Does anyone understand women so they can explain in simple terms how they act and what their motives are?

Does anyone understand women so they can explain in simple terms how they act and what their motives are?

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output = input + time. her daddy showed her a horror movie once.

They are teenagers stuck in the body of an adult.

Also wtf is wrong with white women???


This is your problem user. You have assumed you can sum up 50% of the population without any kind of confusion.

Women, like men, come in all stripes and most of them suck.
However I can tell you what most women want:

A man that is actually good breeding material.

She's middle eastern

They are basically children in adult bodies. They are the niggers of the human race lol they only respect charisma, looks and strength. Pseudo intellectualism is enough to trick them into thinking you're smart. Just treat them like kids and they'll want your cummies.

Understand women!!!! good way to give yourself a massive stroke

>women know what is good breeding material

he must be over six foot and he must beat me in public



Women rarely have personal hobbies or interests.

What they occupy their time with are activities she believes will make her have a more comfortable life. They see a rich guy that goes to the gym and enjoys hunting, so the woman will go to the gym and show interest in hunting. If they then see a guy with what looks like a nicer life that enjoys wine as a hobby, visiting wineries, and watching obscure movies, the woman will adopt those interests then wonder why she ever cared for those old interests.

Wtf, is that Jeff Dunham’s new puppet?

they are just screaming running around on pussy juices.. they dont ever think

when i was 20 all the girls (literally everyone with a vagina) was all over me and everywhere i went girls would always look at me and get all hot and bothered

it actually was pretty annoying after awhile

then i started to get older and began to question life more and they stopped worrying about me

they dont like thinkers.... this is why they go for niggers and junkies and other animals.

also why its better to just beat them up and keep them in your house where they dont ever get to go outside

well hello... and who is this mmmm tasty little treat

Shallow pedantic materialistic imitators.


They have unevolved DNA so they are more like monkeys.
Unable to entertain higher concepts or abstractions.
Very shallow emotional range, more prone to violent outbursts or crying.
They are all sociopaths, but some are really incurable sociopath NPD.
This leads into their delusional schizoid subjective reality they live in constantly which is not real, but real to them.
With that, social inclusion and keeping up an 'image' is the most important thing and social exclusion the greatest fear.

Whamen are emotional creatures they don't know what the fuck they're doing most of the time.

>he must be over six foot and he must beat me in public

Hey bae

I'm 1.87 m,good looking also a bad boy.
Wanna make some mistakes?

They're missing a chromosome, and they seek resources, either money, attention, status, security, or drama[female stimulation]. Usually provided by males.

The seven deadly sins. Let this be a lesson to all. Your vanity will destroy you.

They are hollow shells of a human with no emotional or intellectual range. Their only purpose is to play it safe until a man comes along to tell them what to do and what to think. Unable to understand abstract concepts besides social status.

persians are white

Women pass on mitocondial dna to offspring. They hold the monopoly over it

>being this retarded

The selection structure is evolutionary driven and has to do with several criteria:

Physical fitness
Provider Capacity

If you break these things out you can more or less understand why women pick who they pick.

Women want physically attractive (healthy) men with good provider capacity (wealth/status etc) that are capable of providing protection for themselves and their young (physical fitness) and generally likable in at least some ways that make them tolerable to be around (socialized).

This isn't rocket surgery. Women select sexual partners based on their ability to help the young get raised. Human men are much stronger than human women which means human women need adequate men around to raise the young, if they do not have these men they are vulnerable. Imagine if you were you only all your friends and co-workers were literal bears. Would you feel safe without a bear boyfriend to keep you safe? No.

That's a woman's life.
Likewise men sexually select based on the capacity to create healthy offspring (sexy/attractive/physically healthy) women create healthy offspring.

It turned out to be a prank.
She does not really look like that

>Reddit spacing

>Women select sexual partners based on their ability to help the young get raised.
>their ability to help the young get raised.
Bitch that's YOUR job!

>That picture

"Ack ack!" - some alien from Mars Attacks

you dumb nigger, that scared the shit out of my, im on acid

>wolf charges into your hovel late at night
>your woman screams
>you try to fight the wolf but you're just a bitchbaby and it eats you and your offspring

That is YOUR job if you're a man. You kill the scary things that go bump in the night, and kill the other men that try to rape and murder your wife and kill your children for sport. Because that's what life was like in our evolutionary period. Roughly speaking.

>wanting to read long paragraphs in illegible block text
>expecting the average level of discourse to be so low on 1/2chan such that anyone who provides more than a paragraph of writing is from lebbit

She is iranian you fuckface seppo cunt

This. Women ruin every group hobby they touch because they play interpersonal politics instead of doing the hobby.

They want attention and will kill for it. The mechanism doesn't particularly matter. If they feel like they are fulfilled they will put up with anything.

>pity there is so few women of breeding quality.

There's nothing special or different about them, but most people are fucking idiots who have no idea why even they themselves are doing anything so the opposite gender is a mystery to them.

Reminder these pictures are shooped/make-up from a master rusewoman.

He means gathering resources for the child, E.G. a man with a job that can pay to raise a kid.

You deserve it, degenerate.

As a woman, I most definitely have hobbies and interests aside from whatever you snot-nosed men want me to find interesting. I bet none of y'all have ever even seen a woman in real life since you're all stuck in your parents' basements planning your alt-right meme revolution, and I'm sure my comment will constitute the only time a girl has said anything to you ever. I am currently a full-time college student, planning to become a professor, and I don't give a single fuck what my current boyfriend WANTS me to like. I will do whatever I damn well please without a man being the sole cause of any of it, because, shocker, women are actually people!!! Fuck all of you. I hope you die.

please tell me that's a mask

>reeee reeee degenerate!
Literally name 1 thing wrong with taking acid besides frying your brain

Tits or gtfo. Good luck on being a professor, you clearly don't have what it makes to pass beyond adjunct

girls are appearance oriented. thats why they can go along w. PC. but it also means they can acquiesce to social norms (keep up appearances).

girls are obsessed with superficial things. this can be channeled in a good way (ie: interior decor, art) or a bad way, ie: Angela Jolie Cryptkeeper here is way too focused on a superficial persona.

the only way for women to becomes less superficial is to have a complex culture which they can then learn how to keep up appearances in that sphere. though they won't understand at first, over time, they can follow where the men have gone, when they are ready.

they are on a hair trigger w the jewish conditioning though. got to coax them down from that frigid state of shock.

I should totally rewatch kenichi

If I only looked for breeding quality in men the way you do with women, you would hate it. Stop treating women like they aren't humans and then maybe, one day, far, far in the future, you might get to hold a female's hand. I know, a bit of a stretch, but if you aren't a sexist sack of garbage (like all of you seem to be) girls might actually want to date you. Just a thought

Why the fuck are you so sure I wouldn't make it past adjunct? Because I'm a woman? You're a real son of a bitch you know
If you're a cutthroat maybe you can make it. Tenure outside of medical/law/nursing school is only about backstabbing and pumping publications. What do I know? Only a PhD stem who has seen many the likes of you fall. If you think you can cut it, be warned it is not a friendly path and your feminist bullshit will not work. Since you claimed it upfront, and actually type like a woman, my guess is that you will not make it unless you fix yourself

Kinda have to agree....I just wanted someone to love me...share my goals...Raise a with the bullshit....Be a kind and loving voice with my children...Be responsible.... That was too hard for most of the men I've known... But not all of them... and that was enough.. I only needed one....

Study pick-up.

>Does anyone understand women so they can explain in simple terms how they act and what their motives are?
Women can't even do this, that's the problem.

Where's this sexism?

Stop being so salty.
Stop projecting.
The exact same bitchy post over and over again.

Makes you wonder if it is a good idea to spend time on Sup Forums...

She looks like a Timothy Burton character. Of course, so does the original Angelina Jolie

If she likes you enough your dick in her ass.

Sexism is assuming that all women act the same way and have the same motives. As individual men, you all must know that not every man acts the same or is motivated by the same thing; it's what makes you you, rather than anyone else. If men aren't all the same psychologically, women shouldn't be either, since both genders are human beings. However, you don't really seem to understand that we have a purpose other than having your children. Sorry to seem bitchy, I'm just really over the constant condescending and arrogant attitude I get from men on here.

I'm starting to think "go back" posters are actually from Reddit

it is not.

>implying you can space on reddit


Women allegedly understand theirselves and they can't stand each other so I'd rather don't bother with that.

>Stop doing stuff I don't like
Stop asking for shit you haven't earned, nigger.

Until you're married. Anal stopped when I fell for marriage

Breaking up with Brad has really taken its toll on Angelina

>I am currently a full-time college student, planning to become a professor

LOL, good luck with your worthless Women's Studies degree.

and here I had my hopes up that I had finally found the one...


>Does anyone understand women so they can explain in simple terms how they act and what their motives are?

The answer is really simple: Every single thing a woman says or does is for the sole purpose of furthering her own status by attracting attention.

Even the lovely Iranian corpse-bride pulled her prank simply to get attention from people. Everybody believed it was real because WOMEN ARE ACTUALLY THAT CRAZY.

This is a very important principle for young men to understand--- women who make "alt-right" videos or wear Trump dresses to the Oscars are only doing these things to ATTRACT ATTENTION. They don't have deeply held convictions. They don't understand honor, duty, or loyalty. It's not even clear that women are capable of rational, moral thought; they will follow rules, certainly, to avoid social ostrization, but anyone who has spent time with women knows damn well that they function on a purely selfish emotional level which leads to "woman logic" like "I cheated on him because he made me mad" or "I hate her because she didn't like my purse."

As the female of the species, they are simply trying to ATTRACT MATES, whether they realize it or not. Do not fall for their tricks. Do not ever make the mistake of thinking women are "red pilled". They are chameleons, charlatans, and frauds.

Ive no idea what women actual endgoal is, sorry. All I know is that each time they will go for the better looking guy of the two choices they have. Universal rule.

If you have any other unfortunate questions, please follow it up with a new thread and I may try my best to answer it.

Deeply yours.



>planning to become a professor
Luckily, the bar in the humanities is pretty fucking low these days.

Attention and cock.

>Does anyone understand women
Who cares ?
Woman : Wanabe fuck, and once they do, they post a #meetoo to show their thankfulness, period !

Think of a man and then take away reason and accountability

That guys eyes aren't open and he is looking at the ground. His face doesn't even look big in fact it looks much larger indicating a larger brain and probably higher IQ. If he fixed his hair and lifted his head up he would look fine.

Where's your tits bitch?

Also you said you had hobbies but curiously didn't mention a single one. Your full of shit.

"Women are made to be loved, not understood." Oscar Wilde

They have cunts. They are weak, but by using cunning they can use their cunts to make the world dance to their tune.

It is a crazy crazy tune.

If allowed to make their world dance to their crazy cunt tune they will bring everything down in ruins.

They are nihilists and so they enjoy that or rather they derive a visceral satisfaction from it.

You are trying to see logic where it isnt. Woman is ruled by her menstruation cycle. Every couple of days her way of thinking switches completely due to different mixture of hormones she receives, based on what part of her cycle is she in.
Dont take women too seriously. They dont know themselves what they want. Treat them as children- be respectful to them, but absolutely never make important decision based on what they say.
Dont try to make women happy by doing what they tell you that they want. Instead by confident and respected person and they will follow you as a leader. More often than not, woman will take over opinions of her man (unless she is the man in the relationship)

>what their motives are?

Women need orgasms and chocolate. If they receive both of these things from a single man, they will behave themselves.

If they do not receive these things from a single man, they will stray and misbehave.

The problem is women do everything men do now so there is no need for males.

Women will opt for the King Kong black dildoe rather then a real human because that involves responsibilities. That's something women claim to have no time for is responsibilities.

I'd still want a bear bf desu


more like 7yr old children

but that's not necessarily bad.
gives you an inb4 user's guide

is there anyone on pol from canada who is actually canadian?

>tfw I meet a woman who is kind in a sort of genuine way
>find out she goes to r&b parties and hangs around blacks
>pic related


That is some legitimate nightmare fuel. I don't get spooked easily but that shit sends shivers down my spine

their motives are dick

shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich.

>not bait

This girl is wearing a mask. Also Michelle Obama is a tranny fag.

Also, that girl isn't white. GTFO Kike.

>a friend of my nailed her social work bachelor with a thesis about mindfulness and buddhism.

nice try nignog

Zero european dna = not white

Notice she says she's a student who wants to be a professor. No subject. Just her current social role, and the social role she hopes to have She doesn't care about what she's studying, she only cares about what others think of her. This is why there are no great women.

Emotional reasoning. Relationships.


Not at all, but I did make this image.

They are basically just dog shit that is worshipped by a bunch of stub-dicked idiots that love taking it up the ass and genociding their race. A bunch of fearful grown men that look like 6 years old who fucking smash their ass with a 13 inch black dong with realistic pubic hair nightly are affraid of everything and want women to turn our fucking planet into a dog fucking, spear-chucking, bone in nose, child-molesting, muslim caliphate where their sons are tortured and murdered while they laugh with glee and delight.. Arent they great? Gee, hurrr i cant control my testicles hurrr.

ateotd, i could fuck that



you're making a mistake.

>Does anyone understand women so they can explain in simple terms how they act and what their motives are?
how can men hope to understand their motives if women don't even understand them?