Obama's Mother is Jewish

What does pol think about this?



This was known before you elected him


Drumbf has wife, daughter, grand children- jews.
His appointee's in major roles are more than half-jews
Pushed through F35 delivery, stole Jerusalem from Palestinians, sold weapons to Saudi savages- all for the greater of israHell.

CIA sex operative.

No she wasn't. She was WASP as much as it could get. Michelle Obama had the Cohen surname in her past however, and the likelihood that a rich Jew slaveowner had some fun with one of her ancestors is highly likely.

Trump is no Jew either. But some of his grandchildren are!

it figures

Who gives a fuck? Hillary and Trump both have royal blood from England. WHO GIVES A NUCKLE SANDWICH

I think she was a nigger-fucker.

it looks like paul mccartney in drag


Jewish women love bbc, so not a surprise.

Kinda looks more like a twink here..

>No she wasn't. She was WASP as much as it could get. Michelle Obama had the Cohen surname in her past however, and the likelihood that a rich Jew slaveowner had some fun with one of her ancestors is highly likely.

His mother's name is Dunham. She was Jewish, Obama was raised by his Jewish grandparents. These Jewish grandparents of his had a lot of connections, how do you think some nobody from Hawaii was able to run and win an election as a Senator in Illinois? There are several rich Jews who admit propping up Obama to have him win the Presidency, all to the benefits of Jews.



>Dunham is a toponymic surname of Anglo-Saxon origination, deriving from several places named Dunham (dun- hill, -ham home)
Of the three sources I checked they all say Dunham is an Anglo-Saxon name. I think you're full of shit.



married 2 muslims
not a jew

OK. so what part of her family was Jewish? Her father or mother?
Let's see Obama's mother family line.

The USA is Jewish.

>surviving a death camp

No need to mention friend-- we are resisting Trump for the very true reasons you see reminding us so helpful. Resist! Resist guys, let's do it, it is because of our believes we must resist Trumpp!

She's a wild one, that's for sure...

Wouldn't be surprised

Lena (((Dunham)))

that makes Shlomo a cuck for getting him elected lmao

Jews sure love black cock