Can someone explain what the fuck "deep state" means?

Can someone explain what the fuck "deep state" means?

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The government within the government.

Synonym for the Intelligence Community, with the implication that they are the ones pulling all the strings.

It's like the deep dark web. It really doesn't exist.

people who control presidents with blackmail.

The people who pay meme flags to shitpost

I just moved to Utah, any tips?

Explained here:

A coalition of lobbyists, members of the intelligence community, NGOs/Think Tanks composed of former politicians/members of Ivy League cult fraternities, influential career bureaucrats and their lackeys that seeks to preserve the status quo in the interest of enriching themselves and centralizing power in their hands

It implies the existence of an oligarchy composed of entrepreneurs, media moguls, political figures, bankers, arms dealers and/or military personnel that indirectly interfere with political campaigns or directly limit the power of elected officials to the point where any democracy is moot, since all legislation will be regulated by these people. So when you hear about "deep state", it essentially means the big corporation owners, bankers and investors are pressuring the elected government to the point where they become the governing party, hence the expression "state within a state".
Unlike regular politicians, large corporate conglomerate CEOs and their influence are extremely hard to remove, and usually have successors to carry on their work.

The Establishment, The Status Quo, The Powers That Be, The Deep State.

The unelected people who do not get "voted out". They are the people that we can't vote to change, so we can't influence their actions. The U.S. is an oligarchy and we will never be able to "vote" our way out of the shithole we have. We need to man up, and fill the streets with blood.

the council on foreign relations

The Breakaway civilization... Richard Dolan explains it best

Without the UFO coverup context, the deep state is a shell of a term.

An invention of right wing retards who think LE JOOS are doing joo magic to oppress da poor whites.
Pure stupidity.


>State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies and branches of government bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within a state can be conspiratorial in nature, the deep state can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. continuity of the state as distinct from the administration, job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials. The term, like many in politics, derives from the Greek language (kράτος εν kράτει, kratos en kratei, later adopted into Latin as imperium in imperio[1] or status in statu).
>In the United States, the deep state is an alleged entity that coordinates efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

The true seat of Power behind the government. ps. It's not the government

aka Le Ivy League Mafia

shit it just means a state so deep you dont know about it and not accountable bc no election by plebs lulz. then theres a deep state for that deep state. and hol up if you think dats deep wait until you get to the double deep (DD) state.

Basically, Republicans have spent many years talking about how the federal government is out to destroy them and the single cause of every single bad thing in the country and they need to elect Republicans to stop it. Then, the Republicans win every single branch of government, but nothing changes. Rather than accept that they were wrong about the people they elected, they decided to blame a secret, shadow government that was still ruining things.

ZOG, you nog.

Back up government for the government, it also is a government of it's own.

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