Kemono Friends

Just how bad did things go for Serval to cry like this?

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Is there Cerulean vore of my favorite Friends yet?

There's Cerulean vore.
>you're favorite friends

Can't believe Serval realized she was killed along with Mirai

I want to rape the Shoebill user.

I saw this image before but I still don't understand it.

So, who get eaten in ep 1?

no lewding Friends

>shoebill user
that's not shoebill

no you do not

There is half eaten friend on the ground.

It's from a CG magazine showcasing how they made Kemono Friends. Sometimes they show beta/scrapped scenes.

In that particular scene it shows a Friend inside a Cerulean. Going by the time(00:17:28), it happens right after Serval destroys the Cerulean. Serval was too late, and so all they can do is watch as some Friend slowly turns back into sandstar after being inside the Cerulean.

We know a Friend died because of all the sandstar that flew out the Cerulean. Pic-related.

I'm pretty sure it's a deceased Friend's sandstar due to the fact the cerulean's cubes didnt even dissolve yet.

friend died.

Blame Otter for having such a large and erotic butt.

you should rewatch episode 1

in that scene serval heard someone getting attacked and went in to investigate to find the gate cerulean

at the end of the fight it wasnt revealed who was getting attacked but hopefully they got away


Not showing it explicitly in ep1 was the right decision, setting a too heavy tone for the series from the start. It's much better to have it gradually descend into madness, as it does.

What if there's a flashback in ep11 where a closeup shot from that consumed friend in ep1 overlaps with flashback of Mirai's last moments?

It would instantly become AOTS just kidding, it already is

>It's much better to have it gradually descend into madness
Please stop being such a pessimistic friend. Everything will be fine.

nah because there would be a hat left behind. serval and another friend was with her too.

plus Serval killed that cerulean in like 1 hit. im pretty sure the one mirai is talking about is much larger.

there is a torso model inside the blocky cerulean model

>Serval was too late, and so all they can do is watch as some Friend slowly turns back into sandstar after being inside the Cerulean.
[Citation needed]

He did not imply that it was the same cerulean. Just Serval remembering Mirai's fate looking at another Friend dying.

Why the hell else would they just be standing there?

If they saved her, we would have saw her at the end of episode 1, or even 2, or even a simple "thank you" scene.

But she's completely gone.

I just don't get it. Why do that at all if in show you don't SEE it at all?

I hope that Friend got away in any case.

all Ceruleans produce sandstar on death, though

Look back at ep1. Serval's expression after killing the Cerulean was unusually morose.

>Kaban can't leave the island because of sandstar addiction
>ceruleans can because of sandstar reserves in their bodies
>Serval is really Cerval
>Kaban chops off Cerval's limbs and puts her in the bag
>now she can leave the island while the Bagval provides her the sandstar constantly
The adventure continues!

> due to the fact the cerulean's cubes didnt even dissolve yet.


You're operating purely off assumptions and your own interpretation of a single still frame, please don't state your conclusions as accepted facts. We don't know whether the Friend was to have died or not. There is certainly no evidence that she was seen "melting", that is coming purely from your imagination.

I'd guess they were planning to use it to demonstrate that ceruleans turn Friends back into animals. And presumably decided against it because it wasn't relevant for most of the show.

>please don't state your conclusions as accepted facts.
It's almost as if you don't know what "discussions' are.

Perhaps you're new.

Wow, a friend who resorts to ad hominem as soon as his argument is taken apart!

You're welcome to say "I THINK what happened is.." but don't act like your grimdark murder fantasies are the accepted consensus.

she realized tsuchinoko was shit

I don't see how it's grimdark to note that friends can and do perish at the hands of Cerulean.




Serval's tits are super dangerous.

This isn't a formal debate.
Talking about logical fallacies is pointless.

>You're welcome to say "I THINK what happened is
>I'm pretty sure
Yes, because that definitely means I'm presenting things as facts, right?

You're retarded.

Threadly dose

Fennec's dress is so ugly

I think you're ugly.


Hippo cautioned from the get-go that friends must fend for themselves and that it's best to just flee from Cerulean. The subsequent episodes have driven home the point that this is a matter of life and death. Red Fox in episode 9 for example flat out said lamented how that she'll never get to play video games again when the Cerulean stampede came rushing in.

>We don't know whether the Friend was to have died or not.
It's not certain, but we have Mirai's speculation that they would eat the sandstar and return to their previous non-Friend form. The way it's presented makes me think it's very likely true.

This and Bluescreen Park certainly ruin my IQ.


When your only rebuttals are "you're new" and "you're retarded", it's pretty clear you don't really know your way around a "discussion". And sorry, I'll point out your logical fallacies as much as I want, you don't get to hide behind "this isn't a formal debate" when you're posting obvious trash.

Watch this more often, it makes you kashikoi.


Bless the Niconico Kings

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>only rebuttals
My post: I believe XYZ happened based on these events.
Your post: Stop posting commentary as facts!

I'm not sure what you're even going on about anymore. You don't have a discussion. You did not present any 'rebuttals'. You somehow took my opinion as facts then threw a fit about it.

Yes, you're retarded.
This was related
what am i getting myself into?

I'm sorry Friends.



Don't be.

The Park will take you some day, Friend.

You ain't no friend.

Spending the night with friends!

I wonder what was the original line.

From what I can hear, it's really "a night with Friends...something something".

Ah. I hope elevens have less dirty minds than Sup Forums.

It's cute but I don't get it


>I hope elevens have less dirty minds


Well, the elevens are the ones drawing all our porn so I doubt it.

Shhhh, Serval is writing a will.


I like dis nigga

That's silly
Serval can't read.



that's fuckin rad


It's the song that plays when them owls are eating, NES-ified.

Night hunt!




Which owl is more deserving of headpats?



They don't deserve anything until they learn how to hold a spoon properly.


>Alpaca will never spit on my dick before I shove it into Toki's anus


Leave Japari Park

I will headpat both simultaneously, and you can't stop me.

But I'm the intended audience of the Park.

kill yourself

Fennec is the softest and cutest



You need to put Ceruleans over the people


Their cuteness must be a hunting strategy. They lure people with cute looks and make them cook