scale. They might be extinct if we didn't. Some holocaust.


Humans are animals.
Animals kill animals.

Grow some balls and - while you' re at it - a cock might be good, too.

Any muslim that sets foot in Western Civilization should be fed to pigs, dead or alive.

That brings back memories of my first job. Them sows just dont give a fuck, you have to be ready to save the babies when the mom plops them out. Or she will mindlessly step on them.

Who gives a shit?

The idea of a job or work or caring for baby animals is alien to OP and lefties everywhere.


>comes to Sup Forums
>doesnt hate animals
Ok nigger lover

I love animals. I have had 3 cats and 2 dogs. A parakeet, 2 rats and many fishes in an aquarium. I gave them all the utmost care. Due to current situation i can't have any animals right now but when i move again Next year i Will get another dog. Thinking of an Akita this time.

But i still love to eat pork, beef, lamb, moose, deer, chicken and probably more types of meat i can't think of right now

So shut up. You can still be animal lover and eat meat.

Op is a Jew with a window washing company.

Now I'm hungry. fire cleanses OP. I'm starting the BBQ fire

im proud i support animals to be given life on a farm then humanely killed.

whereas vegans would have the farm land be mono cultures, devoid of either domesticated animals or wildlife. just so they can satisfy their empathy needs.

the only objectively moral position in regards to food production is to only support biodiversity.


Now I'm hungry. Fire cleanses OP. I'm starting the BBQ fire, hand me the meat

Animals are the niggers of Earth.

I'm so sorry

Fuck off with veganism.
Human beings are meant to be omnivores.
You expect humans to be herbivores?
We do not have the enzyme necessary to break down cellulose.
Where do you expect humans to get vitamin b12 complex?
Supplement tablets?
Those things are adulterated and overpriced as shit.
We also cannot make that shit either.
There are amino acids that the human body cannot make and those amino acids are not present in soy, ONLY IN FARM LIVESTOCK.

so why are there some people who are vegan for 20+ years ?

explain that botswana nigger.

I dont eat pigs because they can be just as intelligent and friendly as dogs but turkeys and chickens are walking sandwiches to me.

A pig can not be guilty of anything (never see a pig on court) so it can not be innocent.

God put them here for us to use them.

Obviously I'd prefer to have my meat raised in a clean environment to avoid parasites and what not but I don't really care. I wasn't hypnotized by Disney like OP clearly was. They are animals NOT people.
If I can get my pork tenderloin at $1.99/lb or even $.99 on sale and it means they have a shitty environment that works for me. Need to get steak lower though those good cuts are still in the $12.99 range where I'm at.

Buy from local farms then faggot

I don't eat factory meat, at least I try to avoid the crap as much as possible. I try to eat healthy animals who were happy and lived a happy life. Out on the fields, natural feed, no pesticides or hormone injections etc. I'm very interested in this subject as I plan to become a small time farmer with large family. It's my dream at least.

All animals were made by God for humans to be used however we wish.
Killing them is not a sin as they do not have souls. It's morally correct.

Posted this in your last thread, stop spamming your nigger threads.

Humans are omnivore. By rejecting a vital part of your diet you are ensuring bad health.

I am raising my own farm animals as a hobby. I treat them like pets, I respect them, they have names, I talk to them... when I slaughter them I feel bad for it, but I understand that's their purpose, to be my food, plus, they live their lives better than any other animal and even some people on the planet. My animals live like kings and I treat them with respect, even in death I choose the most quick and painless way to slaughter them. I even HIDE the slaughter from the other animals in order not to stress them.

What the Chinks do to dogos/cats, the endless nightmare of the chicken and cow factories, that shit is fucking terrible and disgusting. Makes me rage hard.
Causing them useless suffering is plain wrong. Anyone who has spent time around animals can tell you they have feelings and form attachments, etc. Mind you I am not some bleeding heart vegan, I raise, slaughter and eat my own animals, but I am thankful and respect my animals, even when I slaughter and eat them. Treat them well and they will feed you well, it's a symbiotic relationship.

I actually had to use a front end loader to move dead feral hogs that I shot in trap once. Good times

I do care about animals. I care about making sure that there are enough animals for me to eat.

>farms in London..

you must be retarded.

Processed meat produces cancer. Red meat is somewhat ok

Buddy, God gave humans animals for the betterment of man, if man treats animals like crap then how is this a positive. Man, be nice to animals. By the way in the US there is a animal pollution problem, it's called factory farms, the medium to small farms have been decreasing for a long time now.

>pigs, cows, sheep, chickens

You're only a step above the animals you speak off, mutt

Wow, that's uncalled for pole. I speak the truth.

The world is a cold dark place. I acknowledge the blood on my hands and accept that I contribute to a monstrous industry on a daily basis.

>tax meat farmers
>they have to sell more meat to get the same amount of money back on their investments
>they start cutting corners even more, and the animals get an even worse life
Wow, that's a great idea