If white people is superior then why chuck norris lose against Bruce lee ?

If white people is superior then why chuck norris lose against Bruce lee ?

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It was a sham
Anybody who tells you it was in the tope 10 greatest anime battles is a liar

M8 I'm a 130kg fat fuck and all I had to do if fall on him. His strikes wouldn't even be able to penetrate my fat.

>tope 10 greatest anime battles is a liar
wtf you talking about ?
this is the era of REAL FIGHT
in 60s anime / video game / movie inspire by bruce lee still; not even exist


They were friends, Bruce wanted to kill Chuck in the movie cuz he was the world champ. Movie was also fiction.


>Movie was also fiction.
It's funny that you had to actually point that out.

>implying he can kill him if it's real fight

wtf i hate wypeepo now


Bruce is just better. that's all

Ok, let's have a rematch. My money's on Chuck!

Why do white people believe in the Bruce Lee meme?
Guy never fought professionally.
>b-but he showcased some awesome shit hurr durr
mate jackie chan also performs some crazy shit doesn't mean he could beat a professional mma fighter.
Chuck is the more legit of the two.

no need to hate them . they got hate enough
thank for accept the true

however this is what I want to ask americans
what do you think about the most mystery fight between bruce lee and wong jack man ?


Who tell the true and who its lie ?
the story about that fight is different for each other

Lol if some twinky little Asian fag tried to karate chop me I would just laugh at him. I don’t care how many pull-ups he can do lifting up his frail body. Thinking that chinks can fight is a meme. Their little moves might work on each other, but I could probably fight three Bruce Lee’s at once no problem. I would just pick them up with one hand and throw them at a wall or snap their little necks. I’m not an athlete just a big guy. Name is John Goodman you may have seen me in TV’ ‘Roseanne’.

At least he is real then every stars we got today
and no he fought professionally.
are you from chinese secret society that try to kill him because he teach kung fu to westerner ?

chuck norris admitted he would lose in a real fight with bruce lee!

End of discussion!

>but I could probably fight three Bruce Lee’s at once no problem
Nope go away troll

In a movie? because that's what was written in the script.

>fists mean anything

only two ever dropped were dropped by white guys

Bruce Lee would kick you right in the nuts and wouldn't think twice about it.
So what he didn't fight professionally.
He fought street fights! life or death! You're not training for the Olympics!!

Chuck is alive. He wins.

>Bruce Lee would kick you right in the nuts

no he wont ....hes dead

How the fuck is Johnny Cage the Bruce Lee of Mortal Combat and not Liu Kang? Johnny Cage is Jean Claude Van Damme

>dat gif

Fucking traitor riceburning whore slut :(

autist detected

Since when do ladyboys speak english? Maybe I should travel there …

becuase op is a faggot and wasted those fine digits, enjoy your ban.

That was the most expensive fight scene ever recorded in a movie. Nine chinese stuntmen died.

Who's more famous? Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris

Bruce Lee wins everytime!!!
Nobody gives a fuck about Chuck

One mastered ultra instinct ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushin_(mental_state) ) and the other did not


Chick Norris is still alive. He may have lost a battle, but he won the war.

Checked ultra instinct.

Bruce was in street fights and knew techniques that kill you like throat strikes. All the fat from the cheetos won't help.