Why don’t you faggots start a revolution against your very obviously corrupt government...

Why don’t you faggots start a revolution against your very obviously corrupt government? The French did it and it was badass too.

Why don’t you faggots start a revolution against your very obviously corrupt government? The French did it and it was badass too.

They did, the wall fell in '89

they did 1917 and 1991.

turned out it was shit.

now russia is focusing on creating terminators and nuke nato.

A revolution in this day in age will quite literally destroy this country. What do you Reds have to lose?

Why don’t you faggots start a revolution against your very obviously corrupt government? The French did it and it was badass too.

And look where France is now.

Because you don`t start the revolution to DESTROY something. You start the revolution to CHANGE.

Is there any system to suggest to post USSR people and youngs in Russia?

Because French Revolution was such a good thing that totally didn't lead to horrible repercussions

>The French did it and it was badass too.
Badass it might have been, but it was not for good.

>World superpower
>Fair elections
>Not being governed by a dictator
>Taxes aren’t going to stupid shit like Versallies and Marie Atoninet’s shopping

Why dont you first?

lol I see you're on overtime after losing the Syrian war


Just go back to the 1990s and become a docile US puppet state goy. Btw get rid of your nukes pls

i dont think revolution is possible in US, they have slave mentality where they work, take loans, buy and consume. all this things keep their mind constantly preoccupied and zombified. also USA is melting pot, their is no real "american" patriotism besides some rednecks. so they will keep supporting the Zionist lobby. in Zionist Occupied Goverment their cant be corruption since they print the money they dont need to bribe eachother, they just ask how much you need and they print it via federal reserve bank.

This system did not live up to expectations, as we can see.

America needs to be destroyed, for the sake of the rest of the world.

At least Russia helps, America has probably done more damage to the west than any other entity in history

>not shitty mob rule

We need autocracy in the west

not democracy

now KGB is directly in control, people who tried to start a revolution were executed or had to flee abroad

but they are still trying so who knows

Are you truly happy living under Putin’s ass? Are you happy knowing your political system is a lie?

At least over here in Murica’ we know our system works because we were all floored when Blumpf got elected instead of a candidate backed by the establishment and most of the country.

Big words from a fucking leaf, you're a parasite nation you fucking retard.

still too comfy

Found The ShareBlue shill.

>Americans calling anyone a parasite nation

Parasite to what? You guys created you own empire and now you're suffering the down sides of that. America is the one who forced liberalism and democracy down Europe's throat. We'd be all better off if their shitty country would go the way of the USSR.

If you arguing with a Russian, don`t bring up US as example, it never works.

They have bad experiences with revolutions, just saying. It could be worse than being in a Banana Republic.

>Mob Rule

Over here we got something called the Electoral College. Look it up.

Because the US is a totalitarian police state inhabited by obese imbeciles and feral niggers.

Russia is a totalitarian police state inhabited by drunk bydlo and feral churkas.

Come on, bruh.

>Admits Blumpf was rightfully elected via the electoral college

Stupid Trumpniggers

Holy shit is this bait?

>Why don’t you faggots start a revolution
>A revolution in this day in age will quite literally destroy this country.
Notice the id. It's the same person in his pure retardnes. Basically he just want russia get destroyed.

>America is the one who forced liberalism and democracy down Europe's throat

You're full of shit. Europe is the one that exported all their heinous commie bullshit and fag marriage to US, all our SJWs look up to muhhh progressive Europe for all their ideals. Or did you forget the origins of feminism and democracy? The origins of transvestites? The first gay marriage which happened in Netherlands ten years before us? Even rampant racemixing was a French concept before it ever came to our shores.

Just stick to being a quiet backwater with no culture, a dumping ground for Chinese millionaires and Mohammedans. The majority of Toronto's population has an immigrant background now. Start worrying about that before you point the finger you fucking faggot.

That's still mob rule

government has to be integrated into the military if you want a successful state

Its shit. Heres proper killer weapon

>gay marriage

These are the modern symptoms of the American liberal disease.

America forced their liberalism in Europe, with their wars of aggression with WW1 and 2. The US forced Germany to become liberal, look at the state of it today. The world would be a better place if they'd either lost or not got involved in the first place.

>CIA tries to influence change in Russia defectors through shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving thread
Hilarious honestly.

kek its USA that runs them

Nationalist Dictatorship > Multicultural democracy

Except the US is an actual, genuine police state with literal race riots and sizeable demographic of morbid 500kg subhumans.

The difference is when the bydlo gets up in the morning, he'll be sober. Us burgers don't have that luxury of impermanence.

no weapons and Putins pays well to police, fsb and national guard. All money goes to them, not to teachers or doctors.

>”Good goy. Remember, daddy Putin keeps Mother Russia safe.”

So you should join the army or national guard

stop being retarded

Pynya, it's you?

Americans build Teslas, design iphones and just elected an anti-establishment candidate

they are well paid and the unemployment is 4% or less, the American economy is booming

>”Good goy. Remember, daddy Rabbi keeps US of A free.”

And that is where you are wrong, kiddo.
Aren`t we a genuine police state? More to it, our policemen are uneducated bydlo, which makes the situation even better.
And we don`t have race riots for only one reason: RUSSIANS. ARE. PUSSIES.

Except in the real world where the only nationalist dictatorships objectively failed, or never rose above third world status.

And if you think that Russia is actually nationalist, then you don't know anything about Russia at all. Oligarchs systematically looting a nation is not nationalist, it is about as far from nationalism as you can get.

>bans VPNs and pornhub
>bans protests if more than two people have signs
>has ethnic majority Chechen republic rebel twice
>controls all media
>assassinates journalists with polonium
>sends people texting in church to jail
>abysmal climbing HIV rate

Didnt you know that all of these just a jew propaganda to make THE SAVIOR OF WHITE RACE look bad?

>muh iphones

Doesn't change the fact that the ultra rich oligarchs control society and suck out as much wealth as possible.

Trump is a retarded alt lite cuck.

America needs a revolution more than ever.


China is a nationalist dictatorship

They're obviously going to outpace the US.

>anti-establishment candidate

Who just passed a tax bill that will benefit his family and his cronies to the tune of billions. He is literally the most corrupt president since Warren G. Harding.

>this thread

>Nationalist Dictatorship > Multicultural democracy

North Korea isn't doing better than the US.

>Aren`t we a genuine police state?
Kek no. Google up Waco siege, Rubby Ridge, and compare police actions on Occupy and recent Nasralny flash mobs to get some perspective on things. This recent case of a guy being massacred by AR-15 wielding mutt and americans trying to justify it tells how much of a bootlicker country they are.

Open any pro-government newspaper and oligarchs are portrayed as a force against the govt, it's short of "let's shoot them, why".

The rich would profit more without the current regime and they're the ones that would push for change.

>The French did it and it was badass too.
Jesus Christ.

Oh, yes, it works. New face, same unelected masters. Nothing changed in foreign policy even with Trump. Also, I'd like to see someone like Trump without his billions getting in power ;) It's basically 1 chance in a lifetime.

Why don't you go fuck the fuck off, feddy mcfedderson? Fucking dumbass. If you REALLY need to go after some low hanging fruit to get some shitty Conspiracy convictions to "advance your career", why don't you go round up some fucking BLM shits or your boy Cody Wilson?



What`s your word about casual tortures in police station?

It is doing one thing right: it is still Korean. Should they ever change their governing structure, they will still be Korean. But we can't ever go back to being white once that is lost. Nation above all. Trading permanent blood losses for temporary material gain is an indescribable treason.

There nothing wrong with banning porn. If you still looking at porn when you a adult and don't have a girlfriend or wife you failed at life.

>Waco siege

That was actually justified and only a retard would think otherwise. If you have Netflix, watch Oklahoma City.

Pidorashka topest shithole of the world. All smart people who have at least a little money emigrate or send children away from the former USSR.
Imposible. People here are like slaves, they only know how to obey. We have a completely different mentality.

>The French did it and it was badass too.
How new are you?

You`ve never been in our army, as I far as I can assume.

Still mad about the 100 Years War?

>Give me pornhub or give me death
Soyboy patriotism

Boy you are dumb.

Last time they did it they ended up with fucking Stalin (since Lenin didnt last long).

Pic related disagrees with you.

I think it's awful. What's your word on being tazed to the point of heart attack in police station and lawfully terminated by assault rifle wielding control freak asshole who roleplays Judge Dredd irl?

Ameridumbs have nothin to do but to think of
blacked.com hahaha

Not particularly.. The French revolution however? Yeah I am pretty mad about that, fucking civic cucks, even the French agree that it was a mistake.

French Revolution was the first time when a full-blown degenerates had taken power in Europe.
If you disagree with modern liberalism, its roots are in said revolution.

Awful as well. But does it make our police forces any better? I can`t say so. We have to make things better without looking at bad examples and saying "ooh, that`s good enough".

Russia had two revolutions past centuries. What good did it bring to common Russians? Nothing. First one was one of the bloodiest revolutions in history, lead to great suffering of millions of Russians and other people. Second wasn't that bad, but it made Russia a total joke - economic collapse, demographic crisis to this day. And in both cases it made country weak for foreign exploitation.
Now, I'm not a fan of Putin, but Russians must learn to deal with the problems peacefully and in evolutionary way, not revolutionary.
And really, the most dominant countries are obviously the most stable ones. When was the last revolution in UK? After the Civil War, it was pretty much stable and became a superpower to this day.
It's in your interest to shill for revolution in Russia, and you've been destabilizing numerous countries with your color revolutions not for liberty, democracy, freedom and other shit, but for your own interest to maintain superiority.

Not an argument. I think we can agree that communism is utter shit--but look at Eastern European countries, still overwhelmingly white, while their "enlightened" cousins in the West are being bred out of their own homelands. But hey, that was totally worth the shiny new car and LGBTQQIA+ acceptance, right? All you had to do was agree to permanently wipe out your people!

If you're not part of the swamp, you need to be filthy rich, have a great team and have great orator skills to have a chance to become a US president. You need to beat most MSM, have a corrupt competitor, and have someone hack the competition's emails and expose their corruption. Nobody other than Trump could have pulled it off. The swamp did everything they could to win the election. They thought it would be enough, and usually, it is enough... They rigged everything apart from the vote counts.

There's nobody like Trump in the US. Just like there's nobody like Putin (see Stone's 4 hour interview). That's why they win. But don't pretend like it would have been possible for any outsider other than Trump to beat Clinton.


Shush, hohol, let real countries discuss this matter.

Because russians are to uncivilized to have a free society. They have to be in shackles otherwise they will start looting, stealing and selling of their natural resources and buy krokodil for the money.

>You're a soyboy if you don't want the government banning websites because of muhhh morality

Go live in Saudi Arabia or China then you fucking statist retard

Because no one is angry enough. Americans will
give up their right to own firearms. Just look at
what we have given up so far. We will fall like
most of Europe in time.

>Louis XIV
>Not a degenerate

> He has his hopes pinned on ching-chongs

Actually his comment is the most wise in this retarded thread.

Its only going to get worse when the election is in full swing. A lot of troll farm english twitter accounts are testing "putin is a pedophile" conspiracy theory.

You didn't leave freely though. It costed you a lot in the end.

Because they like live on 200$ a month working 11 hours a day worship a manlet ex kgb office clerk and fight evil gay nazis while sitting on the couch watching their shit state propaganda.

Then why dont you move to those shitholes then?

Why don’t you faggots start a revolution against your very obviously corrupt government? The French did it and it was badass too.

To be Russia is to be corrupt:

Soon after its publication, Tsar Nicolas I complained to his son, the future tsar Alexander II, about military personnel filching guns, clothing, and food during the Crimean War of 1853-1856: “Sashka, I think there are only two people in Russia who don’t steal—you and me.”

Still, at least we aren't Germany.


Wrong. There was only one revolution.