Revolt Against the Modern World

hey Sup Forums should i read this book?

Other urls found in this thread:

you two centuries later my man.

Yes. And the rest of them!

better late than never right?

Read anything and everything by Julius Evola, Voltaire and Mircea Eliade.

Get the audio book that ReviewBrah did

It's Sup Forums-required reading.

Anyone got a PDF?

Unless you're fairly well versed in philosophy you're gonna have a hard time with Evola's work.

>Sup Forums politics
Ride the Tiger - Evola
Fourth Political Theory - Dugin
Decline of the West - Spengler

>Chaos and Memetics
Condense Chaos - Hine and Carroll
The Book of Results- Ray Sherwin
Liber Null and Psychonaut - Peter Carroll

>Good reads
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
Steppenwolf - Hesse
For Whom the Bell Tolls -Hemmingway

Calculus - Spivak
Real and Comple Analysis - Rudin
Algebraic Topology - Hatcher

Bumping for new book recommendations. I need something before I go back to work

please be real

take the hatchet pill


Sup Forums could really use this book

I am starting with Metaphysics of War

Can someone do a basic gestalt? I am sure it's high energy but I do not have the time to read any Evola (I have mountains of non-fiction to read because I am dumb)

Ride the Tiger is more appropriate.

I'm about halfway through and would recommend.

pssstt modafinil

Is this the new adderall?
I wouldn't mind trying this my SSNRI's make me really sleepy sometimes.

start with Men Among the Ruins

Not even in the same league with almost no negative side effects. It is the closest thing to Limitless pill that I know of. Modafinil, with daily mediation, and LSD every once in a while to ingrain new pathways will change you completely.

A propos, if I’ve read Nietzsche extensively, can I guess Evola’s reasoning without reading his actual arguments?

You are not going to be able to understand Revolt or Ride the Tiger until you have built up your knowledge of the traditional school and Evola's previous works.

Follow this reading guide. I also recommend checking out the Essential Guenon for your pre-reading.

Shut the fuck you drug addled faggot.
Anyone have a study guide for this book for a brainlet like me?

Oh I missed this. Thank you

Evola is less dense than Nietzsche, Heidegger, or Burke

Same with Ayn Rand, but it's more of an estylistic choice.

I also highly recommend reading The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi. It's not related to Evola but will set you off down the esoteric rabbithole.

Here is a reading list with PDF links listed in order to be read for anyone who is interested in understanding the Fascist/NS worldview.

I basically guess that Evola is basically in agreement with Nietzsche’s wordview, so I want to know if I’m right and if I should spend the time on Evola’s thoughts.

You consider Burke dense?

This may help:

off that list i've read 4pt (both volumes) and crime and punishment. reading revolt now, and already have ride the tiger on deck. how am i doing?

LSD is by it's nature not addictive and good luck telling people to shut up on the interweebs. Maybe the Twilight Saga is more your speed?

Maybe dry is more accurate

Evola thought Nietzsche's 'Will to Power" had many admirable qualities but was ultimately seeking to find justification within materialism and falls flat in the face of nihilism.

Can anyone that knows Italian speak of the translation quality of Evola's work in English? I'm considering picking up another language and I'm kind of tempted to do Italian, partly because I think reading his work in the native tongue would be beneficial and partly because I'm half Italian (inb4 56% meme).

seconding this post, that image should be mandatory in Evola threads.

Solid. Keep going bro!

this is literally the first result
there may be a hard lettered version that isn't just scans

Bowden explains Evola far better than I ever could

Ride the tiger is better

Not afaik. Ebola sees Nietzsche’s view of life as pretty arbitrary and barbaric

Jocko is a boss; podcast is legit


evola is pretty great, but if you havent read some more entry level shit i would suggest against it. evola has an extremely spiritual view of politics and facism, so its a bit of a tough read if you are looking for straight facts. evola's work covers the ethos of facism, not the doctrine, so if you arent interested in it currentely, i would give it a pass until you have done some leading up to it.

4:30 AM everyday. Though I don't have a squat rack so kettlebell swings and yoga for me.

Miracle Morning and Extreme Ownership were life changers for me. I started to get up at 4:30, workout, meditate, journal, and practice affirmations and I got myself out of a pretty dark place. Totally changed my life.


I had a strong foundation in Western Occultism, Kundalini, and Tibetan Buddhism and as I became red pilled it was a revelation when I found Evola. It was like he wrote for me.


I think the author of the article was more interested in engaging popular conceptions of Nietzsche, than who he actually was. I’m guessing his general seperation has to do with Evola’s insistence, on what I guess I would call a metaphysical drive to conform with some natural order? It’s not enough to become who you are as n would say, rather who you are is contextual to an order in the universe?

fair enough then mate, have fun with your reading then. however, you must remember that what you learn means absolutely nothing if you dont attempt to apply those lessons in real life. you don't learn to ride the tiger just because you read the book, you learn to ride it after practice.



"Dugin is very close to freemasonry, and um um he is very apologetic of Nazi's" (3:40)

As a fashy occultist I don't take this as much of a criticism. She is really a Satanic Panic Catholic, not that I have a problem with Catholicism. I feel Catholicism is the best religion for the lumpen proles but those actually seeking spiritual revelation are better suited with Buddhism or some form of gnosticism or occultism.

>Caring about what some Jewish mongrol whore says.

>As a fashy occultist I don't take this as much of a criticism. She is really a Satanic Panic Catholic, not that I have a problem with Catholicism. I feel Catholicism is the best religion for the lumpen proles but those actually seeking spiritual revelation are better suited with Buddhism or some form of gnosticism or occultism.
Finally someone who thinks like me.

Your pretty much correct, I wouldn't use the term metaphysical drive but transcendence as Evola uses it. There are so many different interpretations of Nietzsche, some of the most ridiculous conclusions are made.

From Ride The Tiger:
The essential thing is that such a man is characterized by an existential dimension not present in the predominant human type of recent times-that is, the dimension of transcendence. Nietzsche’s solution of the problem of the meaning of life, consisting in the affirmation that this meaning does not exist outside of life, and that life in itself is meaning, is valid only on the presupposition of a being that has transcendence as its essential component. It is only through the other dimension that of transcendence, that life presents those characteristics that Nietzsche mistakenly generalizes and thinks he can attribute to it when he sets up his new values. All the positive aspects of the way of the superman belong to this transcendental dimension.

The transcendent dimension, which holds firm through all turns of the tide, all ups and downs, will also play the part here of a transformer. It prevents any intoxicated self-identification with the life force, not to mention what might be induced by a thirst for life or by the disorderly impulse to seek in mere sensation a surrogate for the meaning of existence, and to lose oneself in actions and achievements.

The negative destructive phase of Nietzsche’s thought ends with the affirmation of immanence. In its turn, the essence of life is the will to power. One can see that Nietzsche’s nihilism stops half-way. It sets up a new table of values, including a good and an evil. It presents a new ideal with dogmatic affirmation, whereas in reality this ideal is only one of many that could take shape in “life”, and which is not in fact justified in and of itself, without a particular choice and without faith in it. The fact that the fixed point of reference set up beyond nihilism lacks a true foundation so long as one insists on pure immanence is already apparent in Nietzsche’s historical criticism and sociology. The entire world of “higher values is interpreted there as reflecting a “decadence.” But at the same time these values are seen as the weapons of a hidden will to power on the part of a certain human group, which has used them to hamper another group whose life and ideals resemble those of the superman. This instinct of decadence itself is then presented as a special variety of the will to power.
Now it is obvious in function of will to power, all distinctions vanish: there are no more superman or sheep-men, neither affirmers nor negators of life. There is only a variety of techniques, of means, tending to make one human class or another prevail. Why should decadence be an evil? It is all life, and all justifiable in terms of life, if this is truly taken in it’s irrational, naked reality, outside any theology or teleology, as Nietzsche would have wished. Once again all ground gives way.

I think Evola’s interpretation is correct; however, I think N’s praise for overcoming is the appreciation of transcending, that Evola values. I think he is complaining that N was not explicity saying the ideal itself is overcoming, and there’s not really a disagreement between the two. With that said I still suspect that if Evola has as a base value, the promotion of self-transcendence, his line of reasoning should be fairly intuitive if one has read N.

Are you the Aussie who was on Kulturkampf discussing this? If so, thank you. Made for a worthwhile walk yesterday.

Hello Mr Mailman

You are kind of right, in the essence that he does stops his nihilism half way but he never believed in it to begin with, he's the enlightened intellectual, he just knows.

But at the same time doubt consumes him so he creates an internal sandbox, to express all his points of views and he calls it morality.

Evola believes in one morality.

: ) Thank you for listening

Hmmm, there’s an apt discussion in the geneology of morality, wherein Nietzsche goes over how a lamb, devoid of predatory instincts, resents the hawk that preys on it, while the hawk thinks nothing of the lamb on which it feasts. The techniques used to acheive an organism’s will to power are reflections of the inate ability of the organism. The hawk has to hunt, while the lamb needs to eat grass. Obviously neither animal has a capacity to change; however, the hawk has greater liberty to appreciate the situation, as he is not preyed upon and is not fundamentally reactive like the lamb. So in a sense the lamb and the hawk are both perform equivalently, the hawk has more capacity for honesty in the situation, which is the distinguishing feature of Nietzsche’s praise for predation. So, Evola is half-right here. At any rate, it’s too late in lardland to continue, thank you for your time.