Are you really gonna let Kanna play in the rain alone, Sup Forums?

Are you really gonna let Kanna play in the rain alone, Sup Forums?

What if she catches a cold?

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But she's a thunder dragon, she loves it.

But she's gonna catch japanese cold.

Well she is literally the goddess of thunder and rain.

I wish I could hug a Kanna t-to make her feel warm of course

its ok i will warm her up with my dick

Not with that tiny 2 inches

She has an umbrella. So it's okay.

isnt she like 2 feet tall anyway? its fine ive thought about all of this

Don't worry user, I'll help him with my 7 inches.

>effected by puny bacteria and viruses
Mate, I don't think even the mighty, folded a thousand times japanese cold can survive in such an electric environment


thunder thighs for thunder godess

least I got chicken

Kanna makes me want to become a father. Did Shinzo Abe draw, design and voice her personally or something?

I totally get that sentiment, man. It's some goddamn sorcery.

Real little girls around that age are horrible like 50-60% of the time and great the rest of the time. I really hope no one is having kids based off what they think it will be like after watching anime.

Because of Kanna, nowadays looking to fake loli like the gochiusa make me disgusted

Ravioli, ravioli, adop the dragon loli

Do it, you only live once

And me being next to her will magically stop her from getting a cold?

>bacteria and viruses
Flu != Cold.

There comes a time in all the years of autistic screeching and shitposting, that all you have left is the desire to be a doting father to a lovely daughteru.

>reviving a 6 year old meme
>its a actually good

This series looks like it's complete shit but that gif is cute as fuck.