ITT: Bad character designs

ITT: Bad character designs.


Give me 3 (three) reasons as to why she's a badly designed character.

Neck yourself faggot.

Not that guy, but she doesn't convey much in terms of role, occupation or relations.

She's so weird looking from the get go that the nice to bitch flip simply doesn't come with any impact. Also the eyepatch is really distracting in shape, colorization and prominence.

Also for a master of sewing, her clothes are very lacking in technical or artistic design. Just pink frills and ribbons, something you can buy in any girl aisle in any cheap ass store.

Konosuba's are overrated it's fucking amazing
They're so bland

I be you like that fucking eyepatch you little shit.

>voiced by Yukarin
>bad design

She and that music chick were the only good thing on that overrated piece of shit.

>normal highschool girl
>add a hairclip
Explain this.


You have brain damage if you prefer Shinka

OP said bad character design, not perfect.

>could easily fit as no-name background characters in any of the multitude of high-school set anime

I think op meant to put perfect character designs instead of bad character designs


>"grand clothes maker"
>wears cheap looking frills
>looks completely out of place in her own series
>character goes nowhere, we don't even get the pleasure of seeing her killed
>stupid fucking hair i mean seriously what even is that shit?
>the most generic "she's cute but she's secretly powerful" trope which is revealed so quickly is has no impact
>not even actually cute

Pic not related

it's really quite sad that you don't even understand how wrong you are

>arguing with a nuifag
shit user, what are you doing

you're right. the only thing crazier than nui is a nuifag