How come Orcas are 8 different species? Because they only have different diets, eye colours and languages...

How come Orcas are 8 different species? Because they only have different diets, eye colours and languages. They are physically capable of interbreeding.

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srsly guise

because biologists (zoology) want to put their names on everything. if they could get away with labelling niggers with their names, they would.

that nigger in your pic could be T. Wiggins East Jiggaboo Afrensis.

>T. Wiggins East Jiggaboo Afrensis.
My sides

They clearly have different fins, do humans have such a variety in arms and legs? I didn't think so, nice try Nazi.

Please delete

>no skull variance
>no skeletal differences
>glowing in the dark this much

9/11 indictments tomorrow

different skin color, skull shapes as well as physical attributes. Asians are smaller so they have smaller legs, those fins have the exact same function for all of them but are slightly smaller and larger. faggot.

fins are equivalent to fingers in evolutionary morphology and in fact yes humans are more morphologically diverse than orcas.

This might correlate with the increase in orca attacks on humans

Is that Jayden Smith?

what the fuck am i looking at

Probably got that part of their hand cut really deep


thx you

>ecotypes and forms

you’re mixing up ecotypes and species you dumb nigger

>T. Wiggins East Jiggaboo Afrensis
Heartily keked

Came here to ask this

>discussing orcas
>posts orc
You confused user?

fuck off pokenerd microevolution is still evolution, there are ACCEPTED SPECIES DIVISIONS unlike the difference between a pitbull and a labrador, literally the same fucking subspecies

There is less genetic variation between this chimp and other subspecies of chimp than there is between white people and black people but it is considered a different subspecies.

Why is this?

You’re retarded. All those orcas in the pic are the same species.

Stop trying to move the goalpost. Kill yourself.



Can their offspring have offspring? That's imporant.

looks like he caught a machete in the knuckle

>There are exact definitions of species

please stop.

Physical differences are practically meaningless. The only thing that matters is significant genetic differences. Humans are 99.6% similar. If you low IQ storm idiots think the 0.4% dissimilar qualities are more significant than the 99.6% you can go fuck yourself.

The difference between red and blue is measured in the frequency of wavelength not by some stupid bogan telling that x is blue and y is red.

yes so can millions of hybrid species around the world, speciation isn't black and white. Poorly speciated organisms will still be able to produce offspring 99% of the time then as you get closer and closer to speciation your % of a successful undeformed fertile offspring approaches 0.

Humans interbred with dozens of other hominid species, which are absolutely classified as such by all scientists.

Because it's actually hard to put an exact level of genetic differences to be considered species. It's why evolutionary biologists still argue over some animals being species while some are not.

It's widely accepted in biology that what we call "race" in humans are simply sub-species.

Lingering on one animal because it's a species or its not a species isn't looking at the bigger picture. It's literally a name.

yeah nah REAL deep haha

If you say genetic differences actually matter, how can race be identified solely based on genetic information?

Different races may not be different enough to be separate species, but surely an argument for sub-species can be considered.

>biological races exists

try again mutt

Descriptive scientists are too pussy to make any assertions that would put them in another category as some other ~token~ descriptive scientist. And that's literally what the problem is.

Good talk leaf

you're all just mad that black girls are so damn fine.

can't wait to have my mixed race babies and do my part to put you dumbass inbred purebreeds out of production for good.

Prince Henry knows whats up.

All those orcas in the pic are the same species.

>he doesn't know they're actually genetically isolated tribes from 800,000 years ago, far longer than human divisions


nothing to say incels?

>he thinks his shitty bait is even worthy of a (You)