Police Chief Calls out Antifa Violence at City Council Meeting




>that antifa gramps with the hat and the long white beard

what a loon. lmao. reminds of when i took a greyhound from los angeles to seattle and met a genuine real life old hippie who introduced himself as Sunshine.


lol, theres some great cringe from the antifa in the audience. you can hear them laughing and commenting throughout. at 3:32 a picture is shown of an antifa spraying someone with some type of mace/chemical - and some faggot says "that's a fascist!"

how fucking retarded can you be? why would you think you get to attack someone because you disagree with them? why would you be the one who determines what they believe in the first place? its almost unbelievable listening to these morons.

i havent watched the whole thing, but theres footage of Eric Clanton's bike lock attack, but they oddly dont mention him and the case surrounding that attack, unless it comes later

Just watched the video. The request to use pepper spray is reasonable. Jumping from batons to tear gas launchers seems a bit extreme to me. That and the left who start to use pilpul and emotional arguments are infuriating.

I guess the police are going to fuck up Antifaggots. I warned them this isn't Europe, we fight back and the cops are roided out monsters. Oh boy this is going to be fun to watch.

some more great stuff at 8:51. hideous jew woman shows up to remind everyone about the holocaust for no reason other than to posture

I met a hippie named Sunshine in Olympia Washington. A chick. I think she wanted to fuck me because she took me home...I left though I had to pick up my girlfriend and Sunshine needed a fucking shower. Can't be nice to women at all, because the just ASSUME you are just doing it because you want to fuck them. Yes, they are that narcissistic.
pic not related

glad SOMEBODY spoke up, it's totally unreal how these city officials just roll over and allow an openly hostile terrorist organization to destroy the city

I wish them the best of luck. Are they trying to get compensation for the victims? If not they are low rent bottom feeders...scum.

>Berkeley city council giving any fucks about what their police officers have to say.
I guarantee most of the council was in the antifa group anyway.


"antifa is trying to fill in the need for public safety that they feel there is a void of"

a few seconds later this dumb bitch actually mentions based stick man. she literally uses the term "based stick man"

have another bumo

Western Washington is a breeding ground for filth.

I am prepared to use every bit of military training on their fucking faces. I have a hand splint that has two metal bars in it. I am going to hook the probes to a tazer to them and I can complete the circuit when I touch someone. America. Doing my part to make america great!

Some dumb bitch said her grandparents were in the camps and survived because they had fake IDs and hid underground.

another jewess at 14:24 JUST HAPPENS to have relatives who were in the holocaust - you won't believe what happens next!

Not allowing douchebags to riot over hurt feelings! It's anodda shoa!

The worst parts are when people in the community step up to support the police and are immediately shamed, ridiculed and heckled by the Antifa group at the meeting. Those antifa fucks are for free speech, but only the speech they approve of. Fuck 'em, I want the Berkeley police to be able to cave their skulls in the next time they go to one of these "battles". Hell, when they're referring to these things as "battles" they're explicitly stating they're waging war.

This was just the police being old school and warning the assholes the stand down orders will no longer be followed. Probably had a talk with someone in DC who told him uphold the l;aw and keep your men safe regardless of the threats from the local elected tyrants.

oh my god, start watching at 20:15

sam kinison reincarnated as trans communist member of the black bloc

jesus christ

>"antifa is trying to fill in the need for public safety that they feel there is a void of"
By rioting?

I heard it was the lesbian capitol of the US. I met many women who were "wiccans", lol.

>literally everything captured from multiple angles on video and pictures
>ifacts are literally all on the table
>laughs when someone is assaulted by a mob of marxist terrorists
>5 minutes later
These marxist need only the exact treatment they are demanding for any non-marxist. A bullet in their head.They are like stupid violent animals making noises that just resemble human speech you cant domesticate.


city councilman says "we have seen extremists on the left and on the right in our city"

antifa immediately starts chimping out at this objectively fair statement. these people are children.

i couldn't get past the fat dyke with the black baret, boiling blood


>I want the Berkeley police to be able to cave their skulls in the next time they go to one of these "battles". Hell, when they're referring to these things as "battles" they're explicitly stating they're waging war.


Couldn't believe it hahahaha

So, when will we hear about the results of this meeting? As in, when will we hear if the police will have access to pepper spray or not?


I think this is from before the Ben Shapiro speech and the police were given the ok to use it at bens speech

They sure are getting creative.



>J-ews aren't behind antifa, silly goy!
Gradually, I came to hate them...