You guys stole the land from the Indians and Mexicans. Who cares if Jews control the finances of this country?

You guys stole the land from the Indians and Mexicans. Who cares if Jews control the finances of this country?

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Right of conquest subhuman weaklings.

You are lucky we never completed our Final Solution indiofaggot.

when do you leave, op


>You guys stole the land from the Indians and Mexicans.
Hey. We bought it from the Mexicans.

Even if all of that were true and we owed these countries something for their products, why do we end up with nothing but Somalians?

Why shouldn't it be anglo land?
The indians could not defend themselves from genocide, nature doesn't give a fuck and the victor also couldn't give less.

thanks for letting me know, dude.
> t. no fucks given

What "right?" You guys had your independence since 1776 Mexico had it's independence since 1821.

I love based Krauts.
Sieg Heil.

>drive cadillac
>drink grain belt
>clothes calvin klein
>vodka? Try jim beam
Inaccurate generalizations. The only weapon of the failing leftist.

No, you created a war and took over 60% of Mexico's territory over a dispute over the status of Mexico.

"If i can control a country's finances, i care not who makes its laws." -- (((them)))

>not defending what you rightfully stole


>Right of conquest we already lost. Check.

Funny. The phrase Blood and Soil actually invalidates Anglo imperialism in the Americas.


You're funny. Uninformed, but funny.

>Rightfully stole

It wasn't stolen. They needed to pay their fair share.

So what? You butchered the Sioux in the 1880s. Who cares about usury and financial monopolization compared to cold blooded murder?

>My land
Shouldn't have traded for shiny beads.
Shouldn't have given up your land.
Should have developed enough as a society to fight off the white man

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Dude. Whites were breaking treaties in the 1880s with Sioux. They also annexed Texas even though Texas said they just wanted independence from Mexico.

What do you do with this idea, now that we're thoroughly colonized? We can't defend it either.

Nope. We paid Mexico $15 million for the land and took on $3 million of Mexico's debt for the land after the Mexican-American War.

factcheck false.

every time someone brings up native americans, they're bringing up a cautionary tale

15 million was nothing. They were strong-armed into Guadalupe Hidalgo.


Native here.
We fought white people and niggers for 350 years.
WE lost and as nice terms for our defeat we got sovereign land.
Everything else americans adopted like Rome.

This isn't even a meme shared by natives, Its just some shit shared by numberless virtue signalling white girls who take natives on as their token issue because they're honestly as racist as they think racists are.

They sold their land for shiny beads, they should have fought for it it belongs to the anglo now
Good job son

Do you want some more shiny beads?
Would you like to challenge it with another war?

>it belongs to the anglo
And in short order, it'll belong to another invader.

Nice goal post moving. $15 million was something back then. And if they were strong-armed, we wouldn't have had to pay them shit.

By fought do you mean you were btfo for 350 years?

Fighting isnt winning every 1 out of 500 battles retard, thats called losing.

>Try jim beam
More of a moonshine and sailor jerrys/colt 45 man my self.
No one likes vodka.

Bullshit. If you look at a map of the United States it's totally under control of US government. I want to see a map like the Lakotah Republic map, where Nebraska and parts of Wyoming are independent.

Treaties were broken.

conquered, not stolen.

came for this
thanks for btfo'ing op

Whites also build America.

You mean Chinese built railroads and blacks built the Southern economy?

15 million was the US being nice. You spics really need to get over the victim mentality, you started the war.

>your car is Japanese
I drive a Ford
>your beer is German
I don’t drink beer
>your electronics are Taiwanese
Which is an American colony
>your fashion is French
I only wear American brands
>your oil is Arabian
We invaded the Middle East and took their oil. Right of conquest. Also we make more oil domestically nowadays.
>your vodka is Russian
Cool, I like Russia
>the land is mine
And Europe is the white mans land. Why does this logic apply to America but not Europe?

>Fighting isnt winning every 1 out of 500 battles retard, thats called losing.
Yes its still fighting I never said we won nigger.
Why are you white people so triggered?
Natives dont want to live with wiggers and niggers.
Thanks for the indian reservations.
No one who owns a casino is native america or is really REALLY white washed.
But youre right fighting isnt winning dude.
Its fighting

I'm assuming native americans are like aboriginals; in that they had hundreds of different tribes warring for land and territory.

No. Texas was annexed by US in 1845 then US sent troops to Rio Grande in 1846. You started the war.

Being nice? Because you didn't apply Versaille-like penalties

>Treaties were broken.
Only in america.
WE fought WE lost WE live in ghettos get over it.

The genocide of the american indians is true, but it is important to reject the noble savage myth. The nations that the europeans were nations in fact. They warred each other, made slaves of each other, genocided each other. This is the story of mankind

>in that they had hundreds of different tribes warring for land and territory.
Yupp another reason we lost.
Zero unification just like today.

jesus my fingers got ahead of my brain. the nations that the europeans encountered were nations in fact

No. Stand up for your rights. Stand up for the Political Reconquista of Azland and for the Midwestern Republic of Lakotah.

No, we conquered it. Stop thinking that if you whine hard enough you'll get it back, you worthless faggot.

>these poor, innocent, gentle people had their land taken
more like violent rapist murders who would take slaves from other tribes and try to fucking eradicate each other's tribes
a bloo bloo bloo

>This is the story of mankind
Thank you...So sick of southern cali hippe chicks being upset I eat animals I shoot.
>like omgee user why would you eat an animal your ancestors never would do such a savage thing.
I then proceed to giggle a little and eat road kill.
We are also very jewy with money.

And Jews...Jewed their way into the economy. Stop thinking if you whine hard enough they'll dejudaize the financial system.

same thing is happening today with jews and you fucks are crying like retards. Right if conquest.

No I am miqamuk, fuck those nigger and their nigger shit.
Should grew weed and brewed booze like my people
White people love booze.

All war is based on deception, maybe they should have read Sun Tzu.

We allow people to move here and live here and share our bounty. We can absolutely defend it, it hasn't gotten to that point yet.

>Texas was annexed by US in 1845
By Texan request.
> then US sent troops to Rio Grande in 1846.
Which Texas gave to the US.

So what you are saying is the US defending its own territory starts wars with Mexico. Why exactly do we want such a violent race here again?

Sieg Heil, exterminate the indians!

The indians stole it from other indians, The Mexicans stole it from the Spanish who stole it from the Aztecs who stole it from other indians.

Who fucking cares

Jews and Christians are Gods chosen people, this is why Jews and Christians are so heavily represented in society, its Divine Nepotism.

I love being native.
We get our asses kicked and we get free land in return.
Keep set tripping for dem reparation.
Fun fact apache language was used in WW2 because germans never learned gook a dook talk.

Not a single one of your problems it's our fault.

Annexing it was wrong. Mexico ceded iindependence to Mexico already. Sending troops to Mexico's borders was a provocation.

Violent? The Mexicans kept telling the whites to stop butchering the Choktaw but they didn't listen.

>texas was annexed after americans broke compromises and immigrated their way into texas until the native population was outnumbered
that irony

I didnt steal shit. Who gives a fuck what my ancestors did to yours. Did you choose your side?? Did you choose the fact that your soul would be zapped into the body carrying the genes of native americans(assuming you are..)??? No you fucking didnt. And i didnt choose to have my soul zapped into the body of a white male baby. People need to quit bitching about shit they cant control. Those rednecks that are proud of their white heritage that proud native people roll their eyes at... they would be those rednecks if their soul was zapped into redneck babies. You all are more similar than you think. People who cling to culture and heritage to the bitter end are narrow minded as fuck. Sure im white. But that doesnt mean i do everything you assume white people do. Perhaps i have white privilage(something anyone else would have to if lucky enougj to be born white) but check your own privilages before you bitch about someone elses.

>free trade means you need to import thousands of shitskins to replace your nations population

Another settlement needs your help.
Tent niggers have been sighted along the coast raiding and scalping the settlers.

>rightfully stole
Never change, Anglo.

How is our conquering of North America any different than the Spaniards who conquered or the Portuguese who conquered Brazil? As far as I know no indigenous people are the rulers of any nation in the Western hemisphere. Even transplanted niggers run a few but there are no nations run by original inhabitants.

Mexico never wanted to give up Texas, the entire Texas revolution was another humiliation. Watching Texas being annexed by the US was even more humiliation. The "border" Mexico was claiming didn't even make sense, it was meant to be inflammatory by its positioning.

Mexico wanted there to be a war, that's why they attacked US troops. That's why they attacked Texas. That's why both wars happened.

Sorry your people were eternally BTFO Julio, we're not giving you any land back. It's a good thing too, your people have done fuck-all with the land you have.

Because you broke treaties and massacred people in the 1880s when the Geneva Convention was already signed.

Yes. Even more humiliation. You guys escalated the grievances. Who sent soldiers first, Mexico or America?

The only reason the united states of america is a thing is because the jews wanted to see if they could turn the indians into whites so they could grab shekels off them and mongrelize whites at same time.

Had the same amount of time as everybody else to build a civilization but wasted it by running around killing each other. Now what's left are inbred hooligans tossing piss balloons.

Mexico weren't the first ones there either you tremendous faggot

Eternal anglo

Tf are you talking about? You Anglos and French in Canada forced Indians into those European schools. The Anglo truly is the eternal dindu.

>Annexing it was wrong.
Why was annexing it "wrong" when they had already won their independence and requested annexation on their own? Mexico should not be a factor at all in such a deal as they were not even a concerned third party.

> Sending troops to Mexico's borders was a provocation
So no one can send troops to their own borders now? Is that what you are saying?

Yes. Violent. According to your own words, the US should have known that moving US troops to elsewhere inside the US would cause a foreign nation to start a war. And then you have the gall to say that this is justified.

That is some tier one bullshit on the same line as Europe today saying "Don't insult the muslims if you don't want a terrorist attack."

>Land is mine
I don't see your wind puckered, savage, heart eating, tribal face on a mountain?

The most privileged conquered population ever to exist. None alive today suffered conquest, yet they enjoy significant economic privileges above and beyond those of ordinary citizens. I can't understand the butthurt.

It was Mexico who attacked first

Mexico gained independence in 1821. They are a mixture of Indigenous tribes and Spanish descendants. The Mexicans also told Anglo settlers not to keep butchering tribes but they didn't listen.

You sent soldiers into US land and attacked US troops and were spanked like the misbehaving children you are.

The fact that you attacked troops that the US sent to its own border shows why we had to send troops in the first place. Moron.

>You guys stole the land from the Indians and Mexicans.
stole? it was conquered. STFU.

We took this land so the white man could be free, sadly we got jewed

The moon is made of cheese, who cares if the pope shits in the woods

The only thought of an anglo saxon jew it's repugnant.

>assuming you are
I grew up on a indian reservation in northern new brunswick.
Yes yes I am.

increasingly American
Try Rum

Meanwhile you nat soc don’t support Israel at all and think they need to give land back to the caliphate


Hahaha you lost any validity being a FUCKING MORON

Mexico didn't want an American border on the Rio Grande.

Mexico acceded to Texan independence by the Anglo settlers. They refused to accede to American expansion.

>You Anglos and French in Canada forced Indians into those European schools
Yes to make the civil and make them pay taxes.
Jesus pol read more.

White man could be free? Should have stayed in Europe.

We didn't break any treaties or massacre anyone, we simply changed our minds and cleansed our country of some future alcoholic degenerates


Don't be a sore loser and stop it with the jons