How the fuck do these countries manage to have a functioning society with an average IQ that low...

How the fuck do these countries manage to have a functioning society with an average IQ that low? Below 70 litterally is intellectual disabilty, and that's more than half the population for these countries. Can they even learn to read or write? People below 60 can't even do the most basic jobs like harvest fruits or vegetables. How do they manage such a huge retards population?

They don't have a functioning country. If what you mean is how do they have a country at all? An insane amount of Western alturism.

Low IQs can to some extent be blammed on childhood malnurishment and illness (and nothing else) so even though their average is quite low, their leadership is probably closer to 85. 85 Being the average of black americans who are not malnurished or suffer from serious illness.

You can organise dirt rakers and orgies with an IQ of 85.

Untrue as western Negroes still have the same IQ as their home nation. Tests like the trans-racial minnesota adoption study reinforce this idea.

Good you killed anglos master race so niggers could go to your country to be 85 IQ masterminds and fuck Irish girls.

Newton had less food than most niggers right now

I know in the carribean there are various IQs listed for islands that are populated with majority blacks. They range from 60 to 90.

They don't.

Cote d'Ivoire is the only country there I recognize that actually has a city.

There isnt one thing you said that isnt wrong and stupid.

Anglos are subhumans, only their jewish/german rulers have brains. We changed the law to stop blacks coming here. Irish girls are gold diggers. So whores but they wont fuck a refugee. Newton blatently did not suffer from malnutrition and blacks in the US have reached their peak IQ of 85 because they are not as sick and hungry as african blacks.

Only Afro-Americans who are mixed with whites have IQs of 85. Full blooded Negroes have IQS like OPs pic. The carribean is a very racially mixed with Natives, Whites and Negroes who have all intermixed to different levels. These groups all have different IQs.

Virtually all Europeans until middle past century had less food than blacks

African blacks in the US bred with the dumbest whites so that didnt lift their IQs. Who do you see blacks with in Australia? Fat middle aged retarded women. There is no genetic lifting going on there.

No it's because they are mixed with Irish

>An insane amount of Western alturism.
What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.

What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.

And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.

When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.

And our IQs have also risen, to a point. I dont expect blacks to ever catch up with whites. Just in case you mistakenly think I am claiming that black IQs will increase further. They wont.

They are fed and healthy. Max IQ reached. Theirs is 85 and ours high 90s.

Yes they were in the carribean. Not in the US. They were also mixed with the british. Ireland and britian were one country then and both emptied their prisons to colonise the Americas.

Most whites in the US are the descendants of slaves and refugees.

They bred with whites (often slave masters) this will naturally increase their IQ. Average Afro-American is 70% Negroe. Full blooded Negroes have IQs around 75. A lot of the nations on OPs list have a lot of Pygmies and Capoids in them who have IQs from 54-65.

Yes I know what you think I'm thinking. But what I'm really thinking is that 85 is too high for them even if it is their peak

William Pierce was a great man.

>functioning society
Do you see the fundamental issue here, user?

That is their recorded IQ in the US and I know they are heavily mixed with whites there but I doubt it raised their IQs significantly.

In the carribean there is more variation in IQ.

There is more variation in IQ because they are so heavily mixed just like Brazil.

>The most intelligent non-human animals, such as some crows, chimpanzees, bonobos, parrots, and dolphins, are in this range. Bonobo or chimpanzee I.Q. scores are sometimes even quoted as high as 80 or 90,
>Koko the gorilla was given IQ tests several times when she was younger and scored between 70 and 95, where 100 is considered normal for humans. Her carers insist she is not, however, a 'genius' gorilla, just typical for her species

Yes niggers are dumber than apes.

>Mental deficiency used to be divided into the following sub-classifications, but these labels began to be abused by the public and are now largely obsolete: Borderline Deficiency (IQ 70-80), Moron (IQ 50-69), Imbecile (IQ 20-49) and Idiot (below 20). Mental deficiency is now generally called mental retardation.


OK now you go right ahead and race mix goyim.

Well actually their IQ ranges from about 90 to much lower in the carribean which would argue against mixing with whites having a lifting effect. They are also considered to be well fed and healthy.

There's not a single functioning society among these.

Most of the studies recording blacks IQs above 75 are jewed in some way. In usa liberals only give test to the smartest blacks, never hood monkeys.

Because Lynn's study (which is what that website is based on) is retarded.

try literally any other study and see the significant difference

Hood monkeys probably have brain damage from drug abuse. Is 85 not low enough for you? With an average IQ of 85, half of blacks are going to fall into borderline deficiency and moron.

IQ doesn't really determine your intellect, just your reasoning skill.

trillions in aid from the evil white people

What? That would prove exactly what I've said. The average IQ of whites is 100. How the fuck can you think though that racial intermixing won't increase or decrease IQ. That's just fucking stupid.

Whites with IQ of 70 or below are usually retarded from birth defects of some sort, not just slow. They often have a childlike inability to understand many things or to learn and remember things from day to day. They may never really get potty-trained.
Blacks at that level may simply be slow (like an 85-IQ white). They grow into adult (simple) emotions, and can learn to do basic tasks and remember them from day to day. They can gather food and do basic hunting as long as it's plentiful.

Whether they have a "functioning society" is another question.

African soil is very fertile and the weather is very hot and sunny. 4-5 working females (men don't work in Africa) can feed an entire village of 30 people without problems.

Another ad hoc to justify black stupidity. If you say so I say all whites have with IQs below 200 because of jew psychological torture

And only short-term reasoning

niggers are niggers. They fuck barnyard animals and all live on welfare.

The real question is, why aren't we settling our ethno state here and building an army of negros to slaughter the Jews?