At what point exactly Illuminati took over Freemasons ?

Was it George bush era?What are your thoughts?

Masons visioned A USA which was farm more powerful than it is today or ever was, and they were damn sure of turning it into a reality (maybe close too) But as we seen, the events unfolds in such a way one after one that a new force took over everything masons ever created this force have no interest in making USA a powerful country .

What was the turning point, the main reason the weakness, the event that lead to Freemason's demise and uprise of Illuminati .

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It's all jews you pleb, masons/ illuminati/ whoever the fuck is just a pyramid scheeme to get goym to join, incrementally pay more and more for "memership" where they don't really run shit themselves, until the kikes have enough dirt on you that they make you do whatever they want, and anybody who is dumb enough to say anything can't even say jews because they think it's the organization

Are secret societies a meme or are they a legit player in society

I need a redpill here bad

>has two Skull and Bones (German Masonic lodge) members run for President in 2004, one becomes president, one becomes Secretary of State under the next president


In the end of the day deepstate exist, even if everything is denied but this thing remains a FACT.


Today, it would be hard to find a history book that would relate the
following story. When Lord Corwallis surrender his sword to George
Washington, after his defeat by the American army, he was too cowardly to
bring it himself.

Instead he sent the sword by a servant, who also had a message for George
Washington. Jonathan Williams recorded in his book ‘Legions of Satan’,
(1781) that the messenger made the following statement.

“A holy war will now begin on America and when it is ended America will be
supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be
loyal subjects to the Crown. . . . “Your churches will be used to teach the
Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be
working for Divine World Government. That government that they believe to be
divine will be the British Empire.

All religion will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by
the masses and they will all be under the invisible All-seeing Eye of the
Grand Architech of Freemasonry.”

Well, George Washington, was a third degree Mason but he dropped out of it
completely for some strange reason.

yea totally dropped out...

The Illuminati is just a meme, it doesn't actually exist. Get your head out of youtube and start reading books. It's best to see Illuminati a stupid metaphor/meme for the top of the hierarchy (pyramid).

no clue, at my lodge its mostly old boys who sit by the fireplace drinking ale before and after the meeting getting grumpy at the modern world and telling us younger folks about the good old days and the war. great bunch though always willing to tell a ripping yarn.

>The Illuminati is just a meme, it doesn't actually exist. Get your head out of youtube and start reading books

Like the book written by a renowned historian Carrol Quigley, the academic mentor of Bill Clinton, who in his book “Tradegy in Hope” painstakingly describes the process of an accumulation of power by an elite cabal bonded by blood relation?

Have you read it? Is it just a meme?

Didn't the Illuminati create the order of Freemasons, which later became corrupted and now it serves as a club for rich cronyists and nepotists?

When did Freemasons stop building churches?, Illuminati never took over, Illuminati are Vatican agents within the P2 freemason lodge. The Vatican (old patrician bloodlines in the occult) needed a way to invest their wealth, they needed the jews for this but also needed to somehow break through resistance to the jewery. For instance, like when the catholic court of Spain kicked out the Sephardi.

It's nbt, all those memes and youtube videos, conspiracy tv shows were made to suppress the idea of it's existence.

Although it's not like they have some secret cult which control everything directly or something like that.
It's just some powerful people who are following the legacy of Illuminati and as a result their powers have been grown exponentially.

The Freemasons were just rebranded Templars that escaped Philip The Fair's persecution. The Illuminati came into play several hundred years later and then turned everything on its head.

That;s a great book. Most of it is just normal history, there's only a small amount about secret societies.

He's got another book, way shorter, called The Evolution of Civilizations, which is exactly what it sounds like, and is the best of its kind I've ever read. I recommend anybody interested in history read it.

He was discussing the CFR and the Pilgrim's Society.

>CFR and the Pilgrim's Society.

Yeah, the most public Illuminati fronts.

>The Freemasons were just rebranded Templars that escaped Philip The Fair's persecution.
>The Illuminati came into play several hundred years later
Really? I thought that the Knights Templars were just another organization orchestrated by the Illuminati and after its fall, the members scattered all around Europe and established a number of new secret societies, including Freemasons.

When it became cool to be a freemason in the upper class and it stopped being a union of stonesmiths because there weren't many actual craftsmen left. Instead it became a vehicle for insider deals and nepotism.

Further when Albert Pike got involved.

You seem to be confused on what The Illuminati is. Brush up on your Bill Cooper - the blanket term for these secret societies is the Mystery Religion or Black Nobility, the Illuminati was an actual organisation in Germany which didn;t continue for all that long.

Surge domine et dissipentur inimici tui et fugiant qui oderunt te a facie tua

How am I supposed to believe any of the available information about the Freemasons? It's secret. I've never been in there, and anyone who has isn't trustworthy.

I know that there existed a group led by Weishaupt called the Bavarian Illuminati, which nowadays everyone is referring to when they are talking about the infamous Illuminati, but there are some who assert that the Illuminati actually traces all the way back to secret societies and religious movements of the Antiquity such as Hellenism, Mithraism and Pythagoreanism.

They're the Mystery Schools then. Calling them "Illuminati" is a misnomer.

Occultism is real, and there are legit players in society that engage in it.

It isn't me who's calling them the Illuminati. They are:

They weren't calling themselves the "Illuminati" during the Antiquity, bud, which is what being discussed here. In fact they don't call themselves Illuminati at all during these times too.

>post link about Weishaupt either way

you're a bit slow in the noggin, aren't you

>you're a bit slow in the noggin, aren't you
Maybe just a little.

based ruskie itt droppin the straight dope
check the informer and vyzygoth interviews on utuub
the founders of the western world are part and parcel of the iluminati, steered by City of London owned by the Pope of Rome