Serious question: How exactly do the Rothschilds own central banks? Or do they not...

Serious question: How exactly do the Rothschilds own central banks? Or do they not? Looking for a little more concrete evidence like their names on bank charters or how they actually make money off of "owning the central banking systems".

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The jews dumbass

Holy shit it's real

Rothschilds "own" the central bank. They don't make money from owning it. The idea of money is more complex than that. If Jacob issues Barry $10 at 6% interest and Jacob is the only one who can issue money, how does Barry repay the $10.60 at the year end? The goal is control, not profit. The swiss settlement bank handles international settlements. Who do the swiss guard in their clown-like uniforms? That man runs the world, not the rothschilds.

The biggest problrm with Jews is they dominate the media. Through this they have totally shifted public opinion. They then finance politicias and political parties to implememt these policies and if they don't will withdraw funding and media support.

I've tried looking into this myself and i've never seen any evidence of it. At best they have a lot of influence in switzerland and that's it.
If someone want's to correct me please go ahead.

The bank of England was founded in the 1690's by jewish moneylenders under the pretense of a 1.25 million pound loan to King William of Orange (the first monarch since the civil war and a dutchman with no loyalty to England) under the following stipulations:
1. For every Pound of gold on reserve in the bank the bank could loan out 10 pounds in notes.
2. The government may borrow as big a loan as they wish at 5% interest.
3.Any loans taken by the government will be guaranteed by the taxpayers and taken as levy

As the Nathan Mayer Rothschild, here's a good video of the story of how he took control of the BoE

>I know it looks like Jews, and all of this evidence points at it being Jews, but it's actually the (((Pope)))

Is this Frank?

one and the same. and its not Jew. Its satanist cabbalist

It is occultist Moloch worshipping Jews. Gentiles involved in these groups are just converts it doesn't change that it is a Jewish originated idea that aids Jews and harms non Jews.

How can the Catholics be behind everything and yet not receive favorable coverage in the media? Why was Benedict XVI deposed?

They own the banks, and the banks own the Federal reserve.
>looking for more than proof, cuz I have my head up my ass.
Yeah, owning the banks is not enough to prove that they own the Central bank... what a schnook.

The let the bad coverage happen on purpose as a distraction. It's only minor bad coverage though compared to the truth. However, take the child molestation problem. It is many times worse in the Protestant churches. You don't hear about it on the news because the Catholics are covering for the Protestants. They know child molestation is a fast way to destroy faith in the system.

You have to think like a narcissistic psychopath to understand the catholic church. The UN story about Haiti that recently came out is a good example too. The UN was apparently giving Cholera to Haitians, blaming it on having a bad sewage system, and then selling them treatments.

I am beginning to believe it's a cult of Satanists that happen to be Jewish, and being Jewish is a requirement to join. However, the majority of Jewish people have no idea, and are often used as martyrs. And for those that are part of the machine, they are compartmentalized useful idiots that are picked for their ability to be blackmailed and controlled...

That is mostly accurate. The Jews are blackmailed too though. It's easier to join if you're Jewish though because they trust each other more to offer each other the initial rites of entry. The cabal also like family lines for the same reason. It's easy to blackmail the second gen based on the actions of the first gen and the money they will inherit if they go along with the blackmailing themselves.

how did they acquire such monstrous wealth to begin with? to loan out such incredible amounts to kings and governments.

why didn't kings and others find an excuse to just seize it?

Another component to all this seems to be using the military industrial complex to create wars and further indebt countries. The Satanists win through the death and the financing of both sides. Death and financial gain. But more importantly, financial domination of the world's largest countries.


They steal everything everywhere they go.

It's my understanding that it started small in the times of German principalities. Back then it was a fragmented set of many princes and minor nobles that would basically fight wars for sport. Literally as a means of exerting their dominance and entertainment. It was like extreme gambling. The only way to finance it was to do just that - finance it. At the time only Jews could utilize usery debt lending since it was outlawed by the church. So it was a slow climb into a financial kingdom by lending to both sides of conflicts. Not just money but mercenary soldiers too. In fact, these same Germanic mercenaries were the British soldiers at the Boston Massacre. Most of the conflict breaking out at the protest was due to the fact they could not speak English well...

They dont own the central bank nor are they that wealthy compared to other families and individuals. Thats some Sup Forums misinfo. Their wealth is spread out over hundreds of family members

Theft, swindling, usury and hoarding wealth over a thousand years and they work together as a small group, like a gang or mob

The rothschilds and the jesuits have been intertwined for many hundreds of years.

Is there a good source on this relationship that I can read?

After WW2 most European central banks became publicly owned. It is impossible to find out the names of the owners prior to this or find a reasonable answer to why they were handed over. The Fed in the States is privately owned and again it is impossible to find out by who.The Fed gives a large part of it's profits away to the government each year, however even after this, the gross profits for those involved each year are billions. So, you have to ask, would the owners of the European central banks really hand billions in profit and extreme power over to the governments of these nations? And why at the same time, if they are just that kind and generous, would they go out of their way to conceal their identities?

You also have to ask why Central Banks in Europe, despite being owned by the governments in most nation's, still actively try to indebt said nations.

Central banks in Europe may not be owned by the Rothschilds, but they are controlled by people who do not want to have their identity known and do not have the peoples best interests at heart.

So what's the possible outcome of knowing all this or even having a scent of the trail? It's all so tiresome. It really is a form of materialistic self-worship. True Satanism. It doesn't feel like something that can be fought in the open or overcome. There's no path but finding a way to make it with your family, and get a big enough piece to get by. Really never an opportunity to reveal this shit to anyone with any ability to effectively change the system.

Dunno mate, just go live in the woods like Varg and wait for society to collapse.

Whatever their end game is, I am sure they will have no problem letting the majority of the people on this planet die off should it be necessary at some point.

The only chance there was to actually fight it was WW2, and look how that turned out.

What's funny is that I have the scent of the trail in my life. A close business associate of mine, dare I say friend, is a third generation member of the Bohemian Grove. He's at the point now where he talks openly with me about it when we're drinking. Another business I'm about to do a joint venture with is owned by someone that I am certain is a vassal of the system. They have no idea what I do on sites like this in the dark hours. But the knowledge I have gives me this weird awareness around these types. It is like an out of body experience when it happens. I know that I will never be a part of that world, but I am in a position to eat some crumbs off their plate...

They own and fund a lot of other influential organizations including the Smithsonian which they use to cover up and distort history. Just one example.

So are you going to tell us some of those bred crumbs or just speak like a cryptic faggot?

He makes more money dumbass
Your understanding of economics is laughable

You misunderstood. Not knowledge bread crumbs. Financial breadcrumbs. I mean making enough money to eventually withdraw from game and society in general. Not trying to come off as a larping faggot. Just never really posted here...but I am a lurker of this site since the SomethingAwful days. But I realize that without finally posting I am left alone with my thoughts.

>The Fed in the States is privately owned and again it is impossible to find out by who.The Fed gives a large part of it's profits away to the government each year, however even after this, the gross profits for those involved each year are billions.
This is not true. See:

As for the Grove it's actually pretty much a white rich guy networking event where you can't network about business on site. You have to great everyone you've never spoken to with the salutation "Hey asshole!". Colin Powell, Supreme Court Justice, CEO of a Fortune 100 or a top recording artist. Doesn't matter. It's about making personal connections that can be carried with you into the real world for weaving at that point.

Don't get me wrong. I do think the Catholic Church is an evil and worldly institution, above all concerned with the accumulation of wealth and power. However, I think it's one of many independent entities competing for the same things. Your posts support my view, but they don't really support the larger point which is the claim that the Catholic Church is the final boss behind everything.

So basically it's like a real life Sup Forums

You know, I never thought of it that way, but from he tells me, yes. Aside from the fact that we are anonymous and don't weave away from here. Makes me wonder what would happen if we did...

In your pic related it says that Freemasonic booklet was first published in German by the German government in 1938. Was Nazism a Freemasonic movement?

Like this?

>white rich guy networking event

I believe that very few well-funded movements get off the ground without the blessings of the various parts of the machine. With this in mind I find the notion that the Nazis, and what they did, was done as part of a sacrifice to further obfuscate both the truth about the system, and to guard against illuminating the truth. Many of us have see the practicing for the six million dead Jewish people story before WWII. The Nazis could be part of that plan...

Actually, it is not nearly as Jewish as I was expecting it to be. Lots of rich white guys. The power broker goys they recruit and set up for blackmail likely come from this sort of thing.

All owned by the Rothschilds

Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

One of the most ungodly and fraudulent institutions ever perpetrated on the American people and the world, is the Federal Reserve System which through deceit became the central bank of the United States in 1913. The idea came about on a meeting in Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. The bankers in this country, especially J.P. Morgan, created a currency panic in 1907 in order to get the American people to accept the idea of a central bank.

A central bank already existed in England from as far back as 1694. The Rothschilds completely dominate the banking system. It is estimated their wealth goes into the trillions.

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild boasted:

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

I'm not gonna lie... I joke about kike and gassing shit, but as a 3rd gen Egyptian-American (Copt); I've know a few Jews, that for generations, are between middle to upper middle class (I'm upper middle-class, for 2 generations, FYI).

So I know there are plenty of working Jews (and before I got redpilled, I was a shabbos goy, for 4 years [church volunteer program]) and actually poor (but not ghetto) religious Jews.

I guess, centuries agos (just like those early known American families) a couple of families pooled, saved and invested for generations (my family's combined net worth now (a good 30+ immediate members by blood) reaches in the eight figures area. If we were to keep pooling and investing for 6 more generations... Shit... We'd probably be billionaires...

No fucking joke.

So are Nazis the good guys or the bad guys? More pertinently, who are the good guys then?

Here you go...

lol makes sense. I mean, if elite jews were going to subvert something, theyd probably go after something that wasnt already associated with conspiracy/occult activity, etc

Who runs the new york federal reserve?
>That one runs the rest.
Does op not know how federal banks make money?
>Federal Reserve does nothing but steal American money, it produces no product, it doesnt need to exist for us to have money, and its sole purpose is to make the bankers who run it extremely rich
Who does that sound like OP?

And if you started it back when magic and religion along with all its occult trappings were the dominant belief system, then maintaining those traditions would likely continue. Why not continue to worship the dark cube God of six points? Keep going with what brought you to the party. Keep recruiting and blackmailing and crushing the opposition ruthlessly.

Hell! It is probably what kept the top families from growing complacent in the face of ridiculous levels of wealth. World domination is a way cooler project....


Fertile recruiting ground. Lol.

Now it's getting even clearer why they want to destroy our families

>Serious question: How exactly do the Rothschilds
you should stop there. you are talking aout British Lords appointef by the high monarchs. welcome to the list

> Boomers are ditching the grove for burning man because of all the young bitches and fewer ivy isolated faggots playing dominoes
Praise Minerva

I think good people. The good guys if you will. Do not try to join the power game in the first place. I think they go home after a hard day's work and love their families. I think they give more than they take. They are hard to organize to play a global domination game. And when I think about it, by being in the western world I am blessed to be able to scratch out an extremely comfortable life vs what the rest of the world and the rest of history has experienced.

>They have no idea what I do on sites like this in the dark hours
>Not trying to come off as a larping faggot. Just never really posted here

(((They))) have the power of the NSA with deep learning neural nets and ridiculously powerful super computers. Their system knows what we do.

They, the people I speak of in that comment, have no reason to look for me in that way. Or maybe they do, but I don't think I am significant enough to warrant a second though to a powerful person.

Now...once (((They))) finish building their God, a ridiculously powerful GP AI, then we are all going to be found out and put on blast since the processing power will enable second thoughts about the seemingly insignificant.

The only thing that can kill a secret society is a secret society, and Sup Forums is that

I think another key is to stay anonymous and decentralized. Relative anonymity enables people to listen and learn. Decentralization is the way to avoid a figurehead power structure that can be co-opted, corrupted or simply destroyed. The internet is the first human technology to allow for this.

What does it say extreme caution with golf rumors?

Total bro hypothesis, but after WW2, I think the nuclear family unity (without grandparents nor extended family) was encouraged and in the last 30+ years, it was "shameful" to live in 5+ multi-gen/extended family households. The thing is, if you give up that "shameful sacrifice", you can pool and save $100k+ a year. Our family has never been in debt and have accumulated wealth, particularly to buy property for future family (kin/clan) dwellings; using foresight back 30 years ago, always have about 3, close-tied nuclear families saving at least $100k in each nuclear household of 3-4 working adults, in the last 25+ years. Sorry if sloppy writing, drinking eggnogg right now, Strayan (o.0)
I think the more wealthy they got and power they accumulated, the more crazy rituals and initiations they started doing (like you said) to keep the inner circle from being infiltrated and corrupted from the outside.

Both of you are right, destroying potential adversaries of other generational pooling & investing families. I'm... I'm actually getting paranoid now, with simple framing, accidental deaths, "ransom" and (real Alexs Jones levels here) somehow, fucking with my family's progeny's fertility. Nonetheless, our grandpa (the fucking first and family proliferating origin [he came to this country alone and now has 19+ grandchildren]), has always told us, even with good times and income, never floss, never be complacent and never always assume easy money will be there. He said to keep living as middle class and never be extravagant. He'd probably slap the shit out of any of our family members, if they were to buy a mansion or a 6 figure $$$$$$ car.

>note: if ID changes, I'm being a phonefag

I've said that about multi generation wealth for a while. Perhaps the destruction of the extended family unit is merely a defense mechanism to prevent a higher volume of rival families from forming. Not to mention that giving in to your own personal desires vs your family is a variation of "Do what thou wilt" that pleases dark cults.

The idea originates with the jews being spoken to by satan fulfilling the final book of the bible Revelation hence the jews who claim to be jews but are of the synagogue of satan. They believe they are talking to an alien/extraterrestrial life form but (again) this is actually satan.

This is John Podesta's fascination with UFOs and aliens. I came to this conclusion with pizzagate when I realized if they were practicing black magic (spirit cooking) and fucking children (pizzagate) then they're ritually fucking/sacrificing the kids hence the lack of witnesses. Alex Jones lets the whole thing slip, very similar to what I believe, when he gets drunk + high on Joe Rogan's show.

In reality these people who might worship "moloch" and the sort with sick rituals, fucking kids, etc. are just a pawn. They think they're strong and powerful but they're just pawns of satan itself. Alex Jones clip here. Pretty sure he also says Trump was going to disclose alien contact in the whole 3-4 hour full podcast with Rogan (remember the recent UFO stuff?)

I don't get how many American families that have been here for 100+ years, are not wealthy? Just pool. We did it in less than 40 years.

Good guys.

Isn't there a theory that Adolf Hitler was a Jewish puppet? Or is that just a meme

It's a meme and it doesn't even make sense, holocaust or not, if you think about it for a couple minutes.

Bad meme all the evidence for it stems from some guy who thinks george bush is jewish. Theres a guy who always shills for it just call him out that all his evidence comes from some schizo on the net.

>clown-like uniforms
The uniforms were designed by Leonardo da Vinci you subhuman mutt

Youre all fucking faggots, OP asked for proof, you cunts just spend entire thread ranting, I ask again, WHERES THE PROOF??

The only guy who mentions fed reserve is privately owned by unknown is instantly debunked, stop talking shit and theories you larping faggots, give us some cold PROOF already for fucks sake!!

They own $30 trillion (yes with a T) in derivatives. Most of their wealth isn't liquid.

apparently people got v&
i saw a thing on /x/ about it
something about elite people of PGA doing weird shit and tiger woods taking a fall.

OP doesn't understand why "having your name on a bank charter" isn't enough proof that you're making money off running it. One wonders what kind of proof he wants eh?

forcing credit contractions, currency crises, then using their gold holdings to be the lender of last resort. Does not matter if you disagree this is the mechanism