Let's settle this

Are the Irish white?

Yes, whitest people in the world in fact

>Are the Irish white?

Meds are not white.
Whites will never be Meds. They will always be subhumans.

We're the last bastion of white Christian identity. Orthodox doesn't count.


Are Slavs human?

The answer is obviously no.

Whiter than you Tyrone


This is how racialism started.
Greeks (who living in Greece) had equal rights with the Romans and they was able to become even Roman Generals, but the Greeks who living in Egypt was not Greeks but Egyptians according to Romans (who are Greeks).

far far far whiter than america

>96% white
>not a shithole

damn i wish i lived there

they earn 3x what eastern europe does

The Irish are kind of a last stand of implicit whiteness.

Are you autistic? t-potato nigger


Yes, sadly

rookie mistake
see having white skin doesn't actually mean you're white
in fact you can have white skin and not even be human

please be sure to check the colour of your eyes, hair and nipples
then proceed to do a haplogroup test, if any % jewish ancestry i have bad news for you
finally drink some milk, and if you get no diarrhea or gasses, there's a chance you MAY be white

Here is the racial map of the world
They don't seem to be white. Quite the contrary in fact.

>t. Butthurt slav
I May not be white but at least I'm not eternally butthurt over it

very nice

now start lifting

brown - reddish hair
green eyes
pinkest of pink nipples

I really need to.

Yes, whites, let's all go spend a hundred dollars on a DNA test from Jewish companies that admit to falsifying data to 'mess with racists'.

>brown hair
>brown eyes
>intellectually and physically superior to you
suck my focking cock i'm still white

I was just scrolling the front page and saw arnold and instructions to start lifting
>I really need to.
yes, you do.

now start lifting

they are so white they are their own flavour of white R1b

I'm both jelly and fascinated by this

No the Irish are unironically not white

>Never accomplished anything
>Most Irish descendants are immigrants who left their contry
>Ruled buy the Anglo for hundreds of years
>Pic related

Yes the Irish are white. The English are not though.

Britannia rules the mud.

>Never accomplished anything

Why are you britmutts always so jealous of Irish people. We will be in the strongest economic union rivalling the world's powers while you'll be a broke white minority country with a false sense of sovereignty. Tiochfaidh ar la!

>Muh economy


Kek who will pay the divorce bill? Who will feel the inevitable rise in prices of commodities? The low to middle class will for sure. God British people are retarded. At least you'll have that mutt Merkle.

Whiter than you

i dont care,they are part of the isles and one of the boys now.


The (((Irish))) need another potato famine

You will still be a slave to the EU accepting refugees faggot

Most important modernist author: Irish.
Godfather of post-modernist literature: Irish.
Almost universally acknowledged as the greatest modern poet of the English language and fellow "fashy goy": Irish.

Who's cucking who when all the best writers in your language are us?

Even as an Anglo who thinks the bogtrotters should accept ETERNAL dominion, I must say that they at least have a distinct culture, interesting history and ancient ties to a beautiful land in which their forebears have lived for 9,000 years

Americans are mutts who claim credit for all of Europe's great history and then embarrass themselves by trying to deride it for its faults

It all started in Ireland. Pretty obvious.

We're all mutts . Identity isn't about absolute purity, and every white group on every continent will be either gone or massively dis-empowered if we don't collaborate.

Because the English (or British generally) have colonised and ruled Ireland, wholly or in part, for nearly 900 years and thus have been central to the development of the Irish nation?

Sorry if you don't like us but you have ANGLO blood in your veins pal

after reading on the subject plenty of times, it seems it all started somewhere in Iran, and migrated to ireland via the mediterranean

you bet.

And? You're likely more french than Paris at this point. It's not a commonly held opinion here but I think we should have done way more to integrate the anglo part of our identity here. And it was being done in the early years, then just fell away. Because Brit hate as a core part of our culture has run parallel to the culture as a whole. As the hatred has dulled as was inevitable the further independence got the culture itself has dulled. You're way too concerned with purity and perfection mate. It's really not important.

White is a meaningless term. Race is a feeling. If I feel you're white, and you feel white, you're white. But it means absolutely nothing.

noone are as white as iceland

Tell that to the Lowland Scots. They are the most Anglo of Celt larpers.

Get started lad

>People who poo in the loo
your map needs some work

I hope not. That way I don't have to feel sad at the death of our neighbours.

The first Angles and Saxons came to Britain to defend the 'Britons' of what is now England and Wales from Gaels, Scots and Picts.
Irish colonisation in the form of Scots is the reason we have a Scotland today, as opposed to a Pictland. Lowland Scots, who spoke English dialects as a result of their partial Anglo-Saxon heritage, proximity to the borderlands and the long process of Anglicisation initiated under their half-Anglo monarch, David I, migrated back to their ancient fatherland when encouraged by a Scottish monarch.

To some, this is apparently all evidence of an English conspiracy against 'Celts', when that moniker is in fact a modern identity invented as a means of ignoring inconvenient differences between non-Anglo inhabitants of the British Isles.

The Scots and Irish are an even more ancient enemy of the Welsh than the Anglos.

Wtf, garage?

We only accepted like less than a hundred.

Have you ever seen bacteria multiply under a microscope?

We're fucked. Look at who leads us and look at the alternatives and say we're not fucked. Remember how the Ibrahim Halal business was treated by our elites and our media and say we're not fucked.

Spotted the protestant. Wonk wonk.
