Let's be real, not even a japanese anime character could ever eat something so atrocious as a steak on noodles...

let's be real, not even a japanese anime character could ever eat something so atrocious as a steak on noodles. why is japan so bad at anything that isn't raw fish and rice?

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boards.fireden.net/a/search/text/"raw fish and rice"/

I'll eat it.

>Implying american are any better.

I grill strip steak and eat it with a side of instant yakisoba every so often. Fite me.

>let's be real, not even a japanese anime character could ever eat something so atrocious as a steak on noodles. why is japan so bad at anything that isn't raw fish and rice?
Serving steak on spaghetti is an Asian thing. I guess it is because they didn't want to serve potatoes and needed some other starch to go with the meat. Potatoes are more expensive in Asia.

>Serving steak on spaghetti is an Asian thing.
Piccata alla milanese (Mailänder Schnitzel), it's a popular dish in and from germany.


I wonder how much that would cost.

we put hotdog and corned beef on our spaghetti.

It's like you're actually fucking retarded.

I just typed "Taiwanese steak" in Google images search, and all the top results had spaghetti to go with them, much like how I remembered it as a child. I don't know if Japan does that.

but those are onions...

That's clearly Italian, he's even wearing giallo gloves.

i love hamburg

>but those are onions...
Nope. In Asia you basically eat the pasta mixed with the gravy/steak sauce.


i love this webm

>why is japan so bad at anything that isn't raw fish and rice
...you've never been to Japan, otherwise you would know better.

I'm actually from germany (and i 'm bavarian). no one in their right mind from a non-third world bundesland would eat a schnitzel with spaghetti, unless they would want to let themselves get cucked by italians. eating schnitzel with spaghetti is like losing 0-5 to italy in the world cup.

if you eat a paniertes schnitzel, it has to be served with kartoffelsalat. pommes frites is also ok, but a pleb choice. eating schnitzel with spaghetti in germany is for cucks.

Yeah, you tell him, weeb-sensei!

that's a fucking onion, user. who the fuck served noodle in a fucking hot plate....

>Y-you can't have steak and noodles at the same time! It's forbidden!
Just because you're too afraid to be different doesn't mean everyone else is
I bet you think you can't eat a burger and a steak at the same time
Or put lobster on pizza
stay pleb


>cooking with gloves on
Shouldn't he just not touch the food instead and if he does wash his hands instead? Because in my thinking is that they never change gloves, touch all the bread and, vegetables with their raw meaty glove hands and proceed to cook.

Yeah. Like stroganoff. It's fucking beef stroganoff but the meat starts in patty form. Stroganoff isn't even bad, OP.

>why is japan so bad at anything that isn't raw fish and rice
Top chefs around the world can agree that Tokyo and Japan in general is one of the best places to go munch on things. If your understanding of Japanese food is screen caps from your anime and sushi then you may be uninformed and also an idiot.

>that's a fucking onion, user. who the fuck served noodle in a fucking hot plate....
It is how it is served in Taiwan. With an egg on the side.

What is this supposed to be? Food scam?

Mexican street ""food""
someone else probably has the third one

japan has the best restaurants in the world after france. they have a shitton of highly regarded french and japanese restaurants along with other nations' cuisines.

also there's nothing wrong with steak and noodles.

nevermind found it

Stop replying to this shit thread.
boards.fireden.net/a/search/text/"raw fish and rice"/

It's probably more related to the heat of the food/grill. And if you are the type of person that gets nervous/gross about people touching your food, you shouldn't eat out. Ever.

>it has to be served with kartoffelsalat
If you're really an bavarian, you would know that they eat their schnitzel with noodles like spätzle and spirelli or dumplings. Potato salad is more common around vienna/austria.

I've cooked in food service, I just think that you shouldn't be cross contaminating food with your trojan hand because you couldn't be bother to wash.

I really don't know why they do it.
If you eat spaghetti in a restaurant in japan it's not that bad, actually. Even for italian standards they're leagues better than what you would eat, say, in the UK, but for some reason they have this strange idea of treating them as a side sometimes. You can find them in any meat bento at the convenience store, and in a famiresu I wen to they were alongside the salads in the buffet.

taiwanese hot plate steaks are better than the way americans serve it. I prefer rice over the spaghetti but its not bad too.

just because you moved here from syria a couple of months ago doesn't mean you get to have a say on how we should eat our schnitzel