>Fake news is a threat to humanity, but scientists may have a solution

>To solve this dilemma, Lewandowsky and his colleagues propose what they call “technocognition,” which is described as:

>the idea that we should use what we know about psychology to design technology in a way that minimizes the impact of misinformation. By improving how people communicate, they hope, we can improve the quality of the information shared.


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Haha that's some Orwellian shit right there

>The authors propose a number of ideas to help bring an end the post-truth era. One key idea involves the establishment of an international non-governmental organization that would create a rating system for disinformation. There are already some similar examples in existence – Climate Feedback consults climate scientists to rate the accuracy of media articles on climate change, and Snopes is a widely-respected fact checker. The challenge would of course be to convince conservatives to accept a neutral arbiter of facts, and continue accepting it when information they want to believe is ruled inaccurate.

>These independent rulings could then be conveyed via technology. For example, Facebook could flag an article that’s based on false information as an unreliable source, and Google could give more weight in returning factually accurate news and information at the top of its search results lists.

>The study authors also suggest that inoculation theory techniques could help dislodge misinformation after it first takes hold. This involves explaining the logical fallacy underpinning a myth. People don’t like being tricked, and research has shown that when they learn that an ideologically-friendly article has misinformed them by using fake experts, for example, they’re more likely to reject the misinformation.

>The authors also encourage teaching people – particularly students – how to identify misinformation techniques and the other strategies used to create the partisan echo chamber. Younger Americans are already less susceptible to the conservative media bubble. The median age of primetime Fox News viewers is 68, and Alabamans under the age of 45 voted for Roy Moore’s opponent Doug Jones by a 23-point margin. Teaching them how to identify misinformation techniques will help inoculate younger Americans against the corrosive effects of the partisan media bubble.


>denying that global warming exists

>implying I won't resist fighting climate change just out of spite as long as the academia/media/government/NGO complex is trying to eradicate White nations

If Western Civilisation is destroyed, then I hope the whole world drowns in the melted ice caps.


I wonder if they realize how obviously flawed and exploitable such a system would be? Have they never seen or read a dystopian scifi before?

where do you think they got the idea


Every morning I spray a can of aerosol into the air and throw a plastic bottle into the ocean. Fuck you Al Gore.

Notice how they use climate change as the example so that liberals immediately accept the premise? This article is doing what it proposes. Freaky shit.

>scientists on government payroll
>government redacts smith-mundt
>scientists tasked with chore of getting people to believe the propaganda, since it is failing

"Technocognition" is just the evolution of propaganda

They want a funded JIDF with quasi government powers, basically.

This is "Technokikenition"

They are convinced that they will stay in power forever and never be on the other end of this tactic.


>One key idea involves the establishment of an international non-governmental organization that would create a rating system for disinformation

Are we supposed to be caught off guard because they're calling it 'non-governmental'

>post-(((truth))) era


Remember everybody science is full of degenerate low-IQ roasties and cannot be trusted. If you're views are in line with Bill Nye's there is something seriously wrong with you, ergo -> Climate Change is double super exxtra fake

but I wish it was real so all the liberal coastal hellhole pukedrains will be swallowed whole by the ocean

At last, I can outsource my critical thinking skills to someone I can trust

Just Ludavigo my shit up.

This is as much of a buzzword as 'problematic.'

>threat to humanity
Literally how

>manipulating cognitive thought process


How could anyone be on board with this?
Sup Forums calls computer science a meme degree but there needs to be way more /ourguys/ in the field to prevent this shit from happening

>The challenge would of course be to convince conservatives to accept a neutral arbiter of facts, and continue accepting it when information they want to believe is ruled inaccurate.

holy shit this is some next level shit right here
this is like hoping christians would stop believing in the bible by simply telling them their scriptures are incorrect

>Snopes is a widely-respected fact checker.

remember they can make bold claims like these without ever giving a single explanation and everyone would devour it without question.

So they want the computers to automatically alter your comments from wrong think into approved propaganda...


oh OF COURSE they only mention targeting conservatives and fox news. Do they realize how transparent they sound?

so technology that will block all news except the stuff they like?

Its not even an evolution its basically what Bertrand Russell called the "society of learned experts". They have wanted to setup panels that are the final arbiters on all issues deemed too complex for the profane masses to worry about or to comprehend.


>Not to create content, but to create context -MGS2
Now that's incredible.

MGS2 was unbelievably redpilled. 16 years ago, I had no chance understanding it's meaning outside of sneaking and shooting being only 11 years old.

>Raiden: Create context?
>Colonel: The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards
development of convenient half-truths.
>Just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you.
>Rose: Billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans.
>Colonel: Rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims.
>Rose: Although there are people suffering in poverty, huge donations are made to protect endangered species.
>Everyone grows up being told the same thing.
>Colonel: Be nice to other people.
>Rose: But beat out the competition!
>Colonel: "You're special." "Believe in yourself and you will succeed."
>Rose: But it's obvious from the start that only a few can succeed...
>Colonel: You exercise your right to "freedom" and this is the result.
>All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt.
>The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate
>in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems.
>Rose: Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum.
>They stay inside their little ponds,
>leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.
>Colonel: The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh.
>No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.
>Rose: Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth."

Sounds like some technobabble to cover up the fact the news propaganda organ fucked up repeatedly until the public realized they should all be executed for their treason, and now they want to introduce SuperNews with VeriTruth tm to make up for it.

>Sup Forums call computer science a meme degree
I agree that it's a meme degree, but I don't know anyone else's argument for it. Anyone want to give one?

You'll be replaced by pajeets

It's usually something along the lines of
>hurr durr pajeets hurr outsourcing durr ai taking muh jerb
Even tho it still pays well, but more importantly, it's influential and being overrun with our ideological enemies
We should be the ones programming the ai

What could possibly go wrong...

Why do they highlight the problem of
>challenge would of course be to convince conservatives to accept a neutral arbiter of facts, and continue accepting it when information they want to believe is ruled inaccurate.
but at the same time frame conservatives as a the enemy? Would it have really been so hard to write a neutral article?

This is fucking bullshit, but not for the Eggfart fascist reasons the Skinheads here love to slurp up.

Here's a novel idea: fuck having to explain ourselves to Nazi cunts and Jesus freaks.

Just fucking BAN climate denial and throw the tinfoil nuts peddling lies easily debunked by 98% of Earth's scientists in prison.

Fucking pass the hate speech laws Right the Fuck NOW - Immediately after the Big Blue Wave sweeps Congress.

Playing nice with Trumpism is how the world got itself into this mess.

No candidate with his sick fucking views should ever be allowed on the ballot again.

This isn't a troll, this isn't bait, this isn't exaggeration.

Far right fake news should be banned as a dangerous psych warfare weapon.

After Trump, after we get a normal government again, sane people need to be DONE fucking around.

We need Real Talk. Not the precious freeze peach the radical racist right loves to hide behind. The days of the left simply smiling like children and agreeing to disagree are OVER.

It's like emotional gaslighting but for information
>the only reason conservatives believe what they do is because they don't trust our bias, we are right and they are fake news
It's muh russia on a longer term scale

>Look up to see if pasta
>Not pasta
Why are you trying this fucking hard?

Your post made me sad because other people agree with it unironically

Folks Hitler warned us of this.

>muh 98% meme

what's it like being a retard that believes in retarded things? I suppose you lack the ability to self-reflect, so this will fall on deaf ears. Oh well, who cares?

anyone unironically responding to this post is also part of the problem
do not allow these people to divert the context of the conversation

>Voting conservative is wrong and you need to be reeducated.

What is their end goal?
To publicly shame anyone who votes conservative and effectively end the Republican party?
The media, education, and the internet are colluding before our eyes to literally transform the US into a one-party system.

>being this assblasted over your pathetic delusions.
feels good man

In case they haven't noticed, Sup Forums has a monopoly on technocognition (memes).

>Snopes is a widely-respected fact checker.

climate change is fake news, and trump is gutting obama's congress bypass, the EPA

Happy New Year to the slave-refugees who scrub Missoula's toxic waste.